Mon, 17 Mar 2025 21:05:50 +0100
move the note about the key type to the top
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2023 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "cx/test.h" #include "util_allocator.h" #include "cx/printf.h" #include "cx/buffer.h" #define ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(str) CX_TEST_ASSERTM((str).ptr[(str).length] == '\0', \ #str " is not zero terminated") static size_t test_printf_write_func( const void *src, size_t esize, size_t ecount, void *target ) { memcpy(target, src, esize * ecount); return esize * ecount; } CX_TEST(test_bprintf) { CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; CX_TEST_DO { CxBuffer buf; cxBufferInit(&buf, NULL, 64, alloc, 0); size_t r = cx_bprintf(&buf, "This %s aged %u years in a %2XSK.", "Test", 10, 0xca); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 34); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buf.size == 34);[r] = '\0'; CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(, "This Test aged 10 years in a CASK.")); cxBufferDestroy(&buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_bprintf_large_string) { unsigned len = cx_printf_sbo_size; CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; char *aaa = malloc(len); char *bbb = malloc(len); char *expected = malloc(2*len+16); memset(aaa, 'a', len-1); aaa[len-1] = 0; memset(bbb, 'b', len-1); bbb[len-1] = 0; sprintf(expected, "After %s comes %s.", aaa, bbb); CX_TEST_DO { CxBuffer buf; cxBufferInit(&buf, NULL, 64, alloc, CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND); size_t r = cx_bprintf(&buf, "After %s comes %s.", aaa, bbb); size_t er = 2*len-2+14; CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == er); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buf.size == er); cxBufferPut(&buf, 0); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(expected,; cxBufferDestroy(&buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } free(aaa); free(bbb); free(expected); cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_bprintf_nocap) { CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; char space[20]; memset(space, 'a', 20); CX_TEST_DO { CxBuffer buf; cxBufferInit(&buf, space, 16, alloc, 0); size_t r = cx_bprintf(&buf, "Hello %s with more than %d chars.", "string", 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buf.size == 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(space, "Hello string witaaaa", 20)); cxBufferDestroy(&buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_fprintf) { const char *h = "Hello"; char buf[32]; size_t r; CX_TEST_DO { r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "teststring"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 10); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "teststring", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "[%10s]", h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 12); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "[ Hello]", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "[%-10s]", h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 12); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "[Hello ]", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "[%*s]", 10, h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 12); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "[ Hello]", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "[%-10.*s]", 4, h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 12); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "[Hell ]", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "[%-*.*s]", 10, 4, h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 12); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "[Hell ]", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "%c", 'A'); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 1); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "A", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "%i %d %.6i %i %.0i %+i %i", 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4, -4); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 19); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "1 2 000003 0 +4 -4", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "%x %x %X %#x", 5, 10, 10, 6); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 9); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "5 a A 0x6", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "%o %#o %#o", 10, 10, 4); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 9); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "12 012 04", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "%05.2f %.2f %5.2f", 1.5, 1.5, 1.5); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "01.50 1.50 1.50", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "'%*c'", 5, 'x'); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 7); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "' x'", r)); r = cx_fprintf(buf, test_printf_write_func, "'%*c'", -5, 'x'); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 7); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "'x '", r)); } } CX_TEST(test_asprintf) { CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; const char *h = "Hello"; cxmutstr r[13]; size_t specimen_count = cx_nmemb(r); size_t specimen = 0; CX_TEST_DO { r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "teststring"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 10); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "teststring")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "[%10s]", h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 12); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "[ Hello]")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "[%-10s]", h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 12); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "[Hello ]")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "[%*s]", 10, h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 12); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "[ Hello]")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "[%-10.*s]", 4, h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 12); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "[Hell ]")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "[%-*.*s]", 10, 4, h); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 12); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "[Hell ]")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "%c", 'A'); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 1); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "A")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "%i %d %.6i %i %.0i %+i %i", 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4, -4); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 19); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "1 2 000003 0 +4 -4")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "%x %x %X %#x", 5, 10, 10, 6); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 9); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "5 a A 0x6")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "%o %#o %#o", 10, 10, 4); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 9); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "12 012 04")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "%05.2f %.2f %5.2f", 1.5, 1.5, 1.5); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 16); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "01.50 1.50 1.50")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "'%*c'", 5, 'x'); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 7); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "' x'")); specimen++; r[specimen] = cx_asprintf_a(alloc, "'%*c'", -5, 'x'); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r[specimen].length == 7); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r[specimen]); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r[specimen].ptr, "'x '")); specimen++; CX_TEST_ASSERT(specimen == specimen_count); // self-test for (size_t i = 0; i < specimen_count; i++) { cx_strfree_a(alloc, &r[i]); } CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_asprintf_large_string) { unsigned len = cx_printf_sbo_size; char *aaa = malloc(len); char *bbb = malloc(len); char *expected = malloc(2*len+16); memset(aaa, 'a', len-1); aaa[len-1] = 0; memset(bbb, 'b', len-1); bbb[len-1] = 0; sprintf(expected, "After %s comes %s.", aaa, bbb); CX_TEST_DO { cxmutstr r = cx_asprintf("After %s comes %s.", aaa, bbb); CX_TEST_ASSERT(r.length == 2*len-2+14); ASSERT_ZERO_TERMINATED(r); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == strcmp(r.ptr, expected)); cx_strfree(&r); } free(aaa); free(bbb); free(expected); } CX_TEST(test_sprintf_no_realloc) { char *buf = malloc(16); CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; CX_TEST_DO { char *oldbuf = buf; size_t buflen = 16; size_t len = cx_sprintf_a(alloc, &buf, &buflen, "Test %d %s", 47, "string"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(oldbuf == buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(len == 14); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buflen == 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "Test 47 string", 15)); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); free(buf); } CX_TEST(test_sprintf_realloc) { CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; char *buf = cxMalloc(alloc, 8); CX_TEST_DO { size_t buflen = 8; size_t len = cx_sprintf_a(alloc, &buf, &buflen, "Test %d %s", 47, "foobar"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(len == 14); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buflen == 15); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "Test 47 foobar", 15)); cxFree(alloc, buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_sprintf_realloc_to_fit_terminator) { CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; // make it so that only the zero-terminator does not fit char *buf = cxMalloc(alloc, 14); CX_TEST_DO { size_t buflen = 14; size_t len = cx_sprintf_a(alloc, &buf, &buflen, "Test %d %s", 13, "string"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(len == 14); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buflen == 15); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "Test 13 string", 15)); cxFree(alloc, buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_sprintf_s_no_alloc) { char buf[16]; CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; CX_TEST_DO { char *str; size_t buflen = 16; size_t len = cx_sprintf_sa(alloc, buf, &buflen, &str, "Test %d %s", 47, "string"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(str == buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buflen == 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(len == 14); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(buf, "Test 47 string", 15)); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(str, "Test 47 string", 15)); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_sprintf_s_alloc) { char buf[16]; memcpy(buf, "0123456789abcdef", 16); CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; CX_TEST_DO { char *str; size_t buflen = 16; size_t len = cx_sprintf_sa(alloc, buf, &buflen, &str, "Hello %d %s", 4711, "larger string"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(str != buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buflen == 25); CX_TEST_ASSERT(len == 24); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(str, "Hello 4711 larger string", 25)); cxFree(alloc, str); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CX_TEST(test_sprintf_s_alloc_to_fit_terminator) { char buf[16]; memcpy(buf, "0123456789abcdef", 16); CxTestingAllocator talloc; cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; CX_TEST_DO { char *str; size_t buflen = 16; size_t len = cx_sprintf_sa(alloc, buf,&buflen, &str, "Hello %d %s", 112, "string"); CX_TEST_ASSERT(str != buf); CX_TEST_ASSERT(len == 16); CX_TEST_ASSERT(buflen == 17); CX_TEST_ASSERT(0 == memcmp(str, "Hello 112 string", 17)); // include terminator cxFree(alloc, str); CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); } cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); } CxTestSuite *cx_test_suite_printf(void) { CxTestSuite *suite = cx_test_suite_new("printf"); cx_test_register(suite, test_bprintf); cx_test_register(suite, test_bprintf_large_string); cx_test_register(suite, test_bprintf_nocap); cx_test_register(suite, test_fprintf); cx_test_register(suite, test_asprintf); cx_test_register(suite, test_asprintf_large_string); cx_test_register(suite, test_sprintf_no_realloc); cx_test_register(suite, test_sprintf_realloc); cx_test_register(suite, test_sprintf_realloc_to_fit_terminator); cx_test_register(suite, test_sprintf_s_no_alloc); cx_test_register(suite, test_sprintf_s_alloc); cx_test_register(suite, test_sprintf_s_alloc_to_fit_terminator); return suite; }