Tue, 21 Feb 2012 01:13:17 +0100
fixed map with the help of new tests
/* * */ #include "mpool_tests.h" UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_new) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(16); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->size == 16, "wrong size") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->ndata == 0, "uninitialized counter") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->data != NULL, "no memory addressed") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_END } UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_malloc) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(1); int *test = (int*) ucx_mempool_malloc(pool, sizeof(int)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->ndata == 1, "counter not incremented") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->size == 1, "chcap called") int *pooladdr = (int*)((char*)pool->data[0] + sizeof(ucx_destructor)); *pooladdr = 5; UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*test == 5, "wrong pointer") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_END } UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_malloc_with_chcap) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(1); ucx_mempool_malloc(pool, sizeof(int)); int *test = (int*) ucx_mempool_malloc(pool, sizeof(int)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->ndata == 2, "counter not incremented") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(pool->size == 17, "chcap not called") int *pooladdr = (int*)((char*)pool->data[1] + sizeof(ucx_destructor)); *pooladdr = 5; UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*test == 5, "wrong pointer") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_END } UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_calloc) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(1); int *test = (int*) ucx_mempool_calloc(pool, 2, sizeof(int)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(test != NULL, "no memory for test data") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(test[0] == 0 && test[1] == 0, "failed") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_END } void test_setdestr(void* elem) { int *cb = (int*) ((int*) elem)[1]; *cb = 42; } UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_set_destr) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(2); ucx_mempool_malloc(pool, sizeof(int)); int *test = (int*) ucx_mempool_calloc(pool, 2, sizeof(int)); int *cb = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(cb != NULL && test != NULL, "no memory for test data") test[0] = 5; test[1] = (int) cb; *cb = 13; ucx_mempool_set_destr(test, test_setdestr); UCX_TEST_ASSERT( *(ucx_destructor*)(pool->data[1]) == test_setdestr, "failed") UCX_TEST_ASSERT( test[0] == 5 && test[1] == (int) cb, "setdestr destroyed data") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*cb == 42, "destructor not called") free(cb); UCX_TEST_END } UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_reg_destr) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(1); int *test = (int*) ucx_mempool_calloc(pool, 2, sizeof(int)); int *cb = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(cb != NULL && test != NULL, "no memory for test data") test[0] = 5; test[1] = (int) cb; *cb = 13; ucx_mempool_reg_destr(pool, test, test_setdestr); ucx_destructor *pooladdr = (ucx_destructor*) ((char*)pool->data[1] + sizeof(ucx_destructor)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*pooladdr == test_setdestr, "failed") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*cb == 42, "destructor not called") free(cb); UCX_TEST_END } UCX_TEST_BEGIN(test_ucx_mempool_realloc) { UcxMempool *pool = ucx_mempool_new(2); ucx_mempool_malloc(pool, sizeof(int)); int *test = (int*) ucx_mempool_calloc(pool, 2, sizeof(int)); int *cb = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int)); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(cb != NULL && test != NULL, "no memory for test data") test[0] = 5; test[1] = (int) cb; *cb = 13; ucx_mempool_set_destr(test, test_setdestr); int *rtest, n = 2; do { n *= 2; UCX_TEST_ASSERT(n < 65536, "test corrupt - no movement for realloc") rtest = ucx_mempool_realloc(pool, test, n*sizeof(int)); } while (rtest == test); test = rtest; UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*(ucx_destructor*)(pool->data[1]) == test_setdestr, "realloc killed destructor") UCX_TEST_ASSERT( test[0] == 5 && test[1] == (int) cb, "realloc destroyed data") ucx_mempool_free(pool); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*cb == 42, "destructor not called") free(cb); UCX_TEST_END }