refine docs for properties.h - issue #548

2 months ago

Mike Becker <>
Sun, 05 Jan 2025 13:19:56 +0100 (2 months ago)
changeset 1106
parent 1105
child 1107

refine docs for properties.h - issue #548

src/cx/properties.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/src/cx/properties.h	Sun Jan 05 13:02:51 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/cx/properties.h	Sun Jan 05 13:19:56 2025 +0100
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
- * \file properties.h
- * \brief Interface for parsing data from properties files.
- * \author Mike Becker
- * \author Olaf Wintermann
- * \copyright 2-Clause BSD License
+ * @file properties.h
+ * @brief Interface for parsing data from properties files.
+ * @author Mike Becker
+ * @author Olaf Wintermann
+ * @copyright 2-Clause BSD License
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@
      * Not used as a status and never returned by any function.
      * You can use this enumerator to check for all "good" status results
-     * by checking if the status is less than \c CX_PROPERTIES_OK.
+     * by checking if the status is less than @c CX_PROPERTIES_OK.
      * A "good" status means, that you can refill data and continue parsing.
-     * Input buffer is \c NULL.
+     * Input buffer is @c NULL.
@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@
  * @param sink the sink
  * @param key the key
  * @param value the value
- * @return zero on success, non-zero when sinking the k/v-pair failed
+ * @retval zero success
+ * @retval non-zero sinking the k/v-pair failed
 typedef int(*cx_properties_sink_func)(
@@ -241,7 +242,7 @@
  * A function that reads data from a source.
  * When the source is depleted, implementations SHALL provide an empty
- * string in the \p target and return zero.
+ * string in the @p target and return zero.
  * A non-zero return value is only permitted in case of an error.
  * The meaning of the optional parameters is implementation-dependent.
@@ -249,7 +250,8 @@
  * @param prop the properties interface that wants to read from the source
  * @param src the source
  * @param target a string buffer where the read data shall be stored
- * @return zero on success, non-zero when reading data failed
+ * @retval zero success
+ * @retval non-zero reading the data failed
 typedef int(*cx_properties_read_func)(
@@ -263,7 +265,8 @@
  * @param prop the properties interface that wants to read from the source
  * @param src the source
- * @return zero when initialization was successful, non-zero otherwise
+ * @retval zero initialization was successful
+ * @retval non-zero otherwise
 typedef int(*cx_properties_read_init_func)(
@@ -329,7 +332,7 @@
  * Destroys the properties interface.
- * \note Even when you are certain that you did not use the interface in a
+ * @note Even when you are certain that you did not use the interface in a
  * way that caused a memory allocation, you should call this function anyway.
  * Future versions of the library might add features that need additional memory
  * and you really don't want to search the entire code where you might need
@@ -358,7 +361,7 @@
  * Initialize a properties parser with the default configuration.
- * @param prop the properties interface
+ * @param prop (@c CxProperties*) the properties interface
  * @see cxPropertiesInit()
 #define cxPropertiesInitDefault(prop) \
@@ -381,7 +384,8 @@
  * @param prop the properties interface
  * @param buf a pointer to the data
  * @param len the length of the data
- * @return non-zero when a memory allocation was necessary but failed
+ * @retval zero success
+ * @retval non-zero a memory allocation was necessary but failed
  * @see cxPropertiesFill()
@@ -437,7 +441,8 @@
  * @param prop the properties interface
  * @param str the text to fill in
- * @return non-zero when a memory allocation was necessary but failed
+ * @retval zero success
+ * @retval non-zero a memory allocation was necessary but failed
  * @see cxPropertiesFilln()
 #define cxPropertiesFill(prop, str) _Generic((str), \
@@ -505,20 +510,26 @@
  * When an incomplete line is encountered, #CX_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE_DATA is
  * returned, and you can add more data with #cxPropertiesFill().
- * \remark The incomplete line will be stored in an internal buffer, which is
+ * @remark The incomplete line will be stored in an internal buffer, which is
  * allocated on the heap, by default. If you want to avoid allocations,
  * you can specify sufficient space with cxPropertiesUseStack() after
  * initialization with cxPropertiesInit().
- * \attention The returned strings will point into a buffer that might not be
+ * @attention The returned strings will point into a buffer that might not be
  * available later. It is strongly recommended to copy the strings for further
  * use.
  * @param prop the properties interface
  * @param key a pointer to the cxstring that shall contain the property name
  * @param value a pointer to the cxstring that shall contain the property value
- * @return the status code as defined above
- * @see cxPropertiesFill()
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_NO_ERROR (zero) a key/value pair was found
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_NO_DATA there is no (more) data in the input buffer
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_INCOMPLETE_DATA the data in the input buffer is incomplete
+ * (fill more data and try again)
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_NULL_INPUT the input buffer was never filled
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_EMPTY_KEY the properties data contains an illegal empty key
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_MISSING_DELIMITER the properties data contains a line without delimiter
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILED an internal allocation was necessary but failed
@@ -534,7 +545,7 @@
  * The values stored in the map will be pointers to strings allocated
  * by #cx_strdup_a().
  * The default stdlib allocator will be used, unless you specify a custom
- * allocator in the optional \c data of the sink.
+ * allocator in the optional @c data of the sink.
  * @param map the map that shall consume the k/v-pairs.
  * @return the sink
@@ -610,7 +621,14 @@
  * @param prop the properties interface
  * @param sink the sink
  * @param source the source
- * @return the status of the last operation
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_NO_ERROR (zero) a key/value pair was found
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_READ_INIT_FAILED initializing the source failed
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_READ_FAILED reading from the source failed
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_SINK_FAILED sinking the properties into the sink failed
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_NO_DATA the source did not provide any key/value pairs
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_EMPTY_KEY the properties data contains an illegal empty key
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_INVALID_MISSING_DELIMITER the properties data contains a line without delimiter
+ * @retval CX_PROPERTIES_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILED an internal allocation was necessary but failed
 CxPropertiesStatus cxPropertiesLoad(
