fix mistake string test: CX_STR should be used for initializers only

7 weeks ago

Mike Becker <>
Wed, 15 Jan 2025 19:32:53 +0100 (7 weeks ago)
changeset 1126
parent 1125
child 1127

fix mistake string test: CX_STR should be used for initializers only

tests/test_string.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/tests/test_string.c	Tue Jan 14 21:40:29 2025 +0100
+++ b/tests/test_string.c	Wed Jan 15 19:32:53 2025 +0100
@@ -120,26 +120,26 @@
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, str));
         sub = cx_strsubs(str, 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, CX_STR("test string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, cx_str("test string")));
         sub = cx_strsubs(str, 7);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, CX_STR("string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, cx_str("string")));
         sub = cx_strsubs(str, 15);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, cx_str("")));
         sub = cx_strsubsl(str, 2, 4);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, CX_STR("test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, cx_str("test")));
         sub = cx_strsubsl(str, 7, 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, CX_STR("str")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, cx_str("str")));
         sub = cx_strsubsl(str, 7, 20);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, CX_STR("string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(sub, cx_str("string")));
         // just for coverage, call the _m variant
         cxmutstr m = cx_strsubs_m(cx_mutstrn(NULL, 0), 0);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m), CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m), cx_str("")));
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
         // just for coverage, call the _m variant
         cxmutstr m = cx_strchr_m(cx_mutstrn(NULL, 0), 'a');
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m), CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m), cx_str("")));
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
         // just for coverage, call the _m variant
         cxmutstr m = cx_strrchr_m(cx_mutstrn(NULL, 0), 'a');
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m), CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m), cx_str("")));
@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@
     cxmutstr longstrresult = cx_mutstrn(longstrc+256, longstrlen-256);
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        cxstring notfound = cx_strstr(str, CX_STR("no match"));
+        cxstring notfound = cx_strstr(str, cx_str("no match"));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(notfound.length == 0);
-        cxstring result = cx_strstr(str, CX_STR("match"));
+        cxstring result = cx_strstr(str, cx_str("match"));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(result.length == 20);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(result.ptr, "match in this string"));
-        result = cx_strstr(str, CX_STR(""));
+        result = cx_strstr(str, cx_str(""));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(result.length == str.length);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(result.ptr, str.ptr));
@@ -238,18 +238,18 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strcmp) {
     cxstring str = CX_STR("compare this");
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(CX_STR(""), CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("compare this")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 != cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("Compare This")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("compare tool")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("compare shit")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("compare this not")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("compare")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("lex")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("another lex test")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("Lex")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, CX_STR("Another lex test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_str(""), cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("compare this")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 != cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("Compare This")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("compare tool")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("compare shit")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("compare this not")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("compare")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("lex")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("another lex test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("Lex")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcmp(str, cx_str("Another lex test")));
         cxstring str2 = CX_STR("Compare This");
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 != cx_strcmp_p(&str, &str2));
@@ -261,18 +261,18 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strcasecmp) {
     cxstring str = CX_STR("compare this");
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp(CX_STR(""), CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("compare this")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("Compare This")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("compare tool")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("compare shit")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("compare this not")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("compare")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("lex")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("another lex test")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("Lex")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, CX_STR("Another lex test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp(cx_str(""), cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("compare this")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("Compare This")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("compare tool")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("compare shit")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("compare this not")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("compare")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("lex")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("another lex test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 > cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("Lex")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 < cx_strcasecmp(str, cx_str("Another lex test")));
         cxstring str2 = CX_STR("Compare This");
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcasecmp_p(&str, &str2));
@@ -293,22 +293,22 @@
     CX_TEST_DO {
         cxmutstr t1 = cx_strcat_a(alloc, 2, s1, s2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t1), CX_STR("1234")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t1), cx_str("1234")));
         cx_strfree_a(alloc, &t1);
         cxmutstr t2 = cx_strcat_a(alloc, 3, s1, s2, s3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t2), CX_STR("123456")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t2), cx_str("123456")));
         cx_strfree_a(alloc, &t2);
         cxmutstr t3 = cx_strcat_a(alloc, 6, s1, sn, s2, sn, s3, sn);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t3), CX_STR("123456")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t3), cx_str("123456")));
         cx_strfree_a(alloc, &t3);
         cxmutstr t4 = cx_strcat_a(alloc, 2, sn, sn);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t4), CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t4), cx_str("")));
         cx_strfree_a(alloc, &t4);
@@ -316,14 +316,14 @@
         // use the macro
         cxmutstr t5 = cx_strcat(3, s3, s1, s2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t5), CX_STR("561234")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t5), cx_str("561234")));
         // use an initial string
-        cxmutstr t6 = cx_strdup(CX_STR("Hello"));
-        t6 = cx_strcat_m(t6, 2, CX_STR(", "), CX_STR("World!"));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t6), CX_STR("Hello, World!")));
+        cxmutstr t6 = cx_strdup(cx_str("Hello"));
+        t6 = cx_strcat_m(t6, 2, cx_str(", "), cx_str("World!"));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(t6), cx_str("Hello, World!")));
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
     CX_TEST_DO {
         cxmutstr r = cx_strcat(9, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(r), CX_STR("123456789abcdef0xy")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(r), cx_str("123456789abcdef0xy")));
@@ -356,95 +356,95 @@
     size_t n;
     CX_TEST_DO {
         // special case: empty string
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR(""), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str(""), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         // no delimiter occurrence
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("z"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("z"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         // partially matching delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("is,not"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("is,not"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         // matching single-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR(","), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str(","), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 5);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("this")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("is")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("a")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[3], CX_STR("csv")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[4], CX_STR("string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("this")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("is")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("a")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[3], cx_str("csv")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[4], cx_str("string")));
         // matching multi-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("is"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("is"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR(",")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR(",a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str(",")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str(",a,csv,string")));
         // bounded list using single-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR(","), 3, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str(","), 3, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("this")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("is")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("this")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("is")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("a,csv,string")));
         // bounded list using multi-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("is"), 2, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("is"), 2, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR(",is,a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str(",is,a,csv,string")));
         // start with delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("this"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("this"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR(",is,a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str(",is,a,csv,string")));
         // end with delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("string"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("string"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("this,is,a,csv,")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("this,is,a,csv,")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("")));
         // end with delimiter exceed bound
-        n = cx_strsplit(CX_STR("a,b,c,"), CX_STR(","), 3, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(cx_str("a,b,c,"), cx_str(","), 3, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("a")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("b")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("c,")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("a")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("b")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("c,")));
         // exact match
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("this,is,a,csv,string"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("this,is,a,csv,string"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("")));
         // string to be split is only substring
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("this,is,a,csv,string,with,extension"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("this,is,a,csv,string,with,extension"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         // subsequent encounter of delimiter (the string between is empty)
-        n = cx_strsplit(test, CX_STR("is,"), capa, list);
+        n = cx_strsplit(test, cx_str("is,"), capa, list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("a,csv,string")));
         // call the _m variant just for coverage
         cxmutstr mtest = cx_strdup(test);
         cxmutstr mlist[4];
-        n = cx_strsplit_m(mtest, CX_STR("is,"), 4, mlist);
+        n = cx_strsplit_m(mtest, cx_str("is,"), 4, mlist);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[0]), CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[1]), CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[2]), CX_STR("a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[0]), cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[1]), cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[2]), cx_str("a,csv,string")));
@@ -460,107 +460,107 @@
     size_t n;
     CX_TEST_DO {
         // special case: empty string
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR(""), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str(""), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // no delimiter occurrence
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("z"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("z"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // partially matching delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("is,not"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("is,not"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // matching single-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR(","), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str(","), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 5);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("this")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("is")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("a")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[3], CX_STR("csv")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[4], CX_STR("string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("this")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("is")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("a")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[3], cx_str("csv")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[4], cx_str("string")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // matching multi-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("is"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("is"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR(",")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR(",a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str(",")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str(",a,csv,string")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // bounded list using single-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR(","), 3, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str(","), 3, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("this")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("is")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("this")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("is")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("a,csv,string")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // bounded list using multi-char delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("is"), 2, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("is"), 2, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR(",is,a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str(",is,a,csv,string")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // start with delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("this"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("this"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR(",is,a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str(",is,a,csv,string")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // end with delimiter
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("string"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("string"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("this,is,a,csv,")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("this,is,a,csv,")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // end with delimiter exceed bound
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, CX_STR("a,b,c,"), CX_STR(","), 3, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, cx_str("a,b,c,"), cx_str(","), 3, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("a")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("b")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("c,")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("a")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("b")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("c,")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // exact match
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("this,is,a,csv,string"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("this,is,a,csv,string"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 2);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // string to be split is only substring
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("this,is,a,csv,string,with,extension"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("this,is,a,csv,string,with,extension"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 1);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], test));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // subsequent encounter of delimiter (the string between is empty)
-        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, CX_STR("is,"), capa, &list);
+        n = cx_strsplit_a(alloc, test, cx_str("is,"), capa, &list);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], CX_STR("a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[0], cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[1], cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(list[2], cx_str("a,csv,string")));
         cxFree(alloc, list);
         // call the _m variant just for coverage
         cxmutstr mtest = cx_strdup(test);
         cxmutstr *mlist;
-        n = cx_strsplit_ma(alloc, mtest, CX_STR("is,"), 4, &mlist);
+        n = cx_strsplit_ma(alloc, mtest, cx_str("is,"), 4, &mlist);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(n == 3);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[0]), CX_STR("th")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[1]), CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[2]), CX_STR("a,csv,string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[0]), cx_str("th")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[1]), cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(mlist[2]), cx_str("a,csv,string")));
         cxFree(alloc, mlist);
@@ -570,24 +570,24 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strtrim) {
-    cxstring t1 = cx_strtrim(CX_STR("  ein test  \t "));
-    cxstring t2 = cx_strtrim(CX_STR("abc"));
-    cxstring t3 = cx_strtrim(CX_STR(" 123"));
-    cxstring t4 = cx_strtrim(CX_STR("xyz "));
-    cxstring t5 = cx_strtrim(CX_STR("   "));
-    cxstring empty = cx_strtrim(CX_STR(""));
+    cxstring t1 = cx_strtrim(cx_str("  ein test  \t "));
+    cxstring t2 = cx_strtrim(cx_str("abc"));
+    cxstring t3 = cx_strtrim(cx_str(" 123"));
+    cxstring t4 = cx_strtrim(cx_str("xyz "));
+    cxstring t5 = cx_strtrim(cx_str("   "));
+    cxstring empty = cx_strtrim(cx_str(""));
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t1, CX_STR("ein test")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t2, CX_STR("abc")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t3, CX_STR("123")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t4, CX_STR("xyz")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t5, CX_STR("")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(empty, CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t1, cx_str("ein test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t2, cx_str("abc")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t3, cx_str("123")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t4, cx_str("xyz")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(t5, cx_str("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(empty, cx_str("")));
         // call the _m variant just for coverage
         cxmutstr m1 = cx_strtrim_m(cx_mutstr((char *) "  ein test  \t "));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m1), CX_STR("ein test")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(m1), cx_str("ein test")));
@@ -595,11 +595,11 @@
     cxstring str = CX_STR("test my prefix and my suffix");
     cxstring empty = CX_STR("");
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strprefix(empty, CX_STR("pref")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strprefix(empty, cx_str("pref")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strprefix(str, empty));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strprefix(empty, empty));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strprefix(str, CX_STR("test ")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strprefix(str, CX_STR("8-) fsck ")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strprefix(str, cx_str("test ")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strprefix(str, cx_str("8-) fsck ")));
@@ -607,11 +607,11 @@
     cxstring str = CX_STR("test my prefix and my suffix");
     cxstring empty = CX_STR("");
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strsuffix(empty, CX_STR("suf")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strsuffix(empty, cx_str("suf")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strsuffix(str, empty));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strsuffix(empty, empty));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strsuffix(str, CX_STR("fix")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strsuffix(str, CX_STR("fox")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strsuffix(str, cx_str("fix")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strsuffix(str, cx_str("fox")));
@@ -619,11 +619,11 @@
     cxstring str = CX_STR("test my prefix and my suffix");
     cxstring empty = CX_STR("");
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcaseprefix(empty, CX_STR("pREf")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcaseprefix(empty, cx_str("pREf")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcaseprefix(str, empty));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcaseprefix(empty, empty));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcaseprefix(str, CX_STR("TEST ")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcaseprefix(str, CX_STR("8-) fsck ")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcaseprefix(str, cx_str("TEST ")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcaseprefix(str, cx_str("8-) fsck ")));
@@ -631,11 +631,11 @@
     cxstring str = CX_STR("test my prefix and my suffix");
     cxstring empty = CX_STR("");
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcasesuffix(empty, CX_STR("sUf")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcasesuffix(empty, cx_str("sUf")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcasesuffix(str, empty));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcasesuffix(empty, empty));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcasesuffix(str, CX_STR("FIX")));
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcasesuffix(str, CX_STR("fox")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_strcasesuffix(str, cx_str("FIX")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_strcasesuffix(str, cx_str("fox")));
@@ -652,45 +652,45 @@
     cxstring astr = CX_STR("aaaaaaaaaa");
     cxstring csstr = CX_STR("test AB ab TEST xyz");
-    cxmutstr repl = cx_strreplace(str, CX_STR("abab"), CX_STR("muchlonger"));
+    cxmutstr repl = cx_strreplace(str, cx_str("abab"), cx_str("muchlonger"));
     const char *expected = "test muchlongerab string aba";
-    cxmutstr repln = cx_strreplacen(str, CX_STR("ab"), CX_STR("c"), 2);
+    cxmutstr repln = cx_strreplacen(str, cx_str("ab"), cx_str("c"), 2);
     const char *expectedn = "test ccab string aba";
-    cxmutstr longrepl = cx_strreplace(longstr, CX_STR("a"), CX_STR("z"));
+    cxmutstr longrepl = cx_strreplace(longstr, cx_str("a"), cx_str("z"));
     const char *longexpect = "xyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzcd";
-    cxmutstr replnotrail = cx_strreplace(notrail, CX_STR("ab"), CX_STR("z"));
+    cxmutstr replnotrail = cx_strreplace(notrail, cx_str("ab"), cx_str("z"));
     const char *notrailexpect = "test zz";
-    cxmutstr repleq = cx_strreplace(str, str, CX_STR("hello"));
+    cxmutstr repleq = cx_strreplace(str, str, cx_str("hello"));
     const char *eqexpect = "hello";
-    cxmutstr replempty1 = cx_strreplace(empty, CX_STR("ab"), CX_STR("c")); // expect: empty
-    cxmutstr replempty2 = cx_strreplace(str, CX_STR("abab"), empty);
+    cxmutstr replempty1 = cx_strreplace(empty, cx_str("ab"), cx_str("c")); // expect: empty
+    cxmutstr replempty2 = cx_strreplace(str, cx_str("abab"), empty);
     const char *emptyexpect2 = "test ab string aba";
-    cxmutstr replpre = cx_strreplace(str, CX_STR("test "), CX_STR("TEST "));
+    cxmutstr replpre = cx_strreplace(str, cx_str("test "), cx_str("TEST "));
     const char *preexpected = "TEST ababab string aba";
-    cxmutstr replan1 = cx_strreplacen(astr, CX_STR("a"), CX_STR("x"), 1);
+    cxmutstr replan1 = cx_strreplacen(astr, cx_str("a"), cx_str("x"), 1);
     const char *an1expected = "xaaaaaaaaa";
-    cxmutstr replan4 = cx_strreplacen(astr, CX_STR("a"), CX_STR("x"), 4);
+    cxmutstr replan4 = cx_strreplacen(astr, cx_str("a"), cx_str("x"), 4);
     const char *an4expected = "xxxxaaaaaa";
-    cxmutstr replan9 = cx_strreplacen(astr, CX_STR("a"), CX_STR("x"), 9);
+    cxmutstr replan9 = cx_strreplacen(astr, cx_str("a"), cx_str("x"), 9);
     const char *an9expected = "xxxxxxxxxa";
-    cxmutstr replan10 = cx_strreplacen(astr, CX_STR("a"), CX_STR("x"), 10);
+    cxmutstr replan10 = cx_strreplacen(astr, cx_str("a"), cx_str("x"), 10);
     const char *an10expected = "xxxxxxxxxx";
     CX_TEST_DO {
-        cxmutstr repl1_a = cx_strreplace_a(alloc, csstr, CX_STR("AB"), CX_STR("*"));
+        cxmutstr repl1_a = cx_strreplace_a(alloc, csstr, cx_str("AB"), cx_str("*"));
         const char *expeced1_a = "test * ab TEST xyz";
-        cxmutstr repl2_a = cx_strreplace_a(alloc, csstr, CX_STR("test"), CX_STR("TEST"));
+        cxmutstr repl2_a = cx_strreplace_a(alloc, csstr, cx_str("test"), cx_str("TEST"));
         const char *expected2_a = "TEST AB ab TEST xyz";
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(repl.ptr != str.ptr);
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strupper) {
-    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(CX_STR("thIs 1s @ Te$t"));
+    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(cx_str("thIs 1s @ Te$t"));
     CX_TEST_DO {
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(str.ptr, "THIS 1S @ TE$T"));
@@ -753,7 +753,7 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strlower) {
-    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(CX_STR("thIs 1s @ Te$t"));
+    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(cx_str("thIs 1s @ Te$t"));
     CX_TEST_DO {
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(str.ptr, "this 1s @ te$t"));
@@ -780,7 +780,7 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strtok_m) {
-    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(CX_STR("a,comma,separated,string"));
+    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(cx_str("a,comma,separated,string"));
     cxstring delim = CX_STR(",");
     CX_TEST_DO {
         CxStrtokCtx ctx = cx_strtok_m(str, delim, 3);
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("a")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("a")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 0);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 2);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 1);
@@ -836,7 +836,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("comma")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("comma")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 2);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 8);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 7);
@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("separated")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("separated")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 8);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 18);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 17);
@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("some")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("some")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 0);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 7);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 4);
@@ -877,7 +877,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("otherwise")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("otherwise")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 7);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 19);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 16);
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("separated")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("separated")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 19);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 31);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 28);
@@ -893,7 +893,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("string")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 31);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 40);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 37);
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(tok, cx_str("")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 40);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 40);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 40);
@@ -916,7 +916,7 @@
 CX_TEST(test_strtok_next_advanced) {
-    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(CX_STR("an,arbitrarily;||separated;string"));
+    cxmutstr str = cx_strdup(cx_str("an,arbitrarily;||separated;string"));
     cxstring delim = CX_STR(",");
     cxstring delim_more[2] = {CX_STR("||"), CX_STR(";")};
     CX_TEST_DO {
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next_m(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), CX_STR("an")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), cx_str("an")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 0);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 3);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 2);
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next_m(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), CX_STR("arbitrarily")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), cx_str("arbitrarily")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 3);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 15);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 14);
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next_m(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), CX_STR("")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), cx_str("")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 15);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 17);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 15);
@@ -954,7 +954,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next_m(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), CX_STR("separated")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), cx_str("separated")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 17);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 27);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 26);
@@ -963,7 +963,7 @@
         ret = cx_strtok_next_m(&ctx, &tok);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), CX_STR("string")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(tok), cx_str("string")));
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.pos == 27);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.next_pos == 33);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 33);
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.delim_pos == 33);
         CX_TEST_ASSERT(ctx.found == 5);
-        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(str), CX_STR("AN,ARBITRARILY;||SEPARATED;STRING")));
+        CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == cx_strcmp(cx_strcast(str), cx_str("AN,ARBITRARILY;||SEPARATED;STRING")));
