
Tue, 04 Mar 2025 18:20:36 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Tue, 04 Mar 2025 18:20:36 +0100
changeset 1237
parent 1236

add structure to list documentation

relates to #451

# List Interface

Outdated Section - will be updated soon!

The `list.h` header defines a common interface for all list implementations.

UCX already comes with two common list implementations ([linked list]( and [array list](
that should cover most use cases.
But if you feel the need to implement an own list, you will find instructions [below](#implement-own-list-structures).

## Example

TODO: add example how to work with lists

> If you want to lazy-initialize lists, you can use the global `cxEmptyList` symbol as a placeholder instead of using a `NULL`-pointer.
> While you *must not* insert items into that list, you can safely access this list or create iterators.
> This allows you to write clean code without checking for `NULL`-pointer everywhere.
> You still need to make sure that the placeholder is replaced with an actual list before inserting items.

## Insert

int cxListAdd(CxList *list, const void *elem);

size_t cxListAddArray(CxList *list, const void *array, size_t n);

int cxListInsert(CxList *list, size_t index, const void *elem);

int cxListInsertSorted(CxList *list, const void *elem);

size_t cxListInsertArray(CxList *list, size_t index,
        const void *array, size_t n);

size_t cxListInsertSortedArray(CxList *list,
        const void *array, size_t n);

int cxListInsertAfter(CxIterator *iter, const void *elem);

int cxListInsertBefore(CxIterator *iter, const void *elem);

TODO: add documentation

## Access and Find

size_t cxListSize(const CxList *list);

void *cxListAt(const CxList *list, size_t index);

size_t cxListFind(const CxList *list, const void *elem);

size_t cxListFindRemove(CxList *list, const void *elem);

bool cxListIndexValid(const CxList *list, size_t index);

TODO: add documentation

## Remove

int cxListRemove(CxList *list, size_t index);

int cxListRemoveAndGet(CxList *list, size_t index, void *targetbuf);

size_t cxListRemoveArray(CxList *list, size_t index, size_t num);

size_t cxListRemoveArrayAndGet(CxList *list, size_t index, size_t num,
        void *targetbuf);

void cxListClear(CxList *list);

TODO: add documentation

## Iterators

CxIterator cxListIterator(const CxList *list);

CxIterator cxListMutIterator(CxList *list);

CxIterator cxListBackwardsIterator(const CxList *list);

CxIterator cxListMutBackwardsIterator(CxList *list);

CxIterator cxListIteratorAt(const CxList *list, size_t index);

CxIterator cxListBackwardsIteratorAt(const CxList *list, size_t index);

CxIterator cxListMutIteratorAt(CxList *list, size_t index);

CxIterator cxListMutBackwardsIteratorAt(CxList *list, size_t index);

TODO: add documentation

## Reorder

int cxListSwap(CxList *list, size_t i, size_t j);

void cxListSort(CxList *list);

void cxListReverse(CxList *list);

TODO: add documentation

## Compare

int cxListCompare(const CxList *list, const CxList *other);

TODO: add documentation

## Dispose

void cxListFree(CxList *list);

TODO: add documentation

## Implement own List Structures

TODO: add documentation

<category ref="apidoc">
<a href="">list.h</a>
