UAP Common Extensions
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buffer.h File Reference

Advanced buffer implementation. More...

#include "common.h"
#include "allocator.h"

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Data Structures

struct  cx_buffer_s
 Structure for the UCX buffer data. More...


#define CX_BUFFER_DEFAULT   0x00
 No buffer features enabled (all flags cleared).
 If this flag is enabled, the buffer will automatically free its contents when destroyed.
#define CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND   0x02
 If this flag is enabled, the buffer will automatically extends its capacity.


typedef cx_buffer_s CxBuffer
 UCX buffer.


int cxBufferInit (CxBuffer *buffer, void *space, size_t capacity, CxAllocator const *allocator, int flags)
 Initializes a fresh buffer.
CxBuffercxBufferCreate (void *space, size_t capacity, CxAllocator const *allocator, int flags)
 Allocates and initializes a fresh buffer.
void cxBufferDestroy (CxBuffer *buffer)
 Destroys the buffer contents.
void cxBufferFree (CxBuffer *buffer)
 Deallocates the buffer.
int cxBufferShift (CxBuffer *buffer, off_t shift)
 Shifts the contents of the buffer by the given offset.
int cxBufferShiftRight (CxBuffer *buffer, size_t shift)
 Shifts the buffer to the right.
int cxBufferShiftLeft (CxBuffer *buffer, size_t shift)
 Shifts the buffer to the left.
int cxBufferSeek (CxBuffer *buffer, off_t offset, int whence)
 Moves the position of the buffer.
void cxBufferClear (CxBuffer *buffer)
 Clears the buffer by resetting the position and deleting the data.
int cxBufferEof (CxBuffer const *buffer)
 Tests, if the buffer position has exceeded the buffer capacity.
int cxBufferMinimumCapacity (CxBuffer *buffer, size_t capacity)
 Ensures that the buffer has a minimum capacity.
size_t cxBufferWrite (void const *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, CxBuffer *buffer)
 Writes data to a CxBuffer.
size_t cxBufferRead (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, CxBuffer *buffer)
 Reads data from a CxBuffer.
int cxBufferPut (CxBuffer *buffer, int c)
 Writes a character to a buffer.
size_t cxBufferPutString (CxBuffer *buffer, const char *str)
 Writes a string to a buffer.
int cxBufferGet (CxBuffer *buffer)
 Gets a character from a buffer.

Detailed Description

Advanced buffer implementation.

Instances of CxBuffer can be used to read from or to write to like one would do with a stream.

Some features for convenient use of the buffer can be enabled. See the documentation of the macro constants for more information.

Mike Becker
Olaf Wintermann

Function Documentation

◆ cxBufferClear()

void cxBufferClear ( CxBuffer buffer)

Clears the buffer by resetting the position and deleting the data.

The data is deleted by zeroing it with a call to memset().

bufferthe buffer to be cleared

◆ cxBufferCreate()

CxBuffer * cxBufferCreate ( void *  space,
size_t  capacity,
CxAllocator const *  allocator,
int  flags 

Allocates and initializes a fresh buffer.

You may provide NULL as argument for space. Then this function will allocate the space and enforce the CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS flag.
spacepointer to the memory area, or NULL to allocate new memory
capacitythe capacity of the buffer
allocatorthe allocator to use for allocating the structure and the automatic memory management within the buffer. If NULL, the default heap allocator will be used.
flagsbuffer features (see cx_buffer_s.flags)
a pointer to the buffer on success, NULL if a required allocation failed

◆ cxBufferDestroy()

void cxBufferDestroy ( CxBuffer buffer)

Destroys the buffer contents.

Has no effect if the CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS feature is not enabled. If you want to free the memory of the entire buffer, use cxBufferFree().

bufferthe buffer which contents shall be destroyed
See also

◆ cxBufferEof()

int cxBufferEof ( CxBuffer const *  buffer)

Tests, if the buffer position has exceeded the buffer capacity.

bufferthe buffer to test
non-zero, if the current buffer position has exceeded the last available byte of the buffer.

◆ cxBufferFree()

void cxBufferFree ( CxBuffer buffer)

Deallocates the buffer.

If the CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS feature is enabled, this function also destroys the contents. If you only want to destroy the contents, use cxBufferDestroy().

bufferthe buffer to deallocate
See also

◆ cxBufferGet()

int cxBufferGet ( CxBuffer buffer)

Gets a character from a buffer.

The current position of the buffer is increased after a successful read.

bufferthe buffer to read from
the character or EOF, if the end of the buffer is reached

◆ cxBufferInit()

int cxBufferInit ( CxBuffer buffer,
void *  space,
size_t  capacity,
CxAllocator const *  allocator,
int  flags 

Initializes a fresh buffer.

You may provide NULL as argument for space. Then this function will allocate the space and enforce the CX_BUFFER_FREE_CONTENTS flag.
bufferthe buffer to initialize
spacepointer to the memory area, or NULL to allocate new memory
capacitythe capacity of the buffer
allocatorthe allocator this buffer shall use for automatic memory management. If NULL, the default heap allocator will be used.
flagsbuffer features (see cx_buffer_s.flags)
zero on success, non-zero if a required allocation failed

◆ cxBufferMinimumCapacity()

int cxBufferMinimumCapacity ( CxBuffer buffer,
size_t  capacity 

Ensures that the buffer has a minimum capacity.

If the current capacity is not sufficient, the buffer will be extended.

bufferthe buffer
capacitythe minimum required capacity for this buffer
0 on success or a non-zero value on failure

◆ cxBufferPut()

int cxBufferPut ( CxBuffer buffer,
int  c 

Writes a character to a buffer.

The least significant byte of the argument is written to the buffer. If the end of the buffer is reached and CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND feature is enabled, the buffer capacity is extended by cxBufferMinimumCapacity(). If the feature is disabled or buffer extension fails, EOF is returned.

On successful write, the position of the buffer is increased.

bufferthe buffer to write to
cthe character to write
the byte that has bean written or EOF when the end of the stream is reached and automatic extension is not enabled or not possible

◆ cxBufferPutString()

size_t cxBufferPutString ( CxBuffer buffer,
const char *  str 

Writes a string to a buffer.

bufferthe buffer
strthe zero-terminated string
the number of bytes written

◆ cxBufferRead()

size_t cxBufferRead ( void *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  nitems,
CxBuffer buffer 

Reads data from a CxBuffer.

The position of the buffer is increased by the number of bytes read.

The signature is compatible with the fread() family of functions.
ptra pointer to the memory area where to store the read data
sizethe length of one element
nitemsthe element count
bufferthe CxBuffer to read from
the total number of elements read

◆ cxBufferSeek()

int cxBufferSeek ( CxBuffer buffer,
off_t  offset,
int  whence 

Moves the position of the buffer.

The new position is relative to the whence argument.

  • SEEK_SET marks the start of the buffer.
  • SEEK_CUR marks the current position.
  • SEEK_END marks the end of the buffer.

With an offset of zero, this function sets the buffer position to zero (SEEK_SET), the buffer size (SEEK_END) or leaves the buffer position unchanged (SEEK_CUR).

bufferthe buffer
offsetposition offset relative to whence
whenceone of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
0 on success, non-zero if the position is invalid

◆ cxBufferShift()

int cxBufferShift ( CxBuffer buffer,
off_t  shift 

Shifts the contents of the buffer by the given offset.

If the offset is positive, the contents are shifted to the right. If auto extension is enabled, the buffer grows, if necessary. In case the auto extension fails, this function returns a non-zero value and no contents are changed. If auto extension is disabled, the contents that do not fit into the buffer are discarded.

If the offset is negative, the contents are shifted to the left where the first shift bytes are discarded. The new size of the buffer is the old size minus the absolute shift value. If this value is larger than the buffer size, the buffer is emptied (but not cleared, see the security note below).

The buffer position gets shifted alongside with the content but is kept within the boundaries of the buffer.

For situations where off_t is not large enough, there are specialized cxBufferShiftLeft() and cxBufferShiftRight() functions using a size_t as parameter type.
Security Note: The shifting operation does not erase the previously occupied memory cells. But you can easily do that manually, e.g. by calling memset(buffer->bytes, 0, shift) for a right shift or memset(buffer->bytes + buffer->size, 0, buffer->capacity - buffer->size) for a left shift.
bufferthe buffer
shiftthe shift offset (negative means left shift)
0 on success, non-zero if a required auto-extension fails

◆ cxBufferShiftLeft()

int cxBufferShiftLeft ( CxBuffer buffer,
size_t  shift 

Shifts the buffer to the left.

See cxBufferShift() for details.

Since a left shift cannot fail due to memory allocation problems, this function always returns zero.
bufferthe buffer
shiftthe positive shift offset
always zero
See also

◆ cxBufferShiftRight()

int cxBufferShiftRight ( CxBuffer buffer,
size_t  shift 

Shifts the buffer to the right.

See cxBufferShift() for details.

bufferthe buffer
shiftthe shift offset
0 on success, non-zero if a required auto-extension fails
See also

◆ cxBufferWrite()

size_t cxBufferWrite ( void const *  ptr,
size_t  size,
size_t  nitems,
CxBuffer buffer 

Writes data to a CxBuffer.

If flushing is enabled and the buffer needs to flush, the data is flushed to the target until the target signals that it cannot take more data by returning zero via the respective write function. In that case, the remaining data in this buffer is shifted to the beginning of this buffer so that the newly available space can be used to append as much data as possible. This function only stops writing more elements, when the flush target and this buffer are both incapable of taking more data or all data has been written. The number returned by this function is the total number of elements that could be written during the process. It does not necessarily mean that those elements are still in this buffer, because some of them could have also be flushed already.

If automatic flushing is not enabled, the position of the buffer is increased by the number of bytes written.

The signature is compatible with the fwrite() family of functions.
ptra pointer to the memory area containing the bytes to be written
sizethe length of one element
nitemsthe element count
bufferthe CxBuffer to write to
the total count of elements written