Sun, 13 May 2018 07:13:09 +0200
completes conversion to scstr
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2017 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "list_tests.h" #include <ucx/utils.h> UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_append) { UcxList *list, *first; list = first = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Hello"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)" World!"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list == first, "does not return first element"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->prev == list, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_prepend) { UcxList *list, *last; list = last = ucx_list_prepend(NULL, (void*)" World!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN list = ucx_list_prepend(list, (void*)"Hello"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list == last->prev, "does not return first element"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->prev == NULL, "failed"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_append_once) { UcxList *list, *first; list = first = ucx_list_append_once(NULL, (void*)"Hello", ucx_strcmp, NULL); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed"); list = ucx_list_append_once(list, (void*)"Hello", ucx_strcmp, NULL); list = ucx_list_append_once(list, (void*)" World!", ucx_strcmp, NULL); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list == first, "does not return first element"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "'Hello' was not inserted _once_"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->prev == list, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "right not terminated"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_equals) { const char *hello = "Hello"; const char *world = " World!"; UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)hello); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)world); UcxList *list2 = ucx_list_prepend(NULL, (void*)world); list2 = ucx_list_prepend(list2, (void*)hello); UcxList *list3 = ucx_list_prepend(NULL, (void*)" Welt!"); list3 = ucx_list_prepend(list3, (void*)"Hallo"); UcxList *list4 = ucx_list_prepend(NULL, (void*)" World!"); list4 = ucx_list_prepend(list4, (void*)"Hello"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_equals(list, list4, ucx_strcmp, NULL), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_equals(list, list3, ucx_strcmp, NULL), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_equals(list, list2, NULL, NULL), "failed"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list4); ucx_list_free(list3); ucx_list_free(list2); ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_concat) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Hello"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)" my "); UcxList *list2 = ucx_list_prepend(NULL, (void*)" World!"); list2 = ucx_list_prepend(list2, (void*)" sweet "); UCX_TEST_BEGIN list = ucx_list_concat(list, list2); list = ucx_list_concat(list, NULL); list = ucx_list_concat(NULL, list); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp((const char*)list->data, "Hello", 5), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp((const char*)list->next->data, " my ", 4), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp((const char*)list->next->next->data, " sweet ", 7), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp((const char*)ucx_list_last(list)->data, " World!", 7), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->prev == NULL, "failed"); UCX_TEST_END // don't free list2, as it is freed by freeing list; ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_size) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"This "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"list "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"has "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"size "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"5!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list) == 5, "failed"); list = ucx_list_remove(list, ucx_list_get(list, 2)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list) == 4, "failed after removal"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_first) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Find "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"the "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"first!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN const char* first = (const char*) (ucx_list_first(list)->data); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(first, "Find ", 5) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_first(list->next->next) == list, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_first(NULL), "does not return NULL on an empty list"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_last) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Find "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"the "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"last!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN const char* last = (const char*) (ucx_list_last(list->next->next)->data); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(last, "last!", 5) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_last(list) == list->next->next, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_last(NULL), "does not return NULL on an empty list"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_get) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Find "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"the "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"mid!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN const char* first = (const char*) (ucx_list_get(list, 0)->data); const char* mid = (const char*) (ucx_list_get(list, 1)->data); const char* last = (const char*) (ucx_list_get(list, 2)->data); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(first, "Find ", 5) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(mid, "the ", 4) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(last, "mid!", 4) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_get(list, -1), "out of bounds (neg)"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_get(list, 3), "out of bounds"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_get(NULL, 0), "empty list"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_indexof) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Find "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"the "); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"mid!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_indexof(list, list) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_indexof(list, list->next) == 1, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_indexof(list, ucx_list_get(list, 2)) == 2, "failed"); UcxList *otherlist = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*) "the "); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_indexof(list, otherlist) == -1, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_indexof(NULL, otherlist) == -1, "empty list"); ucx_list_free(otherlist); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_find) { const char* teststr = "string!"; UcxList *l = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"find "); l = ucx_list_append(l, (void*)"some "); l = ucx_list_append(l, (void*)teststr); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_find(l,(void*)"some ",ucx_strcmp,NULL) == 1, "doesn't find string"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_find(l,(void*)"a",ucx_strcmp,NULL) == -1, "finds non-existing string"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_find(l,(void*)teststr,NULL,NULL) == 2, "doesn't find integer without cmp_func"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_find(NULL, (void*)"some ",ucx_strcmp,NULL) == -1, "empty list"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(l); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_contains) { UcxList *l = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Contains "); l = ucx_list_append(l, (void*)"a "); l = ucx_list_append(l, (void*)"string!"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_contains(l,(void*)"a ",ucx_strcmp,NULL), "false negative"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_contains(l,(void*)"a",ucx_strcmp,NULL), "false positive"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(l); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_remove) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"Hello"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"fucking"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"World!"); UcxList *list2 = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"A"); list2 = ucx_list_append(list2, (void*)"B"); list2 = ucx_list_append(list2, (void*)"C"); list2 = ucx_list_append(list2, (void*)"D"); list2 = ucx_list_append(list2, (void*)"E"); list2 = ucx_list_append(list2, (void*)"F"); list2 = ucx_list_append(list2, (void*)"G"); UCX_TEST_BEGIN list = ucx_list_remove(list, ucx_list_get(list, 1)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list->next->data, "World!", 7) == 0, "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed"); // remove first element: B, C, D, E, F, G list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, list2); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list2) == 6, "list2 has wrong size"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list2->data, "B", 1) == 0, "wrong first element"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)ucx_list_get(list2, 5)->data, "G", 1) == 0, "wrong last element"); // remove second element: B, D, E, F, G list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, list2->next); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list2) == 5, "list2 has wrong size"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list2->next->data, "D", 1) == 0, "wrong second element"); UcxList *last = ucx_list_get(list2, 4); list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, last->prev); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list2) == 4, "list2 has wrong size"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)last->prev->data, "E", 1) == 0, "wrong element"); // remove last element: B, D, E, F list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, last); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list2) == 3, "list2 has wrong size"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)ucx_list_get(list2, 2)->data, "E", 1) == 0, "wrong last element"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp((const char*)list2->data, "B", 1) == 0, "wrong element"); list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, list2); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list2) == 2, "list2 has wrong size"); list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, list2); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list2) == 1, "list2 has wrong size"); list2 = ucx_list_remove(list2, list2); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list2 == NULL, "list2 is not null"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(list); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_clone) { char *hello = (char*)malloc(6); char *world = (char*)malloc(8); memcpy(hello, "Hello", 6); memcpy(world, " World!", 8); UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, hello); list = ucx_list_append(list, world); UcxList *copy = ucx_list_clone(list, ucx_strcpy, NULL); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_equals(list, copy, ucx_strcmp, NULL), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(hello != copy->data, "first element is no copy"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(world != copy->next->data, "second element is no copy"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free_content(copy, free); free(world); free(hello); ucx_list_free(list); ucx_list_free(copy); } UCX_TEST(test_ucx_list_sort) { UcxList *list = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"this"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"is"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"a"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"test"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"for"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"partial"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"correctness"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"of"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"the"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"sort"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"function"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"that"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"shall"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"pass"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"this"); list = ucx_list_append(list, (void*)"test"); UcxList *expected = ucx_list_append(NULL, (void*)"a"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"correctness"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"for"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"function"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"is"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"of"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"partial"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"pass"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"shall"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"sort"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"test"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"test"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"that"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"the"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"this"); expected = ucx_list_append(expected, (void*)"this"); list = ucx_list_sort(list, ucx_strcmp, NULL); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT( ucx_list_equals(list, expected, ucx_strcmp, NULL), "failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_list_size(list) == 16, "list has now a wrong size"); UcxList *l = list; UCX_TEST_ASSERT(l->prev == NULL, "prev field of first entry is not null"); while (l->next != NULL) { UCX_TEST_ASSERT(l->next->prev == l, "next or prev pointer corrupted"); l = l->next; } UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_list_sort(NULL, ucx_strcmp, NULL), "failed to sort empty list"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_list_free(expected); ucx_list_free(list); }