2013-02-27 Mike Becker added tests for ucx_(d)list_contains file | diff | annotate
2013-02-27 Mike Becker comparator module file | diff | annotate
2012-10-12 Mike Becker made the code work with g++ without errors (but warnings) file | diff | annotate
2012-10-12 Mike Becker made the code work with VC++ compiler (use make CONF=windows) file | diff | annotate
2012-10-04 Mike Becker added semicolons to assert makros file | diff | annotate
2012-08-16 Mike Becker changed API of sort algorithms (no further hint for the algorithms used in preparation for the upcomming change from qsort to natural merge sort) file | diff | annotate
2012-08-15 Mike Becker added mkdir for build directory to makefile + added qsort for list and dlist file | diff | annotate
2012-05-31 Mike Becker major refactoring of test framework file | diff | annotate
2012-02-24 Olaf Wintermann some fixes file | diff | annotate
2012-02-18 Mike Becker removed old foreach + refactored list tests file | diff | annotate | base
(0) tip
