
Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:16:36 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:16:36 +0100
changeset 1260
parent 1258
child 1267

add documentation for the shift functions

relates to #451


New Feature - will be documented soon!

## Parser

#include <cx/json.h>

void cxJsonInit(CxJson *json, const CxAllocator *allocator);

void cxJsonReset(CxJson *json);

int cxJsonFilln(CxJson *json, const char *buf, size_t len);

int cxJsonFill(CxJson *json, AnyStr str);

CxJsonStatus cxJsonNext(CxJson *json, CxJsonValue **value);

void cxJsonDestroy(CxJson *json);

TODO: document

### List of Status Codes

Below is a full list of status codes for `cxJsonNext()`.

| Status Code                           | Meaning                                                                                           |
| CX_JSON_NO_ERROR                      | A value was successfully parsed.                                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                       |
| CX_JSON_NO_DATA                       | The input buffer does not contain more data.                                                      |
| CX_JSON_INCOMPLETE_DATA               | The input ends unexpectedly. Use `cxJsonFill()` to add more data before retrying.                 |
| CX_JSON_NULL_DATA                     | The input buffer was never initialized. Probably you forgot to call `cxJsonFill()` at least once. |
| CX_JSON_BUFFER_ALLOC_FAILED           | More internal buffer was needed, but could not be allocated.                                      |
| CX_JSON_VALUE_ALLOC_FAILED            | Allocating memory for a json value failed.                                                        |
| CX_JSON_FORMAT_ERROR_NUMBER           | A number value is incorrectly formatted.                                                          |
| CX_JSON_FORMAT_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_TOKEN | The tokenizer found something unexpected, i.e. the JSON string contains a syntax error.           |

## Access Values

#include <cx/json.h>

bool cxJsonIsObject(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsArray(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsString(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsNumber(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsInteger(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsLiteral(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsBool(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsTrue(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsFalse(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonIsNull(const CxJsonValue *value);

char *cxJsonAsString(const CxJsonValue *value);

cxstring cxJsonAsCxString(const CxJsonValue *value);

cxmutstr cxJsonAsCxMutStr(const CxJsonValue *value);

double cxJsonAsDouble(const CxJsonValue *value);

int64_t cxJsonAsInteger(const CxJsonValue *value);

bool cxJsonAsBool(const CxJsonValue *value);

size_t cxJsonArrSize(const CxJsonValue *value);

CxJsonValue *cxJsonArrGet(const CxJsonValue *value, size_t index);

CxJsonValue *cxJsonObjGet(const CxJsonValue *value, AnyStr name);

CxIterator cxJsonArrIter(const CxJsonValue *value);

CxIterator cxJsonObjIter(const CxJsonValue *value);

The `cxJsonIsXYZ()` family functions check the type of the specified JSON value.

The JSON specification only defines numbers, therefore `cxJsonIsNumber()` returns true for both floating point and integer numbers.
On the other hand, `cxJsonIsInteger()` only returns true for integral numbers.

The function `cxJsonIsBool()` returns true if `cxJsonIsLiteral()` returns true, but `cxJsonIsNull()` does not.

> Since a literal can be `true`, `false`, or `null`, note carefully that `!cxJsonIsTrue(v)`
> is in general _not_ equivalent to `cxJsonIsFalse(v)`.
> Additionally, UCX does implement the Javascript concept of a "falsy" value, meaning that
> `cxJsonIsFalse()` _only_ returns true, if the value is a literal `false`.

The `cxJsonAsXYZ()` family of functions return the value with its corresponding C type.

The functions `cxJsonAsInteger()` and `cxJsonAsDouble()` can be used for any number value.
For example, if `cxJsonAsInteger()` is used on a non-integral number, a double-to-int conversion is performed.

The function `cxJsonArraySize()` returns the number of items in an array value,
which can be accessed via index with `cxJsonArrGet()` or via an iterator created with `cxJsonArrIter()`.

The function `cxJsonObjGet()` returns the member in a JSON object associated with the specified `name`. 

> Both `cxJsonArrGet()` and `cxJsonObjGet()` are safe regarding access to non-existing values.
> When `cxJsonArrGet()` is used with an out-of-bounds index, or `cxJsonObjGet()` is used with a non-existent name,
> they return a JSON value, that returns `false` for any `cxJsonIsXYZ()` function.

> If you don't have full control over the JSON data, you should always check the datatype of a value first, before accessing it.

## Deallocate Memory

#include <cx/json.h>

void cxJsonValueFree(CxJsonValue *value);

Once a JSON value is not needed anymore, the memory can be deallocated with `cxJsonValueFree()`.
Nested values are also recursively deallocated. 

> Make sure that you are not accidentally deallocating values that are still part of an object or array.
> When deallocating the enclosing object/array, this will lead to a double-free.

## Create Objects

#include <cx/json.h>

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateObj(const CxAllocator* allocator);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateArr(const CxAllocator* allocator);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateNumber(
        const CxAllocator* allocator, double num);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateInteger(
        const CxAllocator* allocator, int64_t num);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateString(const CxAllocator* allocator,
        const char *str);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateCxString(
        const CxAllocator* allocator, cxstring str);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonCreateLiteral(
        const CxAllocator* allocator, CxJsonLiteral lit);

int cxJsonArrAddNumbers(CxJsonValue* arr,
        const double* num, size_t count);

int cxJsonArrAddIntegers(CxJsonValue* arr,
        const int64_t* num, size_t count);

int cxJsonArrAddStrings(CxJsonValue* arr,
        const char* const* str, size_t count);

int cxJsonArrAddCxStrings(CxJsonValue* arr,
        const cxstring* str, size_t count);

int cxJsonArrAddLiterals(CxJsonValue* arr,
        const CxJsonLiteral* lit, size_t count);

int cxJsonArrAddValues(CxJsonValue* arr,
        CxJsonValue* const* val, size_t count);

int cxJsonObjPut(CxJsonValue* obj, cxstring name, CxJsonValue* child);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutObj(CxJsonValue* obj, cxstring name);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutArr(CxJsonValue* obj, cxstring name);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutNumber(CxJsonValue* obj,
        cxstring name, double num);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutInteger(CxJsonValue* obj,
        cxstring name, int64_t num);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutString(CxJsonValue* obj,
        cxstring name, const char* str);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutCxString(CxJsonValue* obj,
        cxstring name, cxstring str);

CxJsonValue* cxJsonObjPutLiteral(CxJsonValue* obj,
        cxstring name, CxJsonLiteral lit);

TODO: document

## Writer

#include <cx/json.h>

typedef struct cx_json_writer_s {
    bool pretty;
    bool sort_members;
    uint8_t frac_max_digits;
    bool indent_space;
    uint8_t indent;
    bool escape_slash;
} CxJsonWriter;

CxJsonWriter cxJsonWriterCompact(void);

CxJsonWriter cxJsonWriterPretty(bool use_spaces);

int cxJsonWrite(void* target, const CxJsonValue* value,
        cx_write_func wfunc, const CxJsonWriter* settings);

TODO: document

<category ref="apidoc">
<a href="">json.h</a>
