Mon, 27 Dec 2021 17:02:32 +0100
add common.h include to all other header files
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2021 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cx/linked_list.h" #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> /* LOW LEVEL LINKED LIST FUNCTIONS */ #define CX_LL_PTR(cur, off) (*(void**)(((char*)cur)+off)) #define ll_prev(node) CX_LL_PTR(node, loc_prev) #define ll_next(node) CX_LL_PTR(node, loc_next) #define ll_advance(node) CX_LL_PTR(node, loc_advance) #define ll_data(node) (follow_ptr?CX_LL_PTR(node, loc_data):(((char*)node)+loc_data)) void *cx_linked_list_at( void *start, size_t start_index, ptrdiff_t loc_advance, size_t index ) { assert(start != NULL); assert(loc_advance >= 0); size_t i = start_index; void *cur = start; while (i != index && cur != NULL) { cur = ll_advance(cur); i < index ? i++ : i--; } return cur; } size_t cx_linked_list_find( void *start, ptrdiff_t loc_advance, ptrdiff_t loc_data, int follow_ptr, CxListComparator cmp_func, void *elem ) { assert(start != NULL); assert(loc_advance >= 0); assert(loc_data >= 0); assert(cmp_func); void *node = start; size_t index = 0; do { void *current = ll_data(node); if (cmp_func(current, elem) == 0) { return index; } node = ll_advance(node); index++; } while (node != NULL); return index; } void *cx_linked_list_first( void *node, ptrdiff_t loc_prev ) { return cx_linked_list_last(node, loc_prev); } void *cx_linked_list_last( void *node, ptrdiff_t loc_next ) { assert(node != NULL); assert(loc_next >= 0); void *cur = node; void *last; do { last = cur; } while ((cur = ll_next(cur)) != NULL); return last; } void *cx_linked_list_prev( void *begin, ptrdiff_t loc_next, void *node ) { assert(begin != NULL); assert(node != NULL); assert(loc_next >= 0); if (begin == node) return NULL; void *cur = begin; void *next; while (1) { next = ll_next(cur); if (next == node) return cur; cur = next; } } void cx_linked_list_link( void *left, void *right, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next ) { assert(loc_next >= 0); ll_next(left) = right; if (loc_prev >= 0) { ll_prev(right) = left; } } void cx_linked_list_unlink( void *left, void *right, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next ) { assert (loc_next >= 0); assert(ll_next(left) == right); ll_next(left) = NULL; if (loc_prev >= 0) { assert(ll_prev(right) == left); ll_prev(right) = NULL; } } void cx_linked_list_add( void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, void *new_node ) { void *last; if (end == NULL) { assert(begin != NULL); last = *begin == NULL ? NULL : cx_linked_list_last(*begin, loc_next); } else { last = *end; } cx_linked_list_insert_chain(begin, end, loc_prev, loc_next, last, new_node, new_node); } void cx_linked_list_prepend( void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, void *new_node ) { cx_linked_list_insert_chain(begin, end, loc_prev, loc_next, NULL, new_node, new_node); } void cx_linked_list_insert( void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, void *node, void *new_node ) { cx_linked_list_insert_chain(begin, end, loc_prev, loc_next, node, new_node, new_node); } void cx_linked_list_insert_chain( void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, void *node, void *insert_begin, void *insert_end ) { // find the end of the chain, if not specified if (insert_end == NULL) { insert_end = cx_linked_list_last(insert_begin, loc_next); } // determine the successor void *successor; if (node == NULL) { assert(begin != NULL || (end != NULL && loc_prev >= 0)); if (begin != NULL) { successor = *begin; *begin = insert_begin; } else { successor = *end == NULL ? NULL : cx_linked_list_first(*end, loc_prev); } } else { successor = ll_next(node); cx_linked_list_link(node, insert_begin, loc_prev, loc_next); } if (successor == NULL) { // the list ends with the new chain if (end != NULL) { *end = insert_end; } } else { cx_linked_list_link(insert_end, successor, loc_prev, loc_next); } } void cx_linked_list_remove( void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, void *node ) { assert(node != NULL); assert(loc_next >= 0); assert(loc_prev >= 0 || begin != NULL); // find adjacent nodes void *next = ll_next(node); void *prev; if (loc_prev >= 0) { prev = ll_prev(node); } else { prev = cx_linked_list_prev(*begin, loc_next, node); } // update next pointer of prev node, or set begin if (prev == NULL) { if (begin != NULL) { *begin = next; } } else { ll_next(prev) = next; } // update prev pointer of next node, or set end if (next == NULL) { if (end != NULL) { *end = prev; } } else if (loc_prev >= 0) { ll_prev(next) = prev; } } size_t cx_linked_list_size( void *node, ptrdiff_t loc_next ) { assert(loc_next >= 0); size_t size = 0; while (node != NULL) { node = ll_next(node); size++; } return size; } static void *cx_linked_list_sort_merge( ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, ptrdiff_t loc_data, int follow_ptr, size_t length, void *ls, void *le, void *re, CxListComparator cmp_func ) { const size_t sbo_len = 1024; void *sbo[sbo_len]; void **sorted = (length >= sbo_len) ? malloc(sizeof(void *) * length) : sbo; void *rc, *lc; lc = ls; rc = le; size_t n = 0; while (lc && lc != le && rc != re) { if (cmp_func(ll_data(lc), ll_data(rc)) <= 0) { sorted[n] = lc; lc = ll_next(lc); } else { sorted[n] = rc; rc = ll_next(rc); } n++; } while (lc && lc != le) { sorted[n] = lc; lc = ll_next(lc); n++; } while (rc && rc != re) { sorted[n] = rc; rc = ll_next(rc); n++; } // Update pointer if (loc_prev >= 0) ll_prev(sorted[0]) = NULL; for (size_t i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) { cx_linked_list_link(sorted[i], sorted[i + 1], loc_prev, loc_next); } ll_next(sorted[length - 1]) = NULL; void *ret = sorted[0]; if (sorted != sbo) { free(sorted); } return ret; } void cx_linked_list_sort( /* NOLINT(misc-no-recursion) - purposely recursive function */ void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next, ptrdiff_t loc_data, int follow_ptr, CxListComparator cmp_func ) { assert(begin != NULL); assert(loc_next >= 0); assert(loc_data >= 0); assert(cmp_func); void *lc, *ls, *le, *re; // set start node ls = *begin; // check how many elements are already sorted lc = ls; size_t ln = 1; while (ll_next(lc) != NULL && cmp_func(ll_data(ll_next(lc)), ll_data(lc)) > 0) { lc = ll_next(lc); ln++; } le = ll_next(lc); // if first unsorted node is NULL, the list is already completely sorted if (le != NULL) { void *rc; size_t rn = 1; rc = le; // skip already sorted elements while (ll_next(rc) != NULL && cmp_func(ll_data(ll_next(rc)), ll_data(rc)) > 0) { rc = ll_next(rc); rn++; } re = ll_next(rc); // {ls,...,le->prev} and {rs,...,re->prev} are sorted - merge them void *sorted = cx_linked_list_sort_merge(loc_prev, loc_next, loc_data, follow_ptr, ln + rn, ls, le, re, cmp_func); // Something left? Sort it! size_t remainder_length = cx_linked_list_size(re, loc_next); if (remainder_length > 0) { void *remainder = re; cx_linked_list_sort(&remainder, NULL, loc_prev, loc_next, loc_data, follow_ptr, cmp_func); // merge sorted list with (also sorted) remainder *begin = cx_linked_list_sort_merge(loc_prev, loc_next, loc_data, follow_ptr, ln + rn + remainder_length, sorted, remainder, NULL, cmp_func); } else { // no remainder - we've got our sorted list *begin = sorted; } if (end) *end = cx_linked_list_last(sorted, loc_next); } } void cx_linked_list_reverse( void **begin, void **end, ptrdiff_t loc_prev, ptrdiff_t loc_next ) { assert(begin != NULL); assert(loc_next >= 0); // swap all links void *prev = NULL; void *cur = *begin; while (cur != NULL) { void *next = ll_next(cur); ll_next(cur) = prev; if (loc_prev >= 0) { ll_prev(cur) = next; } prev = cur; cur = next; } // update begin and end if (end != NULL) { *end = *begin; } *begin = prev; } /* HIGH LEVEL LINKED LIST IMPLEMENTATION */ typedef struct cx_linked_list_node cx_linked_list_node; struct cx_linked_list_node { cx_linked_list_node *prev; cx_linked_list_node *next; char payload[]; }; #define CX_LL_LOC_PREV offsetof(cx_linked_list_node, prev) #define CX_LL_LOC_NEXT offsetof(cx_linked_list_node, next) #define CX_LL_LOC_DATA offsetof(cx_linked_list_node, payload) typedef struct { cx_list_s base; cx_linked_list_node *begin; cx_linked_list_node *end; } cx_linked_list; static cx_linked_list_node *cx_ll_node_at( cx_linked_list *list, size_t index ) { if (index >= list->base.size) { return NULL; } else if (index > list->base.size / 2) { return cx_linked_list_at(list->end, list->base.size - 1, CX_LL_LOC_PREV, index); } else { return cx_linked_list_at(list->begin, 0, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, index); } } static int cx_ll_insert( cx_list_s *list, size_t index, void *elem ) { // out-of bounds check if (index > list->size) return 1; // cast a linked list pointer cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; // create the new new_node cx_linked_list_node *new_node = cxMalloc(list->allocator, sizeof(cx_linked_list_node) + list->itemsize); // sortir if failed if (new_node == NULL) return 1; // initialize new new_node new_node->prev = new_node->next = NULL; memcpy(new_node->payload, elem, list->itemsize); // find position efficiently cx_linked_list_node *node = index == 0 ? NULL : cx_ll_node_at(ll, index - 1); // insert cx_linked_list_insert_chain( (void **) &ll->begin, (void **) &ll->end, CX_LL_LOC_PREV, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, node, new_node, new_node ); // increase the size and return list->size++; return 0; } static int cx_ll_add( cx_list_s *list, void *elem ) { return cx_ll_insert(list, list->size, elem); } static int cx_pll_insert( cx_list_s *list, size_t index, void *elem ) { return cx_ll_insert(list, index, &elem); } static int cx_pll_add( cx_list_s *list, void *elem ) { return cx_ll_insert(list, list->size, &elem); } static int cx_ll_remove( cx_list_s *list, size_t index ) { cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; cx_linked_list_node *node = cx_ll_node_at(ll, index); // out-of-bounds check if (node == NULL) return 1; // remove cx_linked_list_remove((void **) &ll->begin, (void **) &ll->end, CX_LL_LOC_PREV, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, node); // adjust size list->size--; // free and return cxFree(list->allocator, node); return 0; } static void *cx_ll_at( cx_list_s *list, size_t index ) { cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; cx_linked_list_node *node = cx_ll_node_at(ll, index); return node == NULL ? NULL : node->payload; } static void *cx_pll_at( cx_list_s *list, size_t index ) { cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; cx_linked_list_node *node = cx_ll_node_at(ll, index); return node == NULL ? NULL : *(void **) node->payload; } static size_t cx_ll_find( cx_list_s *list, void *elem ) { return cx_linked_list_find(((cx_linked_list *) list)->begin, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, CX_LL_LOC_DATA, 0, list->cmpfunc, elem); } static size_t cx_pll_find( cx_list_s *list, void *elem ) { return cx_linked_list_find(((cx_linked_list *) list)->begin, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, CX_LL_LOC_DATA, 1, list->cmpfunc, elem); } static void cx_ll_sort(cx_list_s *list) { cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; cx_linked_list_sort((void **) &ll->begin, (void **) &ll->end, CX_LL_LOC_PREV, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, CX_LL_LOC_DATA, 0, list->cmpfunc); } static void cx_pll_sort(cx_list_s *list) { cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; cx_linked_list_sort((void **) &ll->begin, (void **) &ll->end, CX_LL_LOC_PREV, CX_LL_LOC_NEXT, CX_LL_LOC_DATA, 1, list->cmpfunc); } static cx_list_class cx_linked_list_class = { cx_ll_add, cx_ll_insert, cx_ll_remove, cx_ll_at, cx_ll_find, cx_ll_sort }; static cx_list_class cx_pointer_linked_list_class = { cx_pll_add, cx_pll_insert, cx_ll_remove, cx_pll_at, cx_pll_find, cx_pll_sort }; CxList cxLinkedListCreate( CxAllocator allocator, CxListComparator comparator, size_t item_size ) { cx_linked_list *list = cxMalloc(allocator, sizeof(cx_linked_list)); if (list == NULL) return NULL; list-> = &cx_linked_list_class; list->base.allocator = allocator; list->base.cmpfunc = comparator; list->base.itemsize = item_size; list->base.capacity = SIZE_MAX; list->base.size = 0; list->begin = NULL; list->end = NULL; return (CxList) list; } CxList cxPointerLinkedListCreate( CxAllocator allocator, CxListComparator comparator ) { cx_linked_list *list = cxMalloc(allocator, sizeof(cx_linked_list)); if (list == NULL) return NULL; list-> = &cx_pointer_linked_list_class; list->base.allocator = allocator; list->base.cmpfunc = comparator; list->base.itemsize = sizeof(void *); list->base.capacity = SIZE_MAX; list->base.size = 0; list->begin = NULL; list->end = NULL; return (CxList) list; } void cxLinkedListDestroy(CxList list) { cx_linked_list *ll = (cx_linked_list *) list; cx_linked_list_node *node = ll->begin; while (node) { void *next = node->next; cxFree(list->allocator, node); node = next; } cxFree(list->allocator, list); }