Sun, 09 Jul 2023 12:43:13 +0200
Release 3.0
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2021 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cx/utils.h" #include "cx/buffer.h" #include <gtest/gtest.h> TEST(Utils, cx_stream_bncopy) { CxBuffer source, target; char sbuf[32], tbuf[32]; memset(tbuf, 0, 32); cxBufferInit(&source, sbuf, 32, nullptr, 0); cxBufferInit(&target, tbuf, 32, nullptr, 0); cxBufferPutString(&source, "This is a stream copy test."); cxBufferSeek(&source, 0, SEEK_SET); char tmp[4]; size_t result = cx_stream_bncopy(&source, &target, (cx_read_func) cxBufferRead, (cx_write_func) cxBufferWrite, tmp, 4, 20); EXPECT_EQ(20, result); EXPECT_EQ(20, target.size); EXPECT_STREQ("This is a stream cop\0", tbuf); result = cx_stream_bcopy(&source, &target, (cx_read_func) cxBufferRead, (cx_write_func) cxBufferWrite, nullptr, 16); EXPECT_EQ(7, result); EXPECT_EQ(27, target.size); EXPECT_STREQ("This is a stream copy test.\0", tbuf); cxBufferDestroy(&source); cxBufferDestroy(&target); } TEST(Utils, cx_stream_ncopy) { CxBuffer source, target; char sbuf[32], tbuf[32]; memset(tbuf, 0, 32); cxBufferInit(&source, sbuf, 32, nullptr, 0); cxBufferInit(&target, tbuf, 32, nullptr, 0); cxBufferPutString(&source, "This is a stream copy test."); cxBufferSeek(&source, 0, SEEK_SET); size_t result = cx_stream_ncopy(&source, &target, (cx_read_func) cxBufferRead, (cx_write_func) cxBufferWrite, 20); EXPECT_EQ(20, result); EXPECT_EQ(20, target.size); EXPECT_STREQ("This is a stream cop\0", tbuf); result = cx_stream_copy(&source, &target, (cx_read_func) cxBufferRead, (cx_write_func) cxBufferWrite); EXPECT_EQ(7, result); EXPECT_EQ(27, target.size); EXPECT_STREQ("This is a stream copy test.\0", tbuf); cxBufferDestroy(&source); cxBufferDestroy(&target); } TEST(Utils, ForN) { unsigned j; j = 0; cx_for_n(i, 50) { EXPECT_EQ(i, j); j++; } } TEST(Utils, swap_ptr) { int i = 5; int j = 8; int *ip = &i; int *jp = &j; cx_swap_ptr(ip, jp); EXPECT_EQ(ip, &j); EXPECT_EQ(jp, &i); } TEST(Utils, szmul) { size_t r; int e; e = cx_szmul(5, 7, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(35, r); size_t s = SIZE_MAX & ~3; e = cx_szmul(s / 4, 2, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s / 2, r); e = cx_szmul(2, s / 4, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s / 2, r); e = cx_szmul(s / 4, 4, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s, r); e = cx_szmul(4, s / 4, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s, r); e = cx_szmul(s / 4, 5, &r); EXPECT_NE(0, e); e = cx_szmul(5, s / 4, &r); EXPECT_NE(0, e); e = cx_szmul(SIZE_MAX - 4, 0, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul(0, SIZE_MAX - 1, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul(SIZE_MAX, 0, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul(0, SIZE_MAX, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul(0, 0, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); } #ifdef CX_SZMUL_BUILTIN // also test the custom implementation struct Utils_szmul_impl : ::testing::Test { #undef CX_SZMUL_BUILTIN #include "../src/szmul.c" #define CX_SZMUL_BUILTIN }; TEST_F(Utils_szmul_impl, Test) { size_t r; int e; e = cx_szmul_impl(5, 7, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(35, r); size_t s = SIZE_MAX & ~3; e = cx_szmul_impl(s / 4, 2, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s / 2, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(2, s / 4, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s / 2, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(s / 4, 4, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(4, s / 4, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(s, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(s / 4, 5, &r); EXPECT_NE(0, e); e = cx_szmul_impl(5, s / 4, &r); EXPECT_NE(0, e); e = cx_szmul_impl(SIZE_MAX - 4, 0, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(0, SIZE_MAX - 1, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(SIZE_MAX, 0, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(0, SIZE_MAX, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); e = cx_szmul_impl(0, 0, &r); EXPECT_EQ(0, e); EXPECT_EQ(0, r); } #endif // CX_SZMUL_BUILTIN