UAP Common Extensions
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
list.h File Reference

Doubly linked list implementation. More...

#include "ucx.h"
#include "allocator.h"

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Data Structures

struct  UcxList
 UCX list structure. More...


#define UCX_FOREACH(elem, list)   for (UcxList* elem = (UcxList*) list ; elem != NULL ; elem = elem->next)
 Loop statement for UCX lists. More...


typedef struct UcxList UcxList
 UCX list type. More...


UcxListucx_list_clone (const UcxList *list, copy_func cpyfnc, void *data)
 Creates an element-wise copy of a list. More...
UcxListucx_list_clone_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, const UcxList *list, copy_func cpyfnc, void *data)
 Creates an element-wise copy of a list using a UcxAllocator. More...
int ucx_list_equals (const UcxList *list1, const UcxList *list2, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data)
 Compares two UCX lists element-wise by using a compare function. More...
void ucx_list_free (UcxList *list)
 Destroys the entire list. More...
void ucx_list_free_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list)
 Destroys the entire list using a UcxAllocator. More...
void ucx_list_free_content (UcxList *list, ucx_destructor destr)
 Destroys the contents of the specified list by calling the specified destructor on each of them. More...
UcxListucx_list_append (UcxList *list, void *data)
 Inserts an element at the end of the list. More...
UcxListucx_list_append_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list, void *data)
 Inserts an element at the end of the list using a UcxAllocator. More...
UcxListucx_list_prepend (UcxList *list, void *data)
 Inserts an element at the beginning of the list. More...
UcxListucx_list_prepend_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list, void *data)
 Inserts an element at the beginning of the list using a UcxAllocator. More...
UcxListucx_list_concat (UcxList *list1, UcxList *list2)
 Concatenates two lists. More...
UcxListucx_list_first (const UcxList *elem)
 Returns the first element of a list. More...
UcxListucx_list_last (const UcxList *elem)
 Returns the last element of a list. More...
UcxListucx_list_get (const UcxList *list, size_t index)
 Returns the list element at the specified index. More...
ssize_t ucx_list_indexof (const UcxList *list, const UcxList *elem)
 Returns the index of an element. More...
size_t ucx_list_size (const UcxList *list)
 Returns the element count of the list. More...
ssize_t ucx_list_find (const UcxList *list, void *elem, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data)
 Returns the index of an element containing the specified data. More...
int ucx_list_contains (const UcxList *list, void *elem, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data)
 Checks, if a list contains a specific element. More...
UcxListucx_list_sort (UcxList *list, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data)
 Sorts a UcxList with natural merge sort. More...
UcxListucx_list_remove (UcxList *list, UcxList *element)
 Removes an element from the list. More...
UcxListucx_list_remove_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list, UcxList *element)
 Removes an element from the list using a UcxAllocator. More...
UcxListucx_list_union (const UcxList *left, const UcxList *right, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *cmpdata, copy_func cpfnc, void *cpdata)
 Returns the union of two lists. More...
UcxListucx_list_union_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, const UcxList *left, const UcxList *right, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *cmpdata, copy_func cpfnc, void *cpdata)
 Returns the union of two lists. More...
UcxListucx_list_intersection (const UcxList *left, const UcxList *right, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *cmpdata, copy_func cpfnc, void *cpdata)
 Returns the intersection of two lists. More...
UcxListucx_list_intersection_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, const UcxList *left, const UcxList *right, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *cmpdata, copy_func cpfnc, void *cpdata)
 Returns the intersection of two lists. More...
UcxListucx_list_difference (const UcxList *left, const UcxList *right, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *cmpdata, copy_func cpfnc, void *cpdata)
 Returns the difference of two lists. More...
UcxListucx_list_difference_a (UcxAllocator *allocator, const UcxList *left, const UcxList *right, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *cmpdata, copy_func cpfnc, void *cpdata)
 Returns the difference of two lists. More...

Detailed Description

Doubly linked list implementation.

Mike Becker
Olaf Wintermann

Macro Definition Documentation


#define UCX_FOREACH (   elem,
)    for (UcxList* elem = (UcxList*) list ; elem != NULL ; elem = elem->next)

Loop statement for UCX lists.

The first argument is the name of the iteration variable. The scope of this variable is limited to the UCX_FOREACH statement.

The second argument is a pointer to the list. In most cases this will be the pointer to the first element of the list, but it may also be an arbitrary element of the list. The iteration will then start with that element.

listThe first element of the list
elemThe variable name of the element

Typedef Documentation

◆ UcxList

typedef struct UcxList UcxList

UCX list type.

See also

Function Documentation

◆ ucx_list_append()

UcxList* ucx_list_append ( UcxList list,
void *  data 

Inserts an element at the end of the list.

This is generally an O(n) operation, as the end of the list is retrieved with ucx_list_last().

listthe list where to append the data, or NULL to create a new list
datathe data to insert
list, if it is not NULL or a pointer to the newly created list otherwise

◆ ucx_list_append_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_append_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
UcxList list,
void *  data 

Inserts an element at the end of the list using a UcxAllocator.

See ucx_list_append() for details.

allocatorthe allocator to use
listthe list where to append the data, or NULL to create a new list
datathe data to insert
list, if it is not NULL or a pointer to the newly created list otherwise
See also

◆ ucx_list_clone()

UcxList* ucx_list_clone ( const UcxList list,
copy_func  cpyfnc,
void *  data 

Creates an element-wise copy of a list.

This function clones the specified list by creating new list elements and copying the data with the specified copy_func(). If no copy_func() is specified, a shallow copy is created and the new list will reference the same data as the source list.

listthe list to copy
cpyfnca pointer to the function that shall copy an element (may be NULL)
dataadditional data for the copy_func()
a pointer to the copy

◆ ucx_list_clone_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_clone_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
const UcxList list,
copy_func  cpyfnc,
void *  data 

Creates an element-wise copy of a list using a UcxAllocator.

See ucx_list_clone() for details.

You might want to pass the allocator via the data parameter, to access it within the copy function for making deep copies.

allocatorthe allocator to use
listthe list to copy
cpyfnca pointer to the function that shall copy an element (may be NULL)
dataadditional data for the copy_func()
a pointer to the copy
See also

◆ ucx_list_concat()

UcxList* ucx_list_concat ( UcxList list1,
UcxList list2 

Concatenates two lists.

Either of the two arguments may be NULL.

This function modifies the references to the next/previous element of the last/first element of list1/ list2.

list1first list
list2second list
if list1 is NULL, list2 is returned, otherwise list1 is returned

◆ ucx_list_contains()

int ucx_list_contains ( const UcxList list,
void *  elem,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  data 

Checks, if a list contains a specific element.

An element is found, if ucx_list_find() returns a value greater than -1.

listthe list where to search for the data
elemthe element data
cmpfncthe compare function
dataadditional data for the compare function
1, if and only if the list contains the specified element data
See also

◆ ucx_list_difference()

UcxList* ucx_list_difference ( const UcxList left,
const UcxList right,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  cmpdata,
copy_func  cpfnc,
void *  cpdata 

Returns the difference of two lists.

The difference contains all elements of the left list (including duplicates) that are not equal to any element of the right list.

leftthe left source list
rightthe right source list
cmpfnca function to compare elements
cmpdataadditional data for the compare function
cpfnca function to copy the elements
cpdataadditional data for the copy function
a new list containing the difference

◆ ucx_list_difference_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_difference_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
const UcxList left,
const UcxList right,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  cmpdata,
copy_func  cpfnc,
void *  cpdata 

Returns the difference of two lists.

The difference contains all elements of the left list (including duplicates) that are not equal to any element of the right list.

allocatorallocates the new list elements
leftthe left source list
rightthe right source list
cmpfnca function to compare elements
cmpdataadditional data for the compare function
cpfnca function to copy the elements
cpdataadditional data for the copy function
a new list containing the difference

◆ ucx_list_equals()

int ucx_list_equals ( const UcxList list1,
const UcxList list2,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  data 

Compares two UCX lists element-wise by using a compare function.

Each element of the two specified lists are compared by using the specified compare function and the additional data. The type and content of this additional data depends on the cmp_func() used.

If the list pointers denote elements within a list, the lists are compared starting with the denoted elements. Thus any previous elements are not taken into account. This might be useful to check, if certain list tails match each other.

list1the first list
list2the second list
cmpfncthe compare function
dataadditional data for the compare function
1, if and only if the two lists equal element-wise, 0 otherwise

◆ ucx_list_find()

ssize_t ucx_list_find ( const UcxList list,
void *  elem,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  data 

Returns the index of an element containing the specified data.

This function uses a cmp_func() to compare the data of each list element with the specified data. If no cmp_func is provided, the pointers are compared.

If the list contains the data more than once, the index of the first occurrence is returned.

listthe list where to search for the data
elemthe element data
cmpfncthe compare function
dataadditional data for the compare function
the index of the element containing the specified data or -1 if the data is not found in this list

◆ ucx_list_first()

UcxList* ucx_list_first ( const UcxList elem)

Returns the first element of a list.

If the argument is the list pointer, it is directly returned. Otherwise this function traverses to the first element of the list and returns the list pointer.

elemone element of the list
the first element of the list, the specified element is a member of

◆ ucx_list_free()

void ucx_list_free ( UcxList list)

Destroys the entire list.

The members of the list are not automatically freed, so ensure they are otherwise referenced or destroyed by ucx_list_free_contents(). Otherwise, a memory leak is likely to occur.

Caution: the argument MUST denote an entire list (i.e. a call to ucx_list_first() on the argument must return the argument itself)

listthe list to free
See also

◆ ucx_list_free_a()

void ucx_list_free_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
UcxList list 

Destroys the entire list using a UcxAllocator.

See ucx_list_free() for details.

allocatorthe allocator to use
listthe list to free
See also

◆ ucx_list_free_content()

void ucx_list_free_content ( UcxList list,
ucx_destructor  destr 

Destroys the contents of the specified list by calling the specified destructor on each of them.

Note, that the contents are not usable afterwards and the list should be destroyed with ucx_list_free().

If no destructor is specified (NULL), stdlib's free() is used.

listthe list for which the contents shall be freed
destroptional destructor function
See also

◆ ucx_list_get()

UcxList* ucx_list_get ( const UcxList list,
size_t  index 

Returns the list element at the specified index.

listthe list to retrieve the element from
indexindex of the element to return
the element at the specified index or NULL, if the index is greater than the list size

◆ ucx_list_indexof()

ssize_t ucx_list_indexof ( const UcxList list,
const UcxList elem 

Returns the index of an element.

listthe list where to search for the element
elemthe element to find
the index of the element or -1 if the list does not contain the element

◆ ucx_list_intersection()

UcxList* ucx_list_intersection ( const UcxList left,
const UcxList right,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  cmpdata,
copy_func  cpfnc,
void *  cpdata 

Returns the intersection of two lists.

The intersection contains all elements of the left list (including duplicates) that can be found in the right list.

leftthe left source list
rightthe right source list
cmpfnca function to compare elements
cmpdataadditional data for the compare function
cpfnca function to copy the elements
cpdataadditional data for the copy function
a new list containing the intersection

◆ ucx_list_intersection_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_intersection_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
const UcxList left,
const UcxList right,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  cmpdata,
copy_func  cpfnc,
void *  cpdata 

Returns the intersection of two lists.

The intersection contains all elements of the left list (including duplicates) that can be found in the right list.

allocatorallocates the new list elements
leftthe left source list
rightthe right source list
cmpfnca function to compare elements
cmpdataadditional data for the compare function
cpfnca function to copy the elements
cpdataadditional data for the copy function
a new list containing the intersection

◆ ucx_list_last()

UcxList* ucx_list_last ( const UcxList elem)

Returns the last element of a list.

If the argument has no successor, it is the last element and therefore directly returned. Otherwise this function traverses to the last element of the list and returns it.

elemone element of the list
the last element of the list, the specified element is a member of

◆ ucx_list_prepend()

UcxList* ucx_list_prepend ( UcxList list,
void *  data 

Inserts an element at the beginning of the list.

You should overwrite the old list pointer by calling mylist = ucx_list_prepend(mylist, mydata);. However, you may also perform successive calls of ucx_list_prepend() on the same list pointer, as this function always searchs for the head of the list with ucx_list_first().

listthe list where to insert the data or NULL to create a new list
datathe data to insert
a pointer to the new list head

◆ ucx_list_prepend_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_prepend_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
UcxList list,
void *  data 

Inserts an element at the beginning of the list using a UcxAllocator.

See ucx_list_prepend() for details.

allocatorthe allocator to use
listthe list where to insert the data or NULL to create a new list
datathe data to insert
a pointer to the new list head
See also

◆ ucx_list_remove()

UcxList* ucx_list_remove ( UcxList list,
UcxList element 

Removes an element from the list.

If the first element is removed, the list pointer changes. So it is highly recommended to always update the pointer by calling mylist = ucx_list_remove(mylist, myelem);.

listthe list from which the element shall be removed
elementthe element to remove
returns the updated list pointer or NULL, if the list is now empty

◆ ucx_list_remove_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_remove_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
UcxList list,
UcxList element 

Removes an element from the list using a UcxAllocator.

See ucx_list_remove() for details.

allocatorthe allocator to use
listthe list from which the element shall be removed
elementthe element to remove
returns the updated list pointer or NULL, if the list
See also

◆ ucx_list_size()

size_t ucx_list_size ( const UcxList list)

Returns the element count of the list.

listthe list whose elements are counted
the element count

◆ ucx_list_sort()

UcxList* ucx_list_sort ( UcxList list,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  data 

Sorts a UcxList with natural merge sort.

This function uses O(n) additional temporary memory for merge operations that is automatically freed after each merge.

As the head of the list might change, you MUST call this function as follows: mylist = ucx_list_sort(mylist, mycmpfnc, mydata);.

listthe list to sort
cmpfncthe function that shall be used to compare the element data
dataadditional data for the cmp_func()
the sorted list

◆ ucx_list_union()

UcxList* ucx_list_union ( const UcxList left,
const UcxList right,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  cmpdata,
copy_func  cpfnc,
void *  cpdata 

Returns the union of two lists.

The union is a list of unique elements regarding cmpfnc obtained from both source lists.

leftthe left source list
rightthe right source list
cmpfnca function to compare elements
cmpdataadditional data for the compare function
cpfnca function to copy the elements
cpdataadditional data for the copy function
a new list containing the union

◆ ucx_list_union_a()

UcxList* ucx_list_union_a ( UcxAllocator allocator,
const UcxList left,
const UcxList right,
cmp_func  cmpfnc,
void *  cmpdata,
copy_func  cpfnc,
void *  cpdata 

Returns the union of two lists.

The union is a list of unique elements regarding cmpfnc obtained from both source lists.

allocatorallocates the new list elements
leftthe left source list
rightthe right source list
cmpfnca function to compare elements
cmpdataadditional data for the compare function
cpfnca function to copy the elements
cpdataadditional data for the copy function
a new list containing the union