upgrade to ucx 3.0

23 months ago

Mike Becker <universe@uap-core.de>
Mon, 24 Apr 2023 20:54:38 +0200 (23 months ago)
changeset 66
parent 60
child 67

upgrade to ucx 3.0

.hgignore file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
Makefile file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
clang.mk file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
gcc.mk file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/c2html.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/c2html.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/frontend.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/highlighter.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/highlighter.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/allocator.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/allocator.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/buffer.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/buffer.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/list.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/list.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/string.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/string.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/ucx.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/utils.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
src/ucx/utils.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/ctestfile.c file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/gs/bigtest.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/gs/ctest.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/gs/javatest.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/gs/plain.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/header.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/jheader.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/v2-regression/bigtest.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/v2-regression/ctest.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/v2-regression/javatest.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
test/v2-regression/plain.html file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/.hgignore	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/.hgignore	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@
--- a/Makefile	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/Makefile	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -34,25 +34,17 @@
 SRC  = frontend.c
 SRC += c2html.c
 SRC += highlighter.c
-SRC += ucx/allocator.c
-SRC += ucx/buffer.c
-SRC += ucx/list.c
-SRC += ucx/string.c
-SRC += ucx/utils.c
 OBJ = $(SRC:%.c=build/%$(OBJ_EXT))
-all: build/ucx build/$(BIN)
+all: build build/$(BIN)
 build/$(BIN): $(OBJ)
 	$(LD) -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS)
 build/%$(OBJ_EXT): src/%.c
 	$(CC) -o $@ $(CFLAGS) -c $<
-build/ucx: build
-	$(MKDIR) $@
 	$(MKDIR) $@
@@ -65,12 +57,10 @@
 	-H test/header.html -F test/footer.html
 	./build/$(BIN) -p test/plain.csp -o build/plain.html \
 	-H test/header.html -F test/footer.html
-test-v2-regression: test
-	diff build/ctest.html test/v2-regression/ctest.html && \
-	diff build/javatest.html test/v2-regression/javatest.html && \
-	diff build/bigtest.html test/v2-regression/bigtest.html && \
-	diff build/plain.html test/v2-regression/plain.html
+	diff build/ctest.html test/gs/ctest.html && \
+	diff build/javatest.html test/gs/javatest.html && \
+	diff build/bigtest.html test/gs/bigtest.html && \
+	diff build/plain.html test/gs/plain.html
 	$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) build
--- a/clang.mk	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/clang.mk	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@
 CC      = clang
 CFLAGS  = -O2
 LD      = clang
+LDFLAGS = -lucx
 OBJ_EXT = .o
--- a/gcc.mk	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/gcc.mk	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -36,5 +36,5 @@
 CC      = gcc
 CFLAGS  = -O2 -std=gnu99
 LD      = gcc
+LDFLAGS = -lucx
 OBJ_EXT = .o
--- a/src/c2html.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/c2html.c	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -29,131 +29,93 @@
 #include "c2html.h"
-#include "ucx/list.h"
-#include "ucx/utils.h"
+#include <cx/array_list.h>
+#include <cx/printf.h>
-#define try_write(wfnc, str, n, buf, written, maxlen) \
-    {                                              \
-        size_t m = maxlen-written;                    \
-        written += wfnc(str, 1, n > m ? m : n, buf);  \
+size_t c2html_format(
+        CxList const *lines,
+        void *outbuf,
+        cx_write_func wfnc,
+        c2html_highlighter_func highlighter,
+        int showln
+) {
+    /* total written bytes */
+    size_t written = 0;
+    /* compute width of line numbering */
+    int lnw = 0;
+    if (showln) {
+        size_t no_lines = cxListSize(lines);
+        for (size_t p = 1; p < no_lines; p *= 10) lnw++;
-static size_t formatlines(c2html_highlighter_func highlighter, UcxList *in,
-        void *outbuf, write_func wfnc, size_t maxlen, int showlineno) {
-    /* total written bytes */
-    size_t written = 0;
-    /* compute width of line numbering */
-    int lnw = 0;
-    if (showlineno) {
-        size_t lines = ucx_list_size(in);
-        for (size_t p = 1; p < lines ; p*=10) lnw++;
-    }
-    /* start monospace formatting */
-    try_write(wfnc, "<pre>\n", 6, outbuf, written, maxlen);
+    /* start code formatting */
+    written += wfnc("<div class=\"c2html-code\">\n", 1, 26, outbuf);
     /* process lines */
-    size_t lineno = 0;
-    c2html_highlighter_data* hd = malloc(sizeof(c2html_highlighter_data));
-    hd->multiline_comment = 0;
-    hd->primary_buffer = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, 256, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND);
-    hd->secondary_buffer = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, 32, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND);
-    UcxBuffer *line = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, 1024, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND);
-    UCX_FOREACH(sourceline, in) {
+    int lineno = 0;
+    c2html_highlighter_data hd;
+    hd.multiline_comment = 0;
+    cxBufferInit(&hd.primary_buffer, NULL, 256, NULL, CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND);
+    cxBufferInit(&hd.secondary_buffer, NULL, 32, NULL, CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND);
+    CxBuffer out_line;
+    cxBufferInit(&out_line, NULL, 128, NULL, CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND);
+    CxIterator in_lines = cxListIterator(lines);
+    cx_foreach(char*, in_line, in_lines) {
         /* increase line number and clean line buffer */
-        ucx_buffer_clear(line);
+        cxBufferClear(&out_line);
         /* write line number */
-        if (showlineno) {
-            ucx_bprintf(line, "<a class=\"c2html-lineno\" name=\"l%d\" "
-                    "href=\"#l%d\">%*d </a>",
-                    lineno, lineno, lnw, lineno);
+        if (showln) {
+            cx_bprintf(&out_line, "<a class=\"c2html-lineno\" name=\"l%d\" "
+                                  "href=\"#l%d\">%*d </a>",
+                       lineno, lineno, lnw, lineno);
         /* process code line */
-        highlighter(sourceline->data, line, hd);
+        highlighter(in_line, &out_line, &hd);
         /* write code line */
-        try_write(wfnc, line->space, line->size, outbuf, written, maxlen);
-        if (written == maxlen) break;
+        written += wfnc(out_line.space, 1, out_line.size, outbuf);
-    /* end monospace formatting */
-    try_write(wfnc, "</pre>\n", 7, outbuf, written, maxlen);
+    /* end code formatting */
+    written += wfnc("</div>\n", 1, 7, outbuf);
     /* cleanup and return */
-    ucx_buffer_free(hd->primary_buffer);
-    ucx_buffer_free(hd->secondary_buffer);
-    free(hd);
-    ucx_buffer_free(line);
+    cxBufferDestroy(&hd.primary_buffer);
+    cxBufferDestroy(&hd.secondary_buffer);
+    cxBufferDestroy(&out_line);
     return written;
-size_t c2html_formatn(void* inputbuffer, read_func rfnc,
-        char* ibuf, size_t ibuflen, void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        size_t maxlen, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    UcxBuffer *content = ucx_buffer_new(NULL, ibuflen*2, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND);
-    ucx_stream_copy(inputbuffer, content, rfnc, (write_func) ucx_buffer_write,
-            ibuf, ibuflen, (size_t)-1);
-    size_t n = c2html_bformatn(content->space, content->size,
-            outputbuffer, wfnc, maxlen, hltr, showln);
-    ucx_buffer_free(content);
-    return n;
+size_t c2html_bformat(
+        char const *inputbuffer,
+        size_t inputbuflen,
+        void *outbuf,
+        cx_write_func wfnc,
+        c2html_highlighter_func highlighter,
+        int showln
+) {
+    /* a rough estimate for the number of lines */
+    size_t est_cap = 16 + inputbuflen / 40;
-size_t c2html_format(void* inputbuffer, read_func rfnc,
-        char* ibuf, size_t ibuflen, void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    return c2html_formatn(inputbuffer, rfnc, ibuf, ibuflen,
-            outputbuffer, wfnc, (size_t)-1, hltr, showln);
-size_t c2html_fformat(FILE* inputfile, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen,
-        void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    return c2html_format(inputfile, (read_func) fread, ibuf, ibuflen,
-            outputbuffer, wfnc, hltr, showln);
-void c2html_fformatf(FILE *inputfile, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen,
-        FILE* outputfile, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    c2html_format(inputfile, (read_func) fread, ibuf, ibuflen,
-            outputfile, (write_func) fwrite, hltr, showln);
-size_t c2html_bformatn(const char* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
-        void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        size_t maxlen, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    UcxList *lines = ucx_list_append(NULL, (char*)inputbuffer);
-    for (size_t i = 1 ; i < inputbuflen ; i++) {
-        if (inputbuffer[i] == '\n' && i+1 < inputbuflen) {
-            ucx_list_append(lines, (char*)inputbuffer+i+1);
+    /* create the line pointer array */
+    CxList *lines = cxArrayListCreateSimple(CX_STORE_POINTERS, est_cap);
+    cxListAdd(lines, inputbuffer);
+    for (size_t i = 1; i < inputbuflen; i++) {
+        if (inputbuffer[i] == '\n' && i + 1 < inputbuflen) {
+            cxListAdd(lines, inputbuffer + i + 1);
-    size_t n = formatlines(hltr, lines, outputbuffer, wfnc, maxlen, showln);
-    ucx_list_free(lines);
-    return n;
+    /* invoke the other function */
+    size_t n = c2html_format(lines, outbuf, wfnc, highlighter, showln);
-size_t c2html_bformat(const char* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
-        void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    return c2html_bformatn(inputbuffer, inputbuflen, outputbuffer, wfnc,
-            (size_t)-1, hltr, showln);
-void c2html_bformatf(const char* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
-        FILE* outputfile, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln) {
-    c2html_bformatn(inputbuffer, inputbuflen, outputfile,
-            (write_func) fwrite, (size_t)-1, hltr, showln);
+    /* cleanup and return */
+    cxListDestroy(lines);
+    return n;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/c2html.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/c2html.h	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -31,90 +31,23 @@
 #define C2HTML_H
 #include <stdio.h>
+#include <cx/list.h>
 #include "highlighter.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
-#define VERSION_MAJOR   2
+#define VERSION_MAJOR   3
 #define VERSION_MINOR   0
 #define VERSION_DEVELOP 0 /* set this to zero for release version */
- * Reads a source file from the input buffer and writes at most
- * <code>maxlen</code> bytes of the formatted output to the output buffer.
- * 
- * The output buffer must either be large enough to hold <code>maxlen</code>
- * bytes or the write function must trigger an automatic extension of the
- * buffer.
- * 
- * The input is copied via an intermediate buffer to an internal buffer.
- * 
- * @param inputbuffer the input buffer
- * @param rfnc a read function operating for the input buffer
- * @param ibuf intermediate processing buffer
- * @param ibuflen length of intermediate processing buffer
- * @param outputbuffer the output buffer
- * @param wfnc a write function for the output buffer
- * @param maxlen the maximum amount bytes which will be written to the
- * output buffer
- * @param hltr the highlighter function
- * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
- * 
- * @return total amount of bytes written to the output buffer
- * 
- * @see c2html_plain_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
- */
-size_t c2html_formatn(void* inputbuffer, read_func rfnc,
-        char* ibuf, size_t ibuflen, void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        size_t maxlen, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
- * Reads a source file from the input buffer and writes the formatted output
- * to an output buffer.
- * 
- * The output buffer must either be large enough to hold the formatted data
- * or the write function must trigger an automatic extension of the buffer.
+ * Writes the formatted source data to the output buffer.
- * The input is copied via an intermediate buffer to an internal buffer.
- * 
- * @param inputbuffer the input buffer
- * @param rfnc a read function operating for the input buffer
- * @param ibuf intermediate processing buffer
- * @param ibuflen length of intermediate processing buffer
- * @param outputbuffer the output buffer
- * @param wfnc a write function for the output buffer
- * @param hltr the highlighter function
- * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
- * 
- * @return total amount of bytes written to the output buffer
- * 
- * @see c2html_plain_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
- */
-size_t c2html_format(void* inputbuffer, read_func rfnc,
-        char* ibuf, size_t ibuflen, void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
- * Reads a source file from the specified input file stream and writes the
- * formatted output to an output buffer.
- * 
- * The output buffer must either be large enough to hold the formatted data
- * or the write function must trigger an automatic extension of the buffer.
- * 
- * The input is copied via an intermediate buffer to an internal buffer.
- * For files, the recommended intermediate buffer length is the file system
- * block size.
- * 
- * @param inputfile the input file stream
- * @param ibuf intermediate processing buffer
- * @param ibuflen length of intermediate processing buffer
- * @param outputbuffer the output buffer
+ * @param inputbuffer the source file data as string
+ * @param inputbuflen the length of the source file
+ * @param outbuf the output buffer
  * @param wfnc a write function for the output buffer
  * @param hltr the highlighter function
  * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
@@ -125,92 +58,32 @@
  * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
  * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
-size_t c2html_fformat(FILE* inputfile, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen,
-        void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
+size_t c2html_bformat(char const* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
+                      void* outbuf, cx_write_func wfnc,
+                      c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
- * Reads a source file from the specified input file stream and directly writes
- * the formatted output to the output file stream.
- * 
- * For files, the recommended intermediate buffer length is the file system
- * block size.
- * 
- * @param inputfile the input file stream
- * @param ibuf intermediate processing buffer
- * @param ibuflen length of intermediate processing buffer (recommended: 4 KB)
- * @param outputfile the output file stream
+ * Writes the formatted source data to the output buffer.
+ *
+ * This function takes a list of \c char* that point to the beginning of each
+ * line. These pointers may point directly into the source text and the strings
+ * do not need to be zero-terminated, but the line-breaks must be included.
+ *
+ * @param lines a list of pointers to the beginning of each line
+ * @param outbuf the output buffer
+ * @param wfnc a write function for the output buffer
  * @param hltr the highlighter function
  * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
- * 
+ *
+ * @return total amount of bytes written to the output buffer
+ *
  * @see c2html_plain_highlighter()
  * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
  * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
-void c2html_fformatf(FILE *inputfile, char *ibuf, size_t ibuflen,
-        FILE* outputfile, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
- * Writes at most <code>maxlen</code> bytes of formatted source data to the
- * output buffer.
- * 
- * @param inputbuffer the source file data as string
- * @param inputbuflen the length of the source file
- * @param outputbuffer the output buffer
- * @param wfnc a write function for the output buffer
- * @param maxlen the maximum amount bytes which will be written to the
- * output buffer
- * @param hltr the highlighter function
- * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
- * 
- * @return total amount of bytes written to the output buffer
- * 
- * @see c2html_plain_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
- */
-size_t c2html_bformatn(const char* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
-        void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        size_t maxlen, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
- * Writes the formatted source data to the output buffer.
- * 
- * @param inputbuffer the source file data as string
- * @param inputbuflen the length of the source file
- * @param outputbuffer the output buffer
- * @param wfnc a write function for the output buffer
- * @param hltr the highlighter function
- * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
- * 
- * @return total amount of bytes written to the output buffer
- * 
- * @see c2html_plain_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
- */
-size_t c2html_bformat(const char* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
-        void* outputbuffer, write_func wfnc,
-        c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
- * Writes the formatted source data directly to the specified file stream.
- * 
- * @param inputbuffer the source file data as string
- * @param inputbuflen the length of the source file
- * @param outputfile the output file stream
- * @param hltr the highlighter function
- * @param showln zero, if line numbers shall be omitted, nonzero otherwise
- * 
- * @see c2html_plain_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_c_highlighter()
- * @see c2html_java_highlighter()
- */
-void c2html_bformatf(const char* inputbuffer, size_t inputbuflen,
-        FILE* outputfile, c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
+size_t c2html_format(CxList const* lines,
+                     void* outbuf, cx_write_func wfnc,
+                     c2html_highlighter_func hltr, int showln);
 #ifdef __cplusplus
--- a/src/frontend.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/frontend.c	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -33,9 +33,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include "c2html.h"
-#include "ucx/utils.h"
-#define FILEBUF_SIZE 4096
+#include <cx/utils.h>
 typedef struct {
     char* outfilename;
@@ -45,20 +43,17 @@
     int showlinenumbers;
 } Settings;
-static int appendfile(const char *filename, FILE *fout,
-        char *copybuf, size_t copybuflen, const char *errmsg) {
-    FILE *headerfile = fopen(filename, "r");
-    if (!headerfile) {
+static int appendfile(const char *filename, FILE *fout, const char *errmsg) {
+    FILE *fin = fopen(filename, "r");
+    if (!fin) {
         if (fout != stdout) {
         return 1;
-    ucx_stream_copy(headerfile, fout,
-            (read_func) fread, (write_func) fwrite,
-            copybuf, copybuflen, (size_t)-1);
-    fclose(headerfile);
+    cx_stream_copy(fin, fout, (cx_read_func) fread, (cx_write_func) fwrite);
+    fclose(fin);
     return 0;
@@ -86,7 +81,7 @@
     c2html_highlighter_func hltr = c2html_c_highlighter;
     /* Parse command line */
-    char optc;
+    int optc;
     while ((optc = getopt(argc, argv, "hljo:pH:F:vV")) != -1) {
         switch (optc) {
             case 'o':
@@ -142,15 +137,8 @@
             fout = stdout;
-        /* Allocate file buffer  */
-        char *filebuf = malloc(FILEBUF_SIZE);
-        if (!filebuf) {
-            perror("Error allocating file buffer");
-            return EXIT_FAILURE;
-        }
         /* Prepend header file */
-        if (appendfile(settings.headerfile, fout, filebuf, FILEBUF_SIZE,
+        if (appendfile(settings.headerfile, fout,
                 "Error opening header file")) {
             return EXIT_FAILURE;
@@ -158,11 +146,17 @@
         /* Process input file */
         FILE *inputfile = fopen(settings.infilename, "r");
         if (inputfile) {
-            c2html_fformatf(
-                    inputfile, filebuf, FILEBUF_SIZE,
-                    fout, hltr, settings.showlinenumbers
+            CxBuffer fbuf;
+            cxBufferInit(&fbuf, NULL, 4096, NULL, CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND);
+            cx_stream_copy(inputfile, &fbuf, (cx_read_func) fread,
+                           (cx_write_func) cxBufferWrite);
+            fclose(inputfile);
+            c2html_bformat(
+                    fbuf.space, fbuf.size,
+                    fout, (cx_write_func ) fwrite, hltr,
+                    settings.showlinenumbers
-            fclose(inputfile);
+            cxBufferDestroy(&fbuf);
         } else {
             perror("Error opening input file");
             if (fout != stdout) {
@@ -172,12 +166,10 @@
         /* Append footer file */
-        if (appendfile(settings.footerfile, fout, filebuf, FILEBUF_SIZE,
+        if (appendfile(settings.footerfile, fout,
                 "Error opening footer file")) {
             return EXIT_FAILURE;
-        free(filebuf);
         return EXIT_SUCCESS;
--- a/src/highlighter.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/highlighter.c	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -33,35 +33,35 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
 #include <ctype.h>
-#include "ucx/string.h"
-#include "ucx/utils.h"
-static void put_htmlescaped(UcxBuffer *dest, char c) {
+#include <cx/string.h>
+static void put_htmlescaped(CxBuffer *dest, char c) {
     if (c == '>') {
-        ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "&gt;");
+        cxBufferPutString(dest, "&gt;");
     } else if (c == '<') {
-        ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "&lt;");
+        cxBufferPutString(dest, "&lt;");
     } else if (c) {
-        ucx_buffer_putc(dest, c);
+        cxBufferPut(dest, c);
-static void put_htmlescapedstr(UcxBuffer *dest, sstr_t s) {
+static void put_htmlescapedstr(CxBuffer *dest, cxstring s) {
     for (int i = 0 ; i < s.length ; i++) {
         put_htmlescaped(dest, s.ptr[i]);
-static int check_keyword(sstr_t word, const char** keywords) {
+static int check_keyword(cxstring word, const char** keywords) {
     for (int i = 0 ; keywords[i] ; i++) {
-        if (sstrcmp(word, sstr((char*)keywords[i])) == 0) {
+        if (cx_strcmp(word, cx_str(keywords[i])) == 0) {
             return 1;
     return 0;
-static int check_capsonly(sstr_t word) {
+static int check_capsonly(cxstring word) {
     for (size_t i = 0 ; i < word.length ; i++) {
         if (!isupper(word.ptr[i]) && !isdigit(word.ptr[i])
                 && word.ptr[i] != '_') {
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 /* Plaintext Highlighter */
-void c2html_plain_highlighter(char *src, UcxBuffer *dest,
+void c2html_plain_highlighter(char const *src, CxBuffer *dest,
         c2html_highlighter_data *hd) {
     while (*src && *src != '\n') {
         if (*src != '\r') {
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
-    ucx_buffer_putc(dest, '\n');
+    cxBufferPut(dest, '\n');
 /* C Highlighter */
@@ -94,15 +94,15 @@
     "while", NULL
-void c2html_c_highlighter(char *src, UcxBuffer *dest,
+void c2html_c_highlighter(char const *src, CxBuffer *dest,
         c2html_highlighter_data *hd) {
     /* reset buffers without clearing them */
-    hd->primary_buffer->size = hd->primary_buffer->pos = 0;
-    hd->secondary_buffer->size = hd->secondary_buffer->pos = 0;
+    hd->primary_buffer.size = hd->primary_buffer.pos = 0;
+    hd->secondary_buffer.size = hd->secondary_buffer.pos = 0;
     /* alias the buffers for better handling */
-    UcxBuffer *wbuf = hd->primary_buffer;
-    UcxBuffer *ifilebuf = hd->secondary_buffer;
+    CxBuffer *wbuf = &hd->primary_buffer;
+    CxBuffer *ifilebuf = &hd->secondary_buffer;
     /* local information */
     size_t sp = (size_t)-1;
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
     /* continue a multi line comment highlighting */
     if (hd->multiline_comment) {
         iscomment = 1;
-        ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
+        cxBufferPutString(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
     char c;
@@ -126,42 +126,42 @@
             if (hd->multiline_comment && sp > 0 && src[sp-1] == '*') {
                 iscomment = 0;
                 hd->multiline_comment = 0;
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "/</span>");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest, "/</span>");
             } else if (!iscomment && (src[sp+1] == '/' || src[sp+1] == '*')) {
                 iscomment = 1;
                 hd->multiline_comment = (src[sp+1] == '*');
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
         if (iscomment) {
             if (c == '\n') {
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "</span>\n");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest, "</span>\n");
             } else {
                 put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
         } else if (isinclude) {
             if (c == '<') {
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                cxBufferPutString(dest,
                         "<span class=\"c2html-stdinclude\">&lt;");
             } else if (c == '\"') {
                 if (parseinclude) {
-                    ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "\">");
-                    ucx_buffer_write(ifilebuf->space, 1, ifilebuf->size, dest);
-                    ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "\"</a>");
+                    cxBufferPutString(dest, "\">");
+                    cxBufferWrite(ifilebuf->space, 1, ifilebuf->size, dest);
+                    cxBufferPutString(dest, "\"</a>");
                     parseinclude = 0;
                 } else {
-                    ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                    cxBufferPutString(dest,
                             "<a class=\"c2html-userinclude\" href=\"");
-                    ucx_buffer_putc(ifilebuf, '\"');
+                    cxBufferPut(ifilebuf, '\"');
                     parseinclude = 1;
             } else if (c == '>') {
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest,  "&gt;</span>");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest,  "&gt;</span>");
             } else {
                 if (parseinclude) {
-                    ucx_buffer_putc(ifilebuf, c);
+                    cxBufferPut(ifilebuf, c);
                 put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
@@ -172,14 +172,14 @@
                     put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
                     if (c == quote) {
                         isstring = 0;
-                        ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "</span>");
+                        cxBufferPutString(dest, "</span>");
                     } else {
                         put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
                 } else {
                     isstring = 1;
                     quote = c;
-                    ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-string\">");
+                    cxBufferPutString(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-string\">");
                     put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
             } else {
@@ -187,32 +187,32 @@
                     put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
                 } else if (isalnum(c) ||  c == '_' || c == '#') {
                     /* buffer the current word */
-                    ucx_buffer_putc(wbuf, c);
+                    cxBufferPut(wbuf, c);
                 } else {
                     /* write buffered word, if any */
                     if (wbuf->size > 0) {
-                        sstr_t word = sstrn(wbuf->space, wbuf->size);
+                        cxstring word = cx_strn(wbuf->space, wbuf->size);
                         int closespan = 1;
-                        sstr_t typesuffix = ST("_t");
+                        cxstring typesuffix = CX_STR("_t");
                         if (check_keyword(word, ckeywords)) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                     "<span class=\"c2html-keyword\">");
-                        } else if (sstrsuffix(word, typesuffix)) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                        } else if (cx_strsuffix(word, typesuffix)) {
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-type\">");
                         } else if (word.ptr[0] == '#') {
-                            isinclude = !sstrcmp(word, S("#include"));
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            isinclude = !cx_strcmp(word, CX_STR("#include"));
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-directive\">");
                         } else if (check_capsonly(word)) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-macroconst\">");
                         } else {
                             closespan = 0;
                         put_htmlescapedstr(dest, word);
                         if (closespan) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "</span>");
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest, "</span>");
                     wbuf->pos = wbuf->size = 0; /* reset word buffer */
@@ -239,14 +239,14 @@
     "volatile", "const", "float", "native", "super", "while", NULL
-void c2html_java_highlighter(char *src, UcxBuffer *dest,
+void c2html_java_highlighter(char const *src, CxBuffer *dest,
         c2html_highlighter_data *hd) {
     /* reset buffers without clearing them */
-    hd->primary_buffer->size = hd->primary_buffer->pos = 0;
-    hd->secondary_buffer->size = hd->secondary_buffer->pos = 0;
+    hd->primary_buffer.size = hd->primary_buffer.pos = 0;
+    hd->secondary_buffer.size = hd->secondary_buffer.pos = 0;
     /* alias the buffers for better handling */
-    UcxBuffer *wbuf = hd->primary_buffer;
+    CxBuffer *wbuf = &hd->primary_buffer;
     /* local information */
     size_t sp = (size_t)-1;
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
     if (hd->multiline_comment) {
         iscomment = 1;
-        ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
+        cxBufferPutString(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
     char c;
@@ -269,18 +269,18 @@
             if (hd->multiline_comment && sp > 0 && src[sp-1] == '*') {
                 iscomment = 0;
                 hd->multiline_comment = 0;
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "/</span>");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest, "/</span>");
             } else if (!iscomment && (src[sp+1] == '/' || src[sp+1] == '*')) {
                 iscomment = 1;
                 hd->multiline_comment = (src[sp+1] == '*');
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest, "<span class=\"c2html-comment\">");
         if (iscomment) {
             if (c == '\n') {
-                ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "</span>\n");
+                cxBufferPutString(dest, "</span>\n");
             } else {
                 put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
@@ -293,14 +293,14 @@
                     put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
                     if (c == quote) {
                         isstring = 0;
-                        ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "</span>");
+                        cxBufferPutString(dest, "</span>");
                     } else {
                         put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
                 } else {
                     isstring = 1;
                     quote = c;
-                    ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                    cxBufferPutString(dest,
                         "<span class=\"c2html-string\">");
                     put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
@@ -309,23 +309,23 @@
                     put_htmlescaped(dest, c);
                 } else if (isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c == '@') {
                     /* buffer the current word */
-                    ucx_buffer_putc(wbuf, c);
+                    cxBufferPut(wbuf, c);
                 } else {
                     /* write buffered word, if any */
                     if (wbuf->size > 0) {
-                        sstr_t word = sstrn(wbuf->space, wbuf->size);
+                        cxstring word = cx_strn(wbuf->space, wbuf->size);
                         int closespan = 1;
                         if (check_keyword(word, jkeywords)) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-keyword\">");
                         } else if (isupper(word.ptr[0])) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-type\">");
                         } else if (word.ptr[0] == '@') {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-directive\">");
                         } else if (check_capsonly(word)) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest,
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest,
                                 "<span class=\"c2html-macroconst\">");
                         } else {
                             closespan = 0;
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
                         put_htmlescapedstr(dest, word);
                         if (closespan) {
-                            ucx_buffer_puts(dest, "</span>");
+                            cxBufferPutString(dest, "</span>");
                     wbuf->pos = wbuf->size = 0; /* reset buffer */
--- a/src/highlighter.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/src/highlighter.h	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-#include "ucx/buffer.h"
+#include <cx/buffer.h>
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
@@ -38,12 +38,12 @@
 typedef struct {
     int multiline_comment;
-    UcxBuffer* primary_buffer;
-    UcxBuffer* secondary_buffer;
+    CxBuffer primary_buffer;
+    CxBuffer secondary_buffer;
 } c2html_highlighter_data;
-char*,UcxBuffer*, c2html_highlighter_data*
+char const*, CxBuffer*, c2html_highlighter_data*
 typedef void(*c2html_highlighter_func)(C2HTML_HIGHLIGHTER_SIGNATURE);
--- a/src/ucx/allocator.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "allocator.h"
-UcxAllocator default_allocator = {
-    NULL,
-    ucx_default_malloc,
-    ucx_default_calloc,
-    ucx_default_realloc,
-    ucx_default_free
-UcxAllocator *ucx_default_allocator() {
-    UcxAllocator *allocator = &default_allocator;
-    return allocator;
-void *ucx_default_malloc(void *ignore, size_t n) {
-    return malloc(n);
-void *ucx_default_calloc(void *ignore, size_t n, size_t size) {
-    return calloc(n, size);
-void *ucx_default_realloc(void *ignore, void *data, size_t n) {
-    return realloc(data, n);
-void ucx_default_free(void *ignore, void *data) {
-    free(data);
--- a/src/ucx/allocator.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- * Allocator for custom memory management.
- * 
- * An UCX allocator consists of a pointer to the memory area / pool and four
- * function pointers to memory management functions operating on this memory
- * area / pool. These functions shall behave equivalent to the standard libc
- * functions <code>malloc(), calloc(), realloc()</code> and <code>free()</code>.
- * 
- * The signature of the memory management functions is based on the signature
- * of the respective libc function but each of them takes the pointer to the
- * memory area / pool as first argument.
- * 
- * As the pointer to the memory area / pool can be arbitrarily chosen, any data
- * can be provided to the memory management functions. An UcxMempool is just
- * one example.
- * 
- * @see mempool.h
- * @see UcxMap
- * 
- * @file   allocator.h
- * @author Mike Becker
- * @author Olaf Wintermann
- */
-#include "ucx.h"
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * A function pointer to the allocators <code>malloc()</code> function.
- * @see UcxAllocator
- */
-typedef void*(*ucx_allocator_malloc)(void *pool, size_t n);
- * A function pointer to the allocators <code>calloc()</code> function.
- * @see UcxAllocator
- */
-typedef void*(*ucx_allocator_calloc)(void *pool, size_t n, size_t size);
- * A function pointer to the allocators <code>realloc()</code> function.
- * @see UcxAllocator
- */
-typedef void*(*ucx_allocator_realloc)(void *pool, void *data, size_t n);
- * A function pointer to the allocators <code>free()</code> function.
- * @see UcxAllocator
- */
-typedef void(*ucx_allocator_free)(void *pool, void *data);
- * UCX allocator data structure containing memory management functions.
- */
-typedef struct {
-    /** Pointer to an area of memory or a complex memory pool.
-     * This pointer will be passed to any memory management function as first
-     * argument.
-     */
-    void *pool;
-    /**
-     * The <code>malloc()</code> function for this allocator.
-     */
-    ucx_allocator_malloc  malloc;
-    /**
-     * The <code>calloc()</code> function for this allocator.
-     */
-    ucx_allocator_calloc  calloc;
-    /**
-     * The <code>realloc()</code> function for this allocator.
-     */
-    ucx_allocator_realloc realloc;
-    /**
-     * The <code>free()</code> function for this allocator.
-     */
-    ucx_allocator_free    free;
-} UcxAllocator;
- * Returns a pointer to the default allocator.
- * 
- * The default allocator contains wrappers to the standard libc memory
- * management functions. Use this function to get a pointer to a globally
- * available allocator. You may also define an own UcxAllocator by assigning
- * #UCX_ALLOCATOR_DEFAULT to a variable and pass the address of this variable
- * to any function that takes an UcxAllocator as argument. Note that using
- * this function is the recommended way of passing a default allocator, thus
- * it never runs out of scope.
- * 
- * @return a pointer to the default allocator
- * 
- */
-UcxAllocator *ucx_default_allocator();
- * A wrapper for the standard libc <code>malloc()</code> function.
- * @param ignore ignored (may be used by allocators for pooled memory)
- * @param n argument passed to <code>malloc()</code>
- * @return return value of <code>malloc()</code>
- */
-void *ucx_default_malloc(void *ignore, size_t n);
- * A wrapper for the standard libc <code>calloc()</code> function.
- * @param ignore ignored (may be used by allocators for pooled memory)
- * @param n argument passed to <code>calloc()</code>
- * @param size  argument passed to <code>calloc()</code>
- * @return return value of <code>calloc()</code>
- */
-void *ucx_default_calloc(void *ignore, size_t n, size_t size);
- * A wrapper for the standard libc <code>realloc()</code> function.
- * @param ignore ignored (may be used by allocators for pooled memory)
- * @param data argumend passed to <code>realloc()</code>
- * @param n argument passed to <code>realloc()</code>
- * @return return value of <code>realloc()</code>
- */
-void *ucx_default_realloc(void *ignore, void *data, size_t n);
- * A wrapper for the standard libc <code>free()</code> function.
- * @param ignore ignored (may be used by allocators for pooled memory)
- * @param data argument passed to <code>free()</code>
- */
-void ucx_default_free(void *ignore, void *data);
- * Shorthand for calling an allocators malloc function.
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param n size of space to allocate
- * @return a pointer to the allocated memory area
- */
-#define almalloc(allocator, n) ((allocator)->malloc((allocator)->pool, n))
- * Shorthand for calling an allocators calloc function.
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param n the count of elements the space should be allocated for
- * @param size the size of each element
- * @return a pointer to the allocated memory area
- */
-#define alcalloc(allocator, n, size) \
-        ((allocator)->calloc((allocator)->pool, n, size))
- * Shorthand for calling an allocators realloc function.
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param ptr the pointer to the memory area that shall be reallocated
- * @param n the new size of the allocated memory area
- * @return a pointer to the reallocated memory area
- */
-#define alrealloc(allocator, ptr, n) \
-        ((allocator)->realloc((allocator)->pool, ptr, n))
- * Shorthand for calling an allocators free function.
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param ptr the pointer to the memory area that shall be freed
- */
-#define alfree(allocator, ptr) ((allocator)->free((allocator)->pool, ptr))
- * Convenient macro for a default allocator <code>struct</code> definition.
- */
-        ucx_default_malloc, ucx_default_calloc, ucx_default_realloc, \
-        ucx_default_free }
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-#endif	/* UCX_ALLOCATOR_H */
--- a/src/ucx/buffer.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include "buffer.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-UcxBuffer *ucx_buffer_new(void *space, size_t capacity, int flags) {
-    UcxBuffer *buffer = (UcxBuffer*) malloc(sizeof(UcxBuffer));
-    if (buffer) {
-        buffer->flags = flags;
-        if (!space) {
-            buffer->space = (char*)malloc(capacity);
-            if (!buffer->space) {
-                free(buffer);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            memset(buffer->space, 0, capacity);
-            buffer->flags |= UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE;
-        } else {
-            buffer->space = (char*)space;
-        }
-        buffer->capacity = capacity;
-        buffer->size = 0;
-        buffer->pos = 0;
-    }
-    return buffer;
-void ucx_buffer_free(UcxBuffer *buffer) {
-    if ((buffer->flags & UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE) == UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE) {
-        free(buffer->space);
-    }
-    free(buffer);
-UcxBuffer* ucx_buffer_extract(
-        UcxBuffer *src, size_t start, size_t length, int flags) {
-    if (src->size == 0 || length == 0 || start+length > src->capacity) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    UcxBuffer *dst = (UcxBuffer*) malloc(sizeof(UcxBuffer));
-    if (dst) {
-        dst->space = (char*)malloc(length);
-        if (!dst->space) {
-            free(dst);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        dst->capacity = length;
-        dst->size = length;
-        dst->flags = flags | UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE;
-        dst->pos = 0;
-        memcpy(dst->space, src->space+start, length);
-    }
-    return dst;
-int ucx_buffer_seek(UcxBuffer *buffer, off_t offset, int whence) {
-    size_t npos;
-    switch (whence) {
-    case SEEK_CUR:
-        npos = buffer->pos;
-        break;
-    case SEEK_END:
-        npos = buffer->size;
-        break;
-    case SEEK_SET:
-        npos = 0;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return -1;
-    }
-    size_t opos = npos;
-    npos += offset;
-    if ((offset > 0 && npos < opos) || (offset < 0 && npos > opos)) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    if (npos >= buffer->size) {
-        return -1;
-    } else {
-        buffer->pos = npos;
-        return 0;
-    }
-int ucx_buffer_eof(UcxBuffer *buffer) {
-    return buffer->pos >= buffer->size;
-int ucx_buffer_extend(UcxBuffer *buffer, size_t len) {
-    size_t newcap = buffer->capacity;
-    if (buffer->capacity + len < buffer->capacity) {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    while (buffer->capacity + len > newcap) {
-        newcap <<= 1;
-        if (newcap < buffer->capacity) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-    }
-    char *newspace = (char*)realloc(buffer->space, newcap);
-    if (newspace) {
-        memset(newspace+buffer->size, 0, newcap-buffer->size);
-        buffer->space = newspace;
-        buffer->capacity = newcap;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-size_t ucx_buffer_write(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems,
-        UcxBuffer *buffer) {
-    size_t len = size * nitems;
-    size_t required = buffer->pos + len;
-    if (buffer->pos > required) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    if (required > buffer->capacity) {
-        if ((buffer->flags & UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND) == UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND) {
-            if (ucx_buffer_extend(buffer, required - buffer->capacity)) {
-                return 0;
-            }
-        } else {
-            len = buffer->capacity - buffer->pos;
-            if (size > 1) {
-                len -= len%size;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (len == 0) {
-        return len;
-    }
-    memcpy(buffer->space + buffer->pos, ptr, len);
-    buffer->pos += len;
-    if(buffer->pos > buffer->size) {
-        buffer->size = buffer->pos;
-    }
-    return len / size;
-size_t ucx_buffer_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems,
-        UcxBuffer *buffer) {
-    size_t len = size * nitems;
-    if (buffer->pos + len > buffer->size) {
-        len = buffer->size - buffer->pos;
-        if (size > 1) len -= len%size;
-    }
-    if (len <= 0) {
-        return len;
-    }
-    memcpy(ptr, buffer->space + buffer->pos, len);
-    buffer->pos += len;
-    return len / size;
-int ucx_buffer_putc(UcxBuffer *buffer, int c) {
-    if(buffer->pos >= buffer->capacity) {
-        if ((buffer->flags & UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND) == UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND) {
-            if(ucx_buffer_extend(buffer, 1)) {
-                return EOF;
-            }
-        } else {
-            return EOF;
-        }
-    }
-    c &= 0xFF;
-    buffer->space[buffer->pos] = (char) c;
-    buffer->pos++;
-    if(buffer->pos > buffer->size) {
-        buffer->size = buffer->pos;
-    }
-    return c;
-int ucx_buffer_getc(UcxBuffer *buffer) {
-    if (ucx_buffer_eof(buffer)) {
-        return EOF;
-    } else {
-        int c = buffer->space[buffer->pos];
-        buffer->pos++;
-        return c;
-    }
-size_t ucx_buffer_puts(UcxBuffer *buffer, char *str) {
-    return ucx_buffer_write((const void*)str, 1, strlen(str), buffer);
--- a/src/ucx/buffer.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- * @file buffer.h
- * 
- * Advanced buffer implementation.
- * 
- * Instances of UcxBuffer can be used to read from or to write to like one
- * would do with a stream. This allows the use of ucx_stream_copy() to copy
- * contents from one buffer to another.
- * 
- * Some features for convenient use of the buffer
- * can be enabled. See the documentation of the macro constants for more
- * information.
- * 
- * @author Mike Becker
- * @author Olaf Wintermann
- */
-#ifndef UCX_BUFFER_H
-#define	UCX_BUFFER_H
-#include "ucx.h"
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * No buffer features enabled (all flags cleared).
- */
-#define UCX_BUFFER_DEFAULT      0x00
- * If this flag is enabled, the buffer will automatically free its contents.
- */
-#define UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE     0x01
- * If this flag is enabled, the buffer will automatically extends its capacity.
- */
-/** UCX Buffer. */
-typedef struct {
-    /** A pointer to the buffer contents. */
-    char *space;
-    /** Current position of the buffer. */
-    size_t pos;
-    /** Current capacity (i.e. maximum size) of the buffer. */
-    size_t capacity;
-    /** Current size of the buffer content. */
-    size_t size;
-    /**
-     * Flag register for buffer features.
-     * @see #UCX_BUFFER_DEFAULT
-     */
-    int flags;
-} UcxBuffer;
- * Creates a new buffer.
- * 
- * <b>Note:</b> you may provide <code>NULL</code> as argument for
- * <code>space</code>. Then this function will allocate the space and enforce
- * the #UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE flag.
- * 
- * @param space pointer to the memory area, or <code>NULL</code> to allocate
- * new memory
- * @param capacity the capacity of the buffer
- * @param flags buffer features (see UcxBuffer.flags)
- * @return the new buffer
- */
-UcxBuffer *ucx_buffer_new(void *space, size_t capacity, int flags);
- * Destroys a buffer.
- * 
- * If the #UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE feature is enabled, the contents of the buffer
- * are also freed.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer to destroy
- */
-void ucx_buffer_free(UcxBuffer* buffer);
- * Creates a new buffer and fills it with extracted content from another buffer.
- * 
- * <b>Note:</b> the #UCX_BUFFER_AUTOFREE feature is enforced for the new buffer.
- * 
- * @param src the source buffer
- * @param start the start position of extraction
- * @param length the count of bytes to extract (must not be zero)
- * @param flags feature mask for the new buffer
- * @return a new buffer containing the extraction
- */
-UcxBuffer* ucx_buffer_extract(UcxBuffer *src,
-        size_t start, size_t length, int flags);
- * A shorthand macro for the full extraction of the buffer.
- * 
- * @param src the source buffer
- * @param flags feature mask for the new buffer
- * @return a new buffer with the extracted content
- */
-#define ucx_buffer_clone(src,flags) \
-    ucx_buffer_extract(src, 0, (src)->capacity, flags)
- * Moves the position of the buffer.
- * 
- * The new position is relative to the <code>whence</code> argument.
- *
- * SEEK_SET marks the start of the buffer.
- * SEEK_CUR marks the current position.
- * SEEK_END marks the end of the buffer.
- * 
- * With an offset of zero, this function sets the buffer position to zero
- * (SEEK_SET), the buffer size (SEEK_END) or leaves the buffer position
- * unchanged (SEEK_CUR).
- * 
- * @param buffer
- * @param offset position offset relative to <code>whence</code>
- * @param whence one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_END
- * @return 0 on success, non-zero if the position is invalid
- *
- */
-int ucx_buffer_seek(UcxBuffer *buffer, off_t offset, int whence);
- * Clears the buffer by resetting the position and deleting the data.
- * 
- * The data is deleted by a zeroing it with call to <code>memset()</code>.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer to be cleared
- */
-#define ucx_buffer_clear(buffer) memset(buffer->space, 0, buffer->size); \
-        buffer->size = 0; buffer->pos = 0;
- * Tests, if the buffer position has exceeded the buffer capacity.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer to test
- * @return non-zero, if the current buffer position has exceeded the last
- * available byte of the buffer.
- */
-int ucx_buffer_eof(UcxBuffer *buffer);
- * Extends the capacity of the buffer.
- * 
- * <b>Note:</b> The buffer capacity increased by a power of two. I.e.
- * the buffer capacity is doubled, as long as it would not hold the current
- * content plus the additional required bytes.
- * 
- * <b>Attention:</b> the argument provided is the number of <i>additional</i>
- * bytes the buffer shall hold. It is <b>NOT</b> the total number of bytes the
- * buffer shall hold.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer to extend
- * @param additional_bytes the number of additional bytes the buffer shall
- * <i>at least</i> hold
- * @return 0 on success or a non-zero value on failure
- */
-int ucx_buffer_extend(UcxBuffer *buffer, size_t additional_bytes);
- * Writes data to an UcxBuffer.
- * 
- * The position of the buffer is increased by the number of bytes written.
- * 
- * @param ptr a pointer to the memory area containing the bytes to be written
- * @param size the length of one element
- * @param nitems the element count
- * @param buffer the UcxBuffer to write to
- * @return the total count of bytes written
- */
-size_t ucx_buffer_write(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems,
-        UcxBuffer *buffer);
- * Reads data from an UcxBuffer.
- * 
- * The position of the buffer is increased by the number of bytes read.
- * 
- * @param ptr a pointer to the memory area where to store the read data
- * @param size the length of one element
- * @param nitems the element count
- * @param buffer the UcxBuffer to read from
- * @return the total number of elements read
- */
-size_t ucx_buffer_read(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems,
-        UcxBuffer *buffer);
- * Writes a character to a buffer.
- * 
- * The least significant byte of the argument is written to the buffer. If the
- * end of the buffer is reached and #UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND feature is enabled,
- * the buffer capacity is extended by ucx_buffer_extend(). If the feature is
- * disabled or buffer extension fails, <code>EOF</code> is returned.
- * 
- * On successful write the position of the buffer is increased.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer to write to
- * @param c the character to write as <code>int</code> value
- * @return the byte that has bean written as <code>int</code> value or
- * <code>EOF</code> when the end of the stream is reached and automatic
- * extension is not enabled or not possible
- */
-int ucx_buffer_putc(UcxBuffer *buffer, int c);
- * Gets a character from a buffer.
- * 
- * The current position of the buffer is increased after a successful read.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer to read from
- * @return the character as <code>int</code> value or <code>EOF</code>, if the
- * end of the buffer is reached
- */
-int ucx_buffer_getc(UcxBuffer *buffer);
- * Writes a string to a buffer.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer
- * @param str the string
- * @return the number of bytes written
- */
-size_t ucx_buffer_puts(UcxBuffer *buffer, char *str);
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-#endif	/* UCX_BUFFER_H */
--- a/src/ucx/list.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include "list.h"
-UcxList *ucx_list_clone(UcxList *l, copy_func fnc, void *data) {
-    return ucx_list_clone_a(ucx_default_allocator(), l, fnc, data);
-UcxList *ucx_list_clone_a(UcxAllocator *alloc, UcxList *l,
-        copy_func fnc, void *data) {
-    UcxList *ret = NULL;
-    while (l) {
-        if (fnc) {
-            ret = ucx_list_append_a(alloc, ret, fnc(l->data, data));
-        } else {
-            ret = ucx_list_append_a(alloc, ret, l->data);
-        }
-        l = l->next;
-    }
-    return ret;
-int ucx_list_equals(const UcxList *l1, const UcxList *l2,
-        cmp_func fnc, void* data) {
-    if (l1 == l2) return 1;
-    while (l1 != NULL && l2 != NULL) {
-        if (fnc == NULL) {
-            if (l1->data != l2->data) return 0;
-        } else {
-            if (fnc(l1->data, l2->data, data) != 0) return 0;
-        }
-        l1 = l1->next;
-        l2 = l2->next;
-    }
-    return (l1 == NULL && l2 == NULL);
-void ucx_list_free(UcxList *l) {
-    ucx_list_free_a(ucx_default_allocator(), l);
-void ucx_list_free_a(UcxAllocator *alloc, UcxList *l) {
-    UcxList *e = l, *f;
-    while (e != NULL) {
-        f = e;
-        e = e->next;
-        alfree(alloc, f);
-    }
-void ucx_list_free_content(UcxList* list, ucx_destructor destr) {
-    while (list != NULL) {
-        destr(list->data);
-        list = list->next;
-    }
-UcxList *ucx_list_append(UcxList *l, void *data)  {
-    return ucx_list_append_a(ucx_default_allocator(), l, data);
-UcxList *ucx_list_append_a(UcxAllocator *alloc, UcxList *l, void *data)  {
-    UcxList *nl = (UcxList*) almalloc(alloc, sizeof(UcxList));
-    if (!nl) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    nl->data = data;
-    nl->next = NULL;
-    if (l) {
-        UcxList *t = ucx_list_last(l);
-        t->next = nl;
-        nl->prev = t;
-        return l;
-    } else {
-        nl->prev = NULL;
-        return nl;
-    }
-UcxList *ucx_list_prepend(UcxList *l, void *data) {
-    return ucx_list_prepend_a(ucx_default_allocator(), l, data);
-UcxList *ucx_list_prepend_a(UcxAllocator *alloc, UcxList *l, void *data) {
-    UcxList *nl = ucx_list_append_a(alloc, NULL, data);
-    if (!nl) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    l = ucx_list_first(l);
-    if (l) {
-        nl->next = l;
-        l->prev = nl;
-    }
-    return nl;
-UcxList *ucx_list_concat(UcxList *l1, UcxList *l2) {
-    if (l1) {
-        UcxList *last = ucx_list_last(l1);
-        last->next = l2;
-        if (l2) {
-            l2->prev = last;
-        }
-        return l1;
-    } else {
-        return l2;
-    }
-UcxList *ucx_list_last(const UcxList *l) {
-    if (l == NULL) return NULL;
-    const UcxList *e = l;
-    while (e->next != NULL) {
-        e = e->next;
-    }
-    return (UcxList*)e;
-ssize_t ucx_list_indexof(const UcxList *list, const UcxList *elem) {
-    ssize_t index = 0;
-    while (list) {
-        if (list == elem) {
-            return index;
-        }
-        list = list->next;
-        index++;
-    }
-    return -1;
-UcxList *ucx_list_get(const UcxList *l, size_t index) {
-    if (l == NULL) return NULL;
-    const UcxList *e = l;
-    while (e->next && index > 0) {
-        e = e->next;
-        index--;
-    }
-    return (UcxList*)(index == 0 ? e : NULL);
-ssize_t ucx_list_find(UcxList *l, void *elem, cmp_func fnc, void *cmpdata) {
-    ssize_t index = 0;
-    UCX_FOREACH(e, l) {
-        if (fnc) {
-            if (fnc(elem, e->data, cmpdata) == 0) {
-                return index;
-            }
-        } else {
-            if (elem == e->data) {
-                return index;
-            }
-        }
-        index++;
-    }
-    return -1;
-int ucx_list_contains(UcxList *l, void *elem, cmp_func fnc, void *cmpdata) {
-    return ucx_list_find(l, elem, fnc, cmpdata) > -1;
-size_t ucx_list_size(const UcxList *l) {
-    if (l == NULL) return 0;
-    const UcxList *e = l;
-    size_t s = 1;
-    while (e->next != NULL) {
-        e = e->next;
-        s++;
-    }
-    return s;
-static UcxList *ucx_list_sort_merge(int length,
-        UcxList* restrict ls, UcxList* restrict le, UcxList* restrict re,
-        cmp_func fnc, void* data) {
-    UcxList** sorted = (UcxList**) malloc(sizeof(UcxList*)*length);
-    UcxList *rc, *lc;
-    lc = ls; rc = le;
-    int n = 0;
-    while (lc && lc != le && rc != re) {
-        if (fnc(lc->data, rc->data, data) <= 0) {
-            sorted[n] = lc;
-            lc = lc->next;
-        } else {
-            sorted[n] = rc;
-            rc = rc->next;
-        }
-        n++;
-    }
-    while (lc && lc != le) {
-        sorted[n] = lc;
-        lc = lc->next;
-        n++;
-    }
-    while (rc && rc != re) {
-        sorted[n] = rc;
-        rc = rc->next;
-        n++;
-    }
-    // Update pointer
-    sorted[0]->prev = NULL;
-    for (int i = 0 ; i < length-1 ; i++) {
-        sorted[i]->next = sorted[i+1];
-        sorted[i+1]->prev = sorted[i];
-    }
-    sorted[length-1]->next = NULL;
-    UcxList *ret = sorted[0];
-    free(sorted);
-    return ret;
-UcxList *ucx_list_sort(UcxList *l, cmp_func fnc, void *data) {
-    if (l == NULL) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    UcxList *lc;
-    int ln = 1;
-    UcxList *restrict ls = l, *restrict le, *restrict re;
-    // check how many elements are already sorted
-    lc = ls;
-    while (lc->next != NULL && fnc(lc->next->data, lc->data, data) > 0) {
-        lc = lc->next;
-        ln++;
-    }
-    le = lc->next;
-    if (le == NULL) {
-        return l; // this list is already sorted :)
-    } else {
-        UcxList *rc;
-        int rn = 1;
-        rc = le;
-        // skip already sorted elements
-        while (rc->next != NULL && fnc(rc->next->data, rc->data, data) > 0) {
-            rc = rc->next;
-            rn++;
-        }
-        re = rc->next;
-        // {ls,...,le->prev} and {rs,...,re->prev} are sorted - merge them
-        UcxList *sorted = ucx_list_sort_merge(ln+rn,
-                ls, le, re,
-                fnc, data);
-        // Something left? Sort it!
-        size_t remainder_length = ucx_list_size(re);
-        if (remainder_length > 0) {
-            UcxList *remainder = ucx_list_sort(re, fnc, data);
-            // merge sorted list with (also sorted) remainder
-            l = ucx_list_sort_merge(ln+rn+remainder_length,
-                    sorted, remainder, NULL, fnc, data);
-        } else {
-            // no remainder - we've got our sorted list
-            l = sorted;
-        }
-        return l;
-    }
-UcxList *ucx_list_first(const UcxList *l) {
-    if (!l) {
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    const UcxList *e = l;
-    while (e->prev) {
-        e = e->prev;
-    }
-    return (UcxList *)e;
-UcxList *ucx_list_remove(UcxList *l, UcxList *e) {
-    return ucx_list_remove_a(ucx_default_allocator(), l, e);
-UcxList *ucx_list_remove_a(UcxAllocator *alloc, UcxList *l, UcxList *e) {
-    if (l == e) {
-        l = e->next;
-    }
-    if (e->next) {
-        e->next->prev = e->prev;
-    }
-    if (e->prev) {
-        e->prev->next = e->next;
-    }
-    alfree(alloc, e);
-    return l;
--- a/src/ucx/list.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- * Doubly linked list implementation.
- * 
- * @file   list.h
- * @author Mike Becker
- * @author Olaf Wintermann
- */
-#ifndef UCX_LIST_H
-#define	UCX_LIST_H
-#include "ucx.h"
-#include "allocator.h"
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * Loop statement for UCX lists.
- * 
- * The first argument is the name of the iteration variable. The scope of
- * this variable is limited to the <code>UCX_FOREACH</code> statement.
- * 
- * The second argument is a pointer to the list. In most cases this will be the
- * pointer to the first element of the list, but it may also be an arbitrary
- * element of the list. The iteration will then start with that element.
- * 
- * 
- * @param list The first element of the list
- * @param elem The variable name of the element
- */
-#define UCX_FOREACH(elem,list) \
-        for (UcxList* elem = list ; elem != NULL ; elem = elem->next)
- * UCX list type.
- * @see UcxList
- */
-typedef struct UcxList UcxList;
- * UCX list structure.
- */
-struct UcxList {
-    /**
-     * List element payload.
-     */
-    void    *data;
-    /**
-     * Pointer to the next list element or <code>NULL</code>, if this is the
-     * last element.
-     */
-    UcxList *next;
-    /**
-     * Pointer to the previous list element or <code>NULL</code>, if this is
-     * the first element.
-     */
-    UcxList *prev;
- * Creates an element-wise copy of a list.
- * 
- * This function clones the specified list by creating new list elements and
- * copying the data with the specified copy_func(). If no copy_func() is
- * specified, a shallow copy is created and the new list will reference the
- * same data as the source list.
- * 
- * @param list the list to copy
- * @param cpyfnc a pointer to the function that shall copy an element (may be
- * <code>NULL</code>)
- * @param data additional data for the copy_func()
- * @return a pointer to the copy
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_clone(UcxList *list, copy_func cpyfnc, void* data);
- * Creates an element-wise copy of a list using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * See ucx_list_clone() for details.
- * 
- * Keep in mind, that you might want to pass the allocator as an (part of the)
- * argument for the <code>data</code> parameter, if you want the copy_func() to
- * make use of the allocator.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param list the list to copy
- * @param cpyfnc a pointer to the function that shall copy an element (may be
- * <code>NULL</code>)
- * @param data additional data for the copy_func()
- * @return a pointer to the copy
- * @see ucx_list_clone()
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_clone_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list,
-        copy_func cpyfnc, void* data);
- * Compares two UCX lists element-wise by using a compare function.
- * 
- * Each element of the two specified lists are compared by using the specified
- * compare function and the additional data. The type and content of this
- * additional data depends on the cmp_func() used.
- * 
- * If the list pointers denote elements within a list, the lists are compared
- * starting with the denoted elements. Thus any previous elements are not taken
- * into account. This might be useful to check, if certain list tails match
- * each other.
- * 
- * @param list1 the first list
- * @param list2 the second list
- * @param cmpfnc the compare function
- * @param data additional data for the compare function
- * @return 1, if and only if the two lists equal element-wise, 0 otherwise
- */
-int ucx_list_equals(const UcxList *list1, const UcxList *list2,
-        cmp_func cmpfnc, void* data);
- * Destroys the entire list.
- * 
- * The members of the list are not automatically freed, so ensure they are
- * otherwise referenced or destroyed by ucx_list_free_contents().
- * Otherwise, a memory leak is likely to occur.
- * 
- * <b>Caution:</b> the argument <b>MUST</b> denote an entire list (i.e. a call
- * to ucx_list_first() on the argument must return the argument itself)
- * 
- * @param list the list to free
- * @see ucx_list_free_contents()
- */
-void ucx_list_free(UcxList *list);
- * Destroys the entire list using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * See ucx_list_free() for details.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param list the list to free
- * @see ucx_list_free()
- */
-void ucx_list_free_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list);
- * Destroys the contents of the specified list by calling the specified
- * destructor on each of them.
- * 
- * Note, that the contents are not usable afterwards and the list should be
- * destroyed with ucx_list_free().
- * 
- * @param list the list for which the contents shall be freed
- * @param destr the destructor function (e.g. stdlib free())
- * @see ucx_list_free()
- */
-void ucx_list_free_content(UcxList* list, ucx_destructor destr);
- * Inserts an element at the end of the list.
- * 
- * This is generally an O(n) operation, as the end of the list is retrieved with
- * ucx_list_last().
- * 
- * @param list the list where to append the data, or <code>NULL</code> to
- * create a new list
- * @param data the data to insert
- * @return <code>list</code>, if it is not <code>NULL</code> or a pointer to
- * the newly created list otherwise
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_append(UcxList *list, void *data);
- * Inserts an element at the end of the list using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * See ucx_list_append() for details.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param list the list where to append the data, or <code>NULL</code> to
- * create a new list
- * @param data the data to insert
- * @return <code>list</code>, if it is not <code>NULL</code> or a pointer to
- * the newly created list otherwise
- * @see ucx_list_append()
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_append_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list, void *data);
- * Inserts an element at the beginning of the list.
- * 
- * You <i>should</i> overwrite the old list pointer by calling
- * <code>mylist = ucx_list_prepend(mylist, mydata);</code>. However, you may
- * also perform successive calls of ucx_list_prepend() on the same list pointer,
- * as this function always searchs for the head of the list with
- * ucx_list_first().
- * 
- * @param list the list where to insert the data or <code>NULL</code> to create
- * a new list
- * @param data the data to insert
- * @return a pointer to the new list head
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_prepend(UcxList *list, void *data);
- * Inserts an element at the beginning of the list using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * See ucx_list_prepend() for details.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param list the list where to insert the data or <code>NULL</code> to create
- * a new list
- * @param data the data to insert
- * @return a pointer to the new list head
- * @see ucx_list_prepend()
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_prepend_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list, void *data);
- * Concatenates two lists.
- * 
- * Either of the two arguments may be <code>NULL</code>.
- * 
- * This function modifies the references to the next/previous element of
- * the last/first element of <code>list1</code>/<code>
- * list2</code>.
- * 
- * @param list1 first list
- * @param list2 second list
- * @return if <code>list1</code> is <code>NULL</code>, <code>list2</code> is
- * returned, otherwise <code>list1</code> is returned
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_concat(UcxList *list1, UcxList *list2);
- * Returns the first element of a list.
- * 
- * If the argument is the list pointer, it is directly returned. Otherwise
- * this function traverses to the first element of the list and returns the
- * list pointer.
- * 
- * @param elem one element of the list
- * @return the first element of the list, the specified element is a member of
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_first(const UcxList *elem);
- * Returns the last element of a list.
- * 
- * If the argument has no successor, it is the last element and therefore
- * directly returned. Otherwise this function traverses to the last element of
- * the list and returns it.
- * 
- * @param elem one element of the list
- * @return the last element of the list, the specified element is a member of
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_last(const UcxList *elem);
- * Returns the list element at the specified index.
- * 
- * @param list the list to retrieve the element from
- * @param index index of the element to return
- * @return the element at the specified index or <code>NULL</code>, if the
- * index is greater than the list size
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_get(const UcxList *list, size_t index);
- * Returns the index of an element.
- * 
- * @param list the list where to search for the element
- * @param elem the element to find
- * @return the index of the element or -1 if the list does not contain the
- * element
- */
-ssize_t ucx_list_indexof(const UcxList *list, const UcxList *elem);
- * Returns the element count of the list.
- * 
- * @param list the list whose elements are counted
- * @return the element count
- */
-size_t ucx_list_size(const UcxList *list);
- * Returns the index of an element containing the specified data.
- *
- * This function uses a cmp_func() to compare the data of each list element
- * with the specified data. If no cmp_func is provided, the pointers are
- * compared.
- * 
- * If the list contains the data more than once, the index of the first
- * occurrence is returned.
- *  
- * @param list the list where to search for the data
- * @param elem the element data
- * @param cmpfnc the compare function
- * @param data additional data for the compare function
- * @return the index of the element containing the specified data or -1 if the
- * data is not found in this list
- */
-ssize_t ucx_list_find(UcxList *list, void *elem, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data);
- * Checks, if a list contains a specific element.
- * 
- * An element is found, if ucx_list_find() returns a value greater than -1.
- * 
- * @param list the list where to search for the data
- * @param elem the element data
- * @param cmpfnc the compare function
- * @param data additional data for the compare function
- * @return 1, if and only if the list contains the specified element data
- * @see ucx_list_find()
- */
-int ucx_list_contains(UcxList *list, void *elem, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data);
- * Sorts an UcxList with natural merge sort.
- * 
- * This function uses O(n) additional temporary memory for merge operations
- * that is automatically freed after each merge.
- * 
- * As the head of the list might change, you <b>MUST</b> call this function
- * as follows: <code>mylist = ucx_list_sort(mylist, mycmpfnc, mydata);</code>.
- * 
- * @param list the list to sort
- * @param cmpfnc the function that shall be used to compare the element data
- * @param data additional data for the cmp_func()
- * @return the sorted list
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_sort(UcxList *list, cmp_func cmpfnc, void *data);
- * Removes an element from the list.
- * 
- * If the first element is removed, the list pointer changes. So it is
- * <i>highly recommended</i> to <i>always</i> update the pointer by calling
- * <code>mylist = ucx_list_remove(mylist, myelem);</code>.
- * 
- * @param list the list from which the element shall be removed
- * @param element the element to remove
- * @return returns the updated list pointer or <code>NULL</code>, if the list
- * is now empty
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_remove(UcxList *list, UcxList *element);
- * Removes an element from the list using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * See ucx_list_remove() for details.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator to use
- * @param list the list from which the element shall be removed
- * @param element the element to remove
- * @return returns the updated list pointer or <code>NULL</code>, if the list
- * @see ucx_list_remove()
- */
-UcxList *ucx_list_remove_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, UcxList *list,
-        UcxList *element);
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-#endif	/* UCX_LIST_H */
--- a/src/ucx/string.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include "string.h"
-#include "allocator.h"
-sstr_t sstr(char *cstring) {
-    sstr_t string;
-    string.ptr = cstring;
-    string.length = strlen(cstring);
-    return string;
-sstr_t sstrn(char *cstring, size_t length) {
-    sstr_t string;
-    string.ptr = cstring;
-    string.length = length;
-    return string;
-size_t sstrnlen(size_t n, sstr_t s, ...) {
-    va_list ap;
-    size_t size = s.length;
-    va_start(ap, s);
-    for (size_t i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) {
-        sstr_t str = va_arg(ap, sstr_t);
-        size += str.length;
-    }
-    va_end(ap);
-    return size;
-static sstr_t sstrvcat_a(
-        UcxAllocator *a,
-        size_t count,
-        sstr_t s1,
-        sstr_t s2,
-        va_list ap) {
-    sstr_t str;
-    str.ptr = NULL;
-    str.length = 0;
-    if(count < 2) {
-        return str;
-    }
-    sstr_t *strings = (sstr_t*) calloc(count, sizeof(sstr_t));
-    if(!strings) {
-        return str;
-    }
-    // get all args and overall length
-    strings[0] = s1;
-    strings[1] = s2;
-    size_t strlen = s1.length + s2.length;
-    for (size_t i=2;i<count;i++) {
-        sstr_t s = va_arg (ap, sstr_t);
-        strings[i] = s;
-        strlen += s.length;
-    }
-    // create new string
-    str.ptr = (char*) almalloc(a, strlen + 1);
-    str.length = strlen;
-    if(!str.ptr) {
-        free(strings);
-        str.length = 0;
-        return str;
-    }
-    // concatenate strings
-    size_t pos = 0;
-    for (size_t i=0;i<count;i++) {
-        sstr_t s = strings[i];
-        memcpy(str.ptr + pos, s.ptr, s.length);
-        pos += s.length;
-    }
-    str.ptr[str.length] = '\0';
-    free(strings);
-    return str;
-sstr_t sstrcat(size_t count, sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2, ...) {
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, s2);
-    sstr_t s = sstrvcat_a(ucx_default_allocator(), count, s1, s2, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return s;
-sstr_t sstrcat_a(UcxAllocator *a, size_t count, sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2, ...) {
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, s2);
-    sstr_t s = sstrvcat_a(a, count, s1, s2, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return s;
-sstr_t sstrsubs(sstr_t s, size_t start) {
-    return sstrsubsl (s, start, s.length-start);
-sstr_t sstrsubsl(sstr_t s, size_t start, size_t length) {
-    sstr_t new_sstr;
-    if (start >= s.length) {
-        new_sstr.ptr = NULL;
-        new_sstr.length = 0;
-    } else {
-        if (length > s.length-start) {
-            length = s.length-start;
-        }
-        new_sstr.ptr = &s.ptr[start];
-        new_sstr.length = length;
-    }
-    return new_sstr;
-sstr_t sstrchr(sstr_t s, int c) {
-    for(size_t i=0;i<s.length;i++) {
-        if(s.ptr[i] == c) {
-            return sstrsubs(s, i);
-        }
-    }
-    sstr_t n;
-    n.ptr = NULL;
-    n.length = 0;
-    return n;
-sstr_t sstrrchr(sstr_t s, int c) {
-    if (s.length > 0) {
-        for(size_t i=s.length;i>0;i--) {
-            if(s.ptr[i-1] == c) {
-                return sstrsubs(s, i-1);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    sstr_t n;
-    n.ptr = NULL;
-    n.length = 0;
-    return n;
-sstr_t sstrstr(sstr_t string, sstr_t match) {
-    if (match.length == 0) {
-        return string;
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < string.length ; i++) {
-        sstr_t substr = sstrsubs(string, i);
-        if (sstrprefix(substr, match)) {
-            return substr;
-        }
-    }
-    sstr_t emptystr;
-    emptystr.length = 0;
-    emptystr.ptr = NULL;
-    return emptystr;
-sstr_t* sstrsplit(sstr_t s, sstr_t d, ssize_t *n) {
-    return sstrsplit_a(ucx_default_allocator(), s, d, n);
-sstr_t* sstrsplit_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t s, sstr_t d, ssize_t *n) {
-    if (s.length == 0 || d.length == 0) {
-        *n = -1;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    sstr_t* result;
-    ssize_t nmax = *n;
-    *n = 1;
-    /* special case: exact match - no processing needed */
-    if (sstrcmp(s, d) == 0) {
-        *n = 0;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    sstr_t sv = sstrdup(s);
-    if (sv.length == 0) {
-        *n = -2;
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < s.length ; i++) {
-        sstr_t substr = sstrsubs(sv, i);
-        if (sstrprefix(substr, d)) {
-            (*n)++;
-            for (size_t j = 0 ; j < d.length ; j++) {
-                sv.ptr[i+j] = 0;
-            }
-            i += d.length - 1; // -1, because the loop will do a i++
-        }
-        if ((*n) == nmax) break;
-    }
-    result = (sstr_t*) almalloc(allocator, sizeof(sstr_t)*(*n));
-    if (result) {
-        char *pptr = sv.ptr;
-        for (ssize_t i = 0 ; i < *n ; i++) {
-            size_t l = strlen(pptr);
-            char* ptr = (char*) almalloc(allocator, l + 1);
-            if (ptr) {
-                memcpy(ptr, pptr, l);
-                ptr[l] = 0;
-                result[i] = sstrn(ptr, l);
-                pptr += l + d.length;
-            } else {
-                for (ssize_t j = i-1 ; j >= 0 ; j--) {
-                    alfree(allocator, result[j].ptr);
-                }
-                alfree(allocator, result);
-                *n = -2;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        *n = -2;
-    }
-    free(sv.ptr);
-    return result;
-int sstrcmp(sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2) {
-    if (s1.length == s2.length) {
-        return memcmp(s1.ptr, s2.ptr, s1.length);
-    } else if (s1.length > s2.length) {
-        return 1;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-int sstrcasecmp(sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2) {
-    if (s1.length == s2.length) {
-#ifdef _WIN32
-        return _strnicmp(s1.ptr, s2.ptr, s1.length);
-        return strncasecmp(s1.ptr, s2.ptr, s1.length);
-    } else if (s1.length > s2.length) {
-        return 1;
-    } else {
-        return -1;
-    }
-sstr_t sstrdup(sstr_t s) {
-    return sstrdup_a(ucx_default_allocator(), s);
-sstr_t sstrdup_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t s) {
-    sstr_t newstring;
-    newstring.ptr = (char*)almalloc(allocator, s.length + 1);
-    if (newstring.ptr) {
-        newstring.length = s.length;
-        newstring.ptr[newstring.length] = 0;
-        memcpy(newstring.ptr, s.ptr, s.length);
-    } else {
-        newstring.length = 0;
-    }
-    return newstring;
-sstr_t sstrtrim(sstr_t string) {
-    sstr_t newstr = string;
-    while (newstr.length > 0 && isspace(*newstr.ptr)) {
-        newstr.ptr++;
-        newstr.length--;
-    }
-    while (newstr.length > 0 && isspace(newstr.ptr[newstr.length-1])) {
-        newstr.length--;
-    }
-    return newstr;
-int sstrprefix(sstr_t string, sstr_t prefix) {
-    if (string.length == 0) {
-        return prefix.length == 0;
-    }
-    if (prefix.length == 0) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (prefix.length > string.length) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        return memcmp(string.ptr, prefix.ptr, prefix.length) == 0;
-    }
-int sstrsuffix(sstr_t string, sstr_t suffix) {
-    if (string.length == 0) {
-        return suffix.length == 0;
-    }
-    if (suffix.length == 0) {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    if (suffix.length > string.length) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        return memcmp(string.ptr+string.length-suffix.length,
-            suffix.ptr, suffix.length) == 0;
-    }
-sstr_t sstrlower(sstr_t string) {
-    sstr_t ret = sstrdup(string);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ret.length ; i++) {
-        ret.ptr[i] = tolower(ret.ptr[i]);
-    }
-    return ret;
-sstr_t sstrlower_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t string) {
-    sstr_t ret = sstrdup_a(allocator, string);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ret.length ; i++) {
-        ret.ptr[i] = tolower(ret.ptr[i]);
-    }
-    return ret;
-sstr_t sstrupper(sstr_t string) {
-    sstr_t ret = sstrdup(string);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ret.length ; i++) {
-        ret.ptr[i] = toupper(ret.ptr[i]);
-    }
-    return ret;
-sstr_t sstrupper_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t string) {
-    sstr_t ret = sstrdup_a(allocator, string);
-    for (size_t i = 0; i < ret.length ; i++) {
-        ret.ptr[i] = toupper(ret.ptr[i]);
-    }
-    return ret;
--- a/src/ucx/string.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- * Bounded string implementation.
- * 
- * The UCX strings (<code>sstr_t</code>) provide an alternative to C strings.
- * The main difference to C strings is, that <code>sstr_t</code> does <b>not
- * need to be <code>NULL</code>-terminated</b>. Instead the length is stored
- * within the structure.
- * 
- * When using <code>sstr_t</code>, developers must be full aware of what type
- * of string (<code>NULL</code>-terminated) or not) they are using, when 
- * accessing the <code>char* ptr</code> directly.
- * 
- * The UCX string module provides some common string functions, known from
- * standard libc, working with <code>sstr_t</code>.
- * 
- * @file   string.h
- * @author Mike Becker
- * @author Olaf Wintermann
- */
-#ifndef UCX_STRING_H
-#define	UCX_STRING_H
-#include "ucx.h"
-#include "allocator.h"
-#include <stddef.h>
-/** Shortcut for a <code>sstr_t struct</code> literal. */
-#define ST(s) { (char*)s, sizeof(s)-1 }
-/** Shortcut for the conversion of a C string to a <code>sstr_t</code>. */
-#define S(s) sstrn((char*)s, sizeof(s)-1)
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * The UCX string structure.
- */
-typedef struct {
-   /** A reference to the string (<b>not necessarily  <code>NULL</code>
-    * -terminated</b>) */
-    char   *ptr;
-    /** The length of the string */
-    size_t length;
-} sstr_t;
- * Creates a new sstr_t based on a C string.
- * 
- * The length is implicitly inferred by using a call to <code>strlen()</code>.
- *
- * <b>Note:</b> the sstr_t will hold a <i>reference</i> to the C string. If you
- * do want a copy, use sstrdup() on the return value of this function.
- * 
- * @param cstring the C string to wrap
- * @return a new sstr_t containing the C string
- * 
- * @see sstrn()
- */
-sstr_t sstr(char *cstring);
- * Creates a new sstr_t of the specified length based on a C string.
- *
- * <b>Note:</b> the sstr_t will hold a <i>reference</i> to the C string. If you
- * do want a copy, use sstrdup() on the return value of this function.
- * 
- * @param cstring  the C string to wrap
- * @param length   the length of the string
- * @return a new sstr_t containing the C string
- * 
- * @see sstr()
- * @see S()
- */
-sstr_t sstrn(char *cstring, size_t length);
- * Returns the cumulated length of all specified strings.
- *
- * At least one string must be specified.
- * 
- * <b>Attention:</b> if the count argument does not match the count of the
- * specified strings, the behavior is undefined.
- *
- * @param count    the total number of specified strings (so at least 1)
- * @param string   the first string
- * @param ...      all other strings
- * @return the cumulated length of all strings
- */
-size_t sstrnlen(size_t count, sstr_t string, ...);
- * Concatenates two or more strings.
- * 
- * The resulting string will be allocated by standard <code>malloc()</code>. 
- * So developers <b>MUST</b> pass the sstr_t.ptr to <code>free()</code>.
- * 
- * The sstr_t.ptr of the return value will <i>always</i> be <code>NULL</code>-
- * terminated.
- *
- * @param count   the total number of strings to concatenate
- * @param s1      first string
- * @param s2      second string
- * @param ...     all remaining strings
- * @return the concatenated string
- */
-sstr_t sstrcat(size_t count, sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2, ...);
- * Concatenates two or more strings using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * See sstrcat() for details.
- *
- * @param a       the allocator to use
- * @param count   the total number of strings to concatenate
- * @param s1      first string
- * @param s2      second string
- * @param ...     all remaining strings
- * @return the concatenated string
- */
-sstr_t sstrcat_a(UcxAllocator *a, size_t count, sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2, ...);
- * Returns a substring starting at the specified location.
- * 
- * <b>Attention:</b> the new string references the same memory area as the
- * input string and will <b>NOT</b> be <code>NULL</code>-terminated.
- * Use sstrdup() to get a copy.
- * 
- * @param string input string
- * @param start  start location of the substring
- * @return a substring of <code>string</code> starting at <code>start</code>
- * 
- * @see sstrsubsl()
- * @see sstrchr()
- */
-sstr_t sstrsubs(sstr_t string, size_t start);
- * Returns a substring with a maximum length starting at the specified location.
- * 
- * <b>Attention:</b> the new string references the same memory area as the
- * input string and will <b>NOT</b> be <code>NULL</code>-terminated.
- * Use sstrdup() to get a copy.
- * 
- * @param string input string
- * @param start  start location of the substring
- * @param length the maximum length of the substring
- * @return a substring of <code>string</code> starting at <code>start</code>
- * with a maximum length of <code>length</code>
- * 
- * @see sstrsubs()
- * @see sstrchr()
- */
-sstr_t sstrsubsl(sstr_t string, size_t start, size_t length);
- * Returns a substring starting at the location of the first occurrence of the
- * specified character.
- * 
- * If the string does not contain the character, an empty string is returned.
- * 
- * @param string the string where to locate the character
- * @param chr    the character to locate
- * @return       a substring starting at the first location of <code>chr</code>
- * 
- * @see sstrsubs()
- */
-sstr_t sstrchr(sstr_t string, int chr);
- * Returns a substring starting at the location of the last occurrence of the
- * specified character.
- * 
- * If the string does not contain the character, an empty string is returned.
- * 
- * @param string the string where to locate the character
- * @param chr    the character to locate
- * @return       a substring starting at the last location of <code>chr</code>
- * 
- * @see sstrsubs()
- */
-sstr_t sstrrchr(sstr_t string, int chr);
- * Returns a substring starting at the location of the first occurrence of the
- * specified string.
- * 
- * If the string does not contain the other string, an empty string is returned.
- * 
- * If <code>match</code> is an empty string, the complete <code>string</code> is
- * returned.
- * 
- * @param string the string to be scanned
- * @param match  string containing the sequence of characters to match
- * @return       a substring starting at the first occurrence of
- *               <code>match</code>, or an empty string, if the sequence is not
- *               present in <code>string</code>
- */
-sstr_t sstrstr(sstr_t string, sstr_t match);
- * Splits a string into parts by using a delimiter string.
- * 
- * This function will return <code>NULL</code>, if one of the following happens:
- * <ul>
- *   <li>the string length is zero</li>
- *   <li>the delimeter length is zero</li>
- *   <li>the string equals the delimeter</li>
- *   <li>memory allocation fails</li>
- * </ul>
- * 
- * The integer referenced by <code>count</code> is used as input and determines
- * the maximum size of the resulting array, i.e. the maximum count of splits to
- * perform + 1.
- * 
- * The integer referenced by <code>count</code> is also used as output and is
- * set to
- * <ul>
- *   <li>-2, on memory allocation errors</li>
- *   <li>-1, if either the string or the delimiter is an empty string</li>
- *   <li>0, if the string equals the delimiter</li>
- *   <li>1, if the string does not contain the delimiter</li>
- *   <li>the count of array items, otherwise</li>
- * </ul>
- * 
- * If the string starts with the delimiter, the first item of the resulting
- * array will be an empty string.
- * 
- * If the string ends with the delimiter and the maximum list size is not
- * exceeded, the last array item will be an empty string.
- * 
- * <b>Attention:</b> The array pointer <b>AND</b> all sstr_t.ptr of the array
- * items must be manually passed to <code>free()</code>. Use sstrsplit_a() with
- * an allocator to managed memory, to avoid this.
- *
- * @param string the string to split
- * @param delim  the delimiter string
- * @param count  IN: the maximum size of the resulting array (0 = no limit),
- *               OUT: the actual size of the array
- * @return a sstr_t array containing the split strings or
- *         <code>NULL</code> on error
- * 
- * @see sstrsplit_a()
- */
-sstr_t* sstrsplit(sstr_t string, sstr_t delim, ssize_t *count);
- * Performing sstrsplit() using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * <i>Read the description of sstrsplit() for details.</i>
- * 
- * The memory for the sstr_t.ptr pointers of the array items and the memory for
- * the sstr_t array itself are allocated by using the UcxAllocator.malloc()
- * function.
- * 
- * <b>Note:</b> the allocator is not used for memory that is freed within the
- * same call of this function (locally scoped variables).
- * 
- * @param allocator the UcxAllocator used for allocating memory
- * @param string the string to split
- * @param delim  the delimiter string
- * @param count  IN: the maximum size of the resulting array (0 = no limit),
- *               OUT: the actual size of the array
- * @return a sstr_t array containing the split strings or
- *         <code>NULL</code> on error
- * 
- * @see sstrsplit()
- */
-sstr_t* sstrsplit_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t string, sstr_t delim,
-        ssize_t *count);
- * Compares two UCX strings with standard <code>memcmp()</code>.
- * 
- * At first it compares the sstr_t.length attribute of the two strings. The
- * <code>memcmp()</code> function is called, if and only if the lengths match.
- * 
- * @param s1 the first string
- * @param s2 the second string
- * @return -1, if the length of s1 is less than the length of s2 or 1, if the 
- * length of s1 is greater than the length of s2 or the result of
- * <code>memcmp()</code> otherwise (i.e. 0 if the strings match)
- */
-int sstrcmp(sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2);
- * Compares two UCX strings ignoring the case.
- * 
- * At first it compares the sstr_t.length attribute of the two strings. If and
- * only if the lengths match, both strings are compared char by char ignoring
- * the case.
- * 
- * @param s1 the first string
- * @param s2 the second string
- * @return -1, if the length of s1 is less than the length of s2 or 1, if the 
- * length of s1 is greater than the length of s2 or the difference between the
- * first two differing characters otherwise (i.e. 0 if the strings match and
- * no characters differ)
- */
-int sstrcasecmp(sstr_t s1, sstr_t s2);
- * Creates a duplicate of the specified string.
- * 
- * The new sstr_t will contain a copy allocated by standard
- * <code>malloc()</code>. So developers <b>MUST</b> pass the sstr_t.ptr to
- * <code>free()</code>.
- * 
- * The sstr_t.ptr of the return value will <i>always</i> be <code>NULL</code>-
- * terminated.
- * 
- * @param string the string to duplicate
- * @return a duplicate of the string
- * @see sstrdup_a()
- */
-sstr_t sstrdup(sstr_t string);
- * Creates a duplicate of the specified string using an UcxAllocator.
- * 
- * The new sstr_t will contain a copy allocated by the allocators
- * ucx_allocator_malloc function. So it is implementation depended, whether the
- * returned sstr_t.ptr pointer must be passed to the allocators
- * ucx_allocator_free function manually.
- * 
- * The sstr_t.ptr of the return value will <i>always</i> be <code>NULL</code>-
- * terminated.
- * 
- * @param allocator a valid instance of an UcxAllocator
- * @param string the string to duplicate
- * @return a duplicate of the string
- * @see sstrdup()
- */
-sstr_t sstrdup_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t string);
- * Omits leading and trailing spaces.
- * 
- * This function returns a new sstr_t containing a trimmed version of the
- * specified string.
- * 
- * <b>Note:</b> the new sstr_t references the same memory, thus you
- * <b>MUST NOT</b> pass the sstr_t.ptr of the return value to
- * <code>free()</code>. It is also highly recommended to avoid assignments like
- * <code>mystr = sstrtrim(mystr);</code> as you lose the reference to the
- * source string. Assignments of this type are only permitted, if the
- * sstr_t.ptr of the source string does not need to be freed or if another
- * reference to the source string exists.
- * 
- * @param string the string that shall be trimmed
- * @return a new sstr_t containing the trimmed string
- */
-sstr_t sstrtrim(sstr_t string);
- * Checks, if a string has a specific prefix.
- * @param string the string to check
- * @param prefix the prefix the string should have
- * @return 1, if and only if the string has the specified prefix, 0 otherwise
- */
-int sstrprefix(sstr_t string, sstr_t prefix);
- * Checks, if a string has a specific suffix.
- * @param string the string to check
- * @param suffix the suffix the string should have
- * @return 1, if and only if the string has the specified suffix, 0 otherwise
- */
-int sstrsuffix(sstr_t string, sstr_t suffix);
- * Returns a lower case version of a string.
- * 
- * This function creates a duplicate of the input string, first. See the
- * documentation of sstrdup() for the implications.
- * 
- * @param string the input string
- * @return the resulting lower case string
- * @see sstrdup()
- */
-sstr_t sstrlower(sstr_t string);
- * Returns a lower case version of a string.
- * 
- * This function creates a duplicate of the input string, first. See the
- * documentation of sstrdup_a() for the implications.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator used for duplicating the string
- * @param string the input string
- * @return the resulting lower case string
- * @see sstrdup_a()
- */
-sstr_t sstrlower_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t string);
- * Returns a upper case version of a string.
- * 
- * This function creates a duplicate of the input string, first. See the
- * documentation of sstrdup() for the implications.
- * 
- * @param string the input string
- * @return the resulting upper case string
- * @see sstrdup()
- */
-sstr_t sstrupper(sstr_t string);
- * Returns a upper case version of a string.
- * 
- * This function creates a duplicate of the input string, first. See the
- * documentation of sstrdup_a() for the implications.
- * 
- * @param allocator the allocator used for duplicating the string
- * @param string the input string
- * @return the resulting upper case string
- * @see sstrdup_a()
- */
-sstr_t sstrupper_a(UcxAllocator *allocator, sstr_t string);
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-#endif	/* UCX_STRING_H */
--- a/src/ucx/ucx.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- * Main UCX Header providing most common definitions.
- * 
- * @file   ucx.h
- * @author Mike Becker
- * @author Olaf Wintermann
- */
-#ifndef UCX_H
-#define	UCX_H
-/** Major UCX version as integer constant. */
-#define UCX_VERSION_MAJOR   0
-/** Minor UCX version as integer constant. */
-#define UCX_VERSION_MINOR   9
-/** The UCX version in format [major].[minor] */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#if !(defined __ssize_t_defined || defined _SSIZE_T_)
-#include <BaseTsd.h>
-typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
-#define __ssize_t_defined
-#define _SSIZE_T_
-#endif /* __ssize_t_defined and _SSIZE_T */
-#else /* !_WIN32 */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-#ifndef _Bool
-#define _Bool bool
-#define restrict
-/** Use C naming even when compiling with C++.  */
-#define UCX_EXTERN extern "C"
-extern "C" {
-/** Pointless in C. */
-#define UCX_EXTERN
- * A function pointer to a destructor function.
- * @see ucx_mempool_setdestr()
- * @see ucx_mempool_regdestr()
- */
-typedef void(*ucx_destructor)(void*);
- * Function pointer to a compare function.
- * 
- * The compare function shall take three arguments: the two values that shall be
- * compared and optional additional data.
- * The function shall then return -1 if the first argument is less than the
- * second argument, 1 if the first argument is greater than the second argument
- * and 0 if both arguments are equal. If the third argument is
- * <code>NULL</code>, it shall be ignored.
- */
-typedef int(*cmp_func)(void*,void*,void*);
- * Function pointer to a copy function.
- * 
- * The copy function shall create a copy of the first argument and may use
- * additional data provided by the second argument. If the second argument is
- * <code>NULL</code>, it shall be ignored.
- * <b>Attention:</b> if pointers returned by functions of this type may be
- * passed to <code>free()</code> depends on the implementation of the
- * respective <code>copy_func</code>.
- */
-typedef void*(*copy_func)(void*,void*);
- * Function pointer to a write function.
- * 
- * The signature of the write function shall be compatible to the signature
- * of standard <code>fwrite</code>, though it may use arbitrary data types for
- * source and destination.
- * 
- * The arguments shall contain (in ascending order): a pointer to the source,
- * the length of one element, the element count and a pointer to the
- * destination.
- */
-typedef size_t(*write_func)(const void*, size_t, size_t, void*);
- * Function pointer to a read function.
- * 
- * The signature of the read function shall be compatible to the signature
- * of standard <code>fread</code>, though it may use arbitrary data types for
- * source and destination.
- * 
- * The arguments shall contain (in ascending order): a pointer to the
- * destination, the length of one element, the element count and a pointer to
- * the source.
- */
-typedef size_t(*read_func)(void*, size_t, size_t, void*);
-#ifdef	__cplusplus
-#endif	/* UCX_H */
--- a/src/ucx/utils.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
-#include "utils.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-void* ucx_strcpy(void* s, void* data) {
-    char *str = (char*) s;
-    size_t n = 1+strlen(str);
-    char *cpy = (char*) malloc(n);
-    memcpy(cpy, str, n);
-    return cpy;
-void* ucx_memcpy(void* m, void* n) {
-    size_t k = *((size_t*)n);
-    void *cpy = malloc(k);
-    memcpy(cpy, m, k);
-    return cpy;
-size_t ucx_stream_copy(void *src, void *dest, read_func readfnc,
-        write_func writefnc, char* buf, size_t bufsize, size_t n) {
-    if(n == 0 || bufsize == 0) {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    char *lbuf;    
-    size_t ncp = 0;
-    if(buf) {
-        lbuf = buf;
-    } else {
-        lbuf = (char*)malloc(bufsize);
-        if(lbuf == NULL) {
-            return 0;
-        }
-    }
-    size_t r;
-    size_t rn = bufsize > n ? n : bufsize;
-    while((r = readfnc(lbuf, 1, rn, src)) != 0) {
-        r = writefnc(lbuf, 1, r, dest);
-        ncp += r;
-        n -= r;
-        rn = bufsize > n ? n : bufsize;
-        if(r == 0 || n == 0) {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (lbuf != buf) {
-        free(lbuf);
-    }
-    return ncp;
-int ucx_strcmp(void *s1, void *s2, void *data) {
-    return strcmp((char*)s1, (char*)s2);
-int ucx_strncmp(void *s1, void *s2, void *n) {
-    return strncmp((char*)s1, (char*)s2, *((size_t*) n));
-int ucx_intcmp(void *i1, void *i2, void *data) {
-   int a = *((int*) i1);
-   int b = *((int*) i2);
-   if (a == b) {
-       return 0;
-   } else {
-       return a < b ? -1 : 1;
-   }
-int ucx_floatcmp(void *f1, void *f2, void *epsilon) {
-   float a = *((float*) f1);
-   float b = *((float*) f2);
-   float e = !epsilon ? 1e-6f : *((float*)epsilon);
-   if (fabsf(a - b) < e) {
-       return 0;
-   } else {
-       return a < b ? -1 : 1;
-   }
-int ucx_doublecmp(void *d1, void *d2, void *epsilon) {
-   double a = *((float*) d1);
-   double b = *((float*) d2);
-   double e = !epsilon ? 1e-14 : *((double*)epsilon);
-   if (fabs(a - b) < e) {
-       return 0;
-   } else {
-       return a < b ? -1 : 1;
-   }
-int ucx_ptrcmp(void *ptr1, void *ptr2, void *data) {
-    intptr_t p1 = (intptr_t) ptr1;
-    intptr_t p2 = (intptr_t) ptr2;
-    if (p1 == p2) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        return p1  < p2 ? -1 : 1;
-    }
-int ucx_memcmp(void *ptr1, void *ptr2, void *n) {
-    return memcmp(ptr1, ptr2, *((size_t*)n));
-#ifdef va_copy
-#pragma message("WARNING: C99 va_copy macro not supported by this platform" \
-                " - limiting ucx_*printf to 2 KiB")
-#define UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE 0x800
-int ucx_fprintf(void *stream, write_func wfc, const char *fmt, ...) {
-    int ret;
-    va_list ap;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    ret = ucx_vfprintf(stream, wfc, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return ret;
-int ucx_vfprintf(void *stream, write_func wfc, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
-    char buf[UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE];
-#ifdef va_copy
-    va_list ap2;
-    va_copy(ap2, ap);
-    int ret = vsnprintf(buf, UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE, fmt, ap);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-        return ret;
-    } else if (ret < UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE) {
-        return (int)wfc(buf, 1, ret, stream);
-    } else {
-        if (ret == INT_MAX) {
-            errno = ENOMEM;
-            return -1;
-        }
-        int len = ret + 1;
-        char *newbuf = (char*)malloc(len);
-        if (!newbuf) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        ret = vsnprintf(newbuf, len, fmt, ap2);
-        if (ret > 0) {
-            ret = (int)wfc(newbuf, 1, ret, stream);
-        }
-        free(newbuf);
-    }
-    return ret;
-    int ret = vsnprintf(buf, UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE, fmt, ap);
-    if (ret < 0) {
-        return ret;
-    } else if (ret < UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE) {
-        return (int)wfc(buf, 1, ret, stream);
-    } else {
-        errno = ENOMEM;
-        return -1;
-    }
-sstr_t ucx_asprintf(UcxAllocator *allocator, const char *fmt, ...) {
-    va_list ap;
-    sstr_t ret;
-    va_start(ap, fmt);
-    ret = ucx_vasprintf(allocator, fmt, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return ret;
-sstr_t ucx_vasprintf(UcxAllocator *a, const char *fmt, va_list ap) {
-    sstr_t s;
-    s.ptr = NULL;
-    s.length = 0;
-    char buf[UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE];
-#ifdef va_copy
-    va_list ap2;
-    va_copy(ap2, ap);
-    int ret = vsnprintf(buf, UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE, fmt, ap);
-    if (ret > 0 && ret < UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE) {
-        s.ptr = (char*)almalloc(a, ret + 1);
-        if (s.ptr) {
-            s.length = (size_t)ret;
-            memcpy(s.ptr, buf, ret);
-            s.ptr[s.length] = '\0';
-        }
-    } else if (ret == INT_MAX) {
-        errno = ENOMEM;
-    } else  {
-        int len = ret + 1;
-        s.ptr = (char*)almalloc(a, len);
-        if (s.ptr) {
-            ret = vsnprintf(s.ptr, len, fmt, ap2);
-            if (ret < 0) {
-                free(s.ptr);
-                s.ptr = NULL;
-            } else {
-                s.length = (size_t)ret;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    int ret = vsnprintf(buf, UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE, fmt, ap);
-    if (ret > 0 && ret < UCX_PRINTF_BUFSIZE) {
-        s.ptr = (char*)almalloc(a, ret + 1);
-        if (s.ptr) {
-            s.length = (size_t)ret;
-            memcpy(s.ptr, buf, ret);
-            s.ptr[s.length] = '\0';
-        }
-    } else {
-        errno = ENOMEM;
-    }
-    return s;
--- a/src/ucx/utils.h	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright 2015 Olaf Wintermann. All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- *
- *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- *
- */
- * @file utils.h
- * 
- * Compare, copy and printf functions.
- * 
- * @author Mike Becker
- * @author Olaf Wintermann
- */
-#ifndef UCX_UTILS_H
-#define UCX_UTILS_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "ucx.h"
-#include "string.h"
-#include "allocator.h"
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
- * Copies a string.
- * @param s the string to copy
- * @param data omitted
- * @return a pointer to a copy of s1 that can be passed to free(void*)
- */
-void *ucx_strcpy(void *s, void *data);
- * Copies a memory area.
- * @param m a pointer to the memory area
- * @param n a pointer to the size_t containing the size of the memory area
- * @return a pointer to a copy of the specified memory area that can
- * be passed to free(void*)
- */
-void *ucx_memcpy(void *m, void *n);
- * Reads data from a stream and writes it to another stream.
- * 
- * @param src the source stream
- * @param dest the destination stream
- * @param rfnc the read function
- * @param wfnc the write function
- * @param buf a pointer to the copy buffer or <code>NULL</code> if a buffer
- * shall be implicitly created on the heap
- * @param bufsize the size of the copy buffer - if <code>NULL</code> was
- * provided for <code>buf</code>, this is the size of the buffer that shall be
- * implicitly created
- * @param n the maximum number of bytes that shall be copied
- * @return the total number of bytes copied
-  */
-size_t ucx_stream_copy(void *src, void *dest, read_func rfnc, write_func wfnc,
-        char* buf, size_t bufsize, size_t n);
- * Shorthand for ucx_stream_copy using the default copy buffer.
- * 
- * @param src the source stream
- * @param dest the destination stream
- * @param rfnc the read function
- * @param wfnc the write function
- * @return total number of bytes copied
- */
-#define ucx_stream_hcopy(src,dest,rfnc,wfnc) ucx_stream_copy(\
-        src, dest, (read_func)rfnc, (write_func)wfnc, NULL, 0x100, (size_t)-1)
- * Shorthand for ucx_stream_copy using the default copy buffer and a copy limit.
- * 
- * @param src the source stream
- * @param dest the destination stream
- * @param rfnc the read function
- * @param wfnc the write function
- * @param n maximum number of bytes that shall be copied
- * @return total number of bytes copied
- */
-#define ucx_stream_ncopy(src,dest,rfnc,wfnc, n) ucx_stream_copy(\
-        src, dest, (read_func)rfnc, (write_func)wfnc, NULL, 0x100, n)
- * Wraps the strcmp function.
- * @param s1 string one
- * @param s2 string two
- * @param data omitted
- * @return the result of strcmp(s1, s2)
- */
-int ucx_strcmp(void *s1, void *s2, void *data);
- * Wraps the strncmp function.
- * @param s1 string one
- * @param s2 string two
- * @param n a pointer to the size_t containing the third strncmp parameter
- * @return the result of strncmp(s1, s2, *n)
- */
-int ucx_strncmp(void *s1, void *s2, void *n);
- * Compares two integers of type int.
- * @param i1 pointer to integer one
- * @param i2 pointer to integer two
- * @param data omitted
- * @return -1, if *i1 is less than *i2, 0 if both are equal,
- * 1 if *i1 is greater than *i2
- */
-int ucx_intcmp(void *i1, void *i2, void *data);
- * Compares two real numbers of type float.
- * @param f1 pointer to float one
- * @param f2 pointer to float two
- * @param data if provided: a pointer to precision (default: 1e-6f)
- * @return -1, if *f1 is less than *f2, 0 if both are equal,
- * 1 if *f1 is greater than *f2
- */
-int ucx_floatcmp(void *f1, void *f2, void *data);
- * Compares two real numbers of type double.
- * @param d1 pointer to double one
- * @param d2 pointer to double two
- * @param data if provided: a pointer to precision (default: 1e-14)
- * @return -1, if *d1 is less than *d2, 0 if both are equal,
- * 1 if *d1 is greater than *d2
- */
-int ucx_doublecmp(void *d1, void *d2, void *data);
- * Compares two pointers.
- * @param ptr1 pointer one
- * @param ptr2 pointer two
- * @param data omitted
- * @return -1 if ptr1 is less than ptr2, 0 if both are equal,
- * 1 if ptr1 is greater than ptr2
- */
-int ucx_ptrcmp(void *ptr1, void *ptr2, void *data);
- * Compares two memory areas.
- * @param ptr1 pointer one
- * @param ptr2 pointer two
- * @param n a pointer to the size_t containing the third parameter for memcmp
- * @return the result of memcmp(ptr1, ptr2, *n)
- */
-int ucx_memcmp(void *ptr1, void *ptr2, void *n);
- * A <code>printf()</code> like function which writes the output to a stream by
- * using a write_func().
- * @param stream the stream the data is written to
- * @param wfc the write function
- * @param fmt format string
- * @param ... additional arguments
- * @return the total number of bytes written
- */
-int ucx_fprintf(void *stream, write_func wfc, const char *fmt, ...);
- * <code>va_list</code> version of ucx_fprintf().
- * @param stream the stream the data is written to
- * @param wfc the write function
- * @param fmt format string
- * @param ap argument list
- * @return the total number of bytes written
- * @see ucx_fprintf()
- */
-int ucx_vfprintf(void *stream, write_func wfc, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
- * A <code>printf()</code> like function which allocates space for a sstr_t
- * the result is written to.
- * 
- * <b>Attention</b>: The sstr_t data is allocated with the allocators
- * ucx_allocator_malloc() function. So it is implementation dependent, if
- * the returned sstr_t.ptr pointer must be passed to the allocators
- * ucx_allocator_free() function manually.
- * 
- * <b>Note</b>: The sstr_t.ptr of the return value will <i>always</i> be
- * <code>NULL</code>-terminated.
- * 
- * @param allocator the UcxAllocator used for allocating the result sstr_t
- * @param fmt format string
- * @param ... additional arguments
- * @return a sstr_t containing the formatted string
- */
-sstr_t ucx_asprintf(UcxAllocator *allocator, const char *fmt, ...);
-/** Shortcut for ucx_asprintf() with default allocator. */
-#define ucx_sprintf(fmt, ...) \
-    ucx_asprintf(ucx_default_allocator(), fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
- * <code>va_list</code> version of ucx_asprintf().
- * 
- * @param allocator the UcxAllocator used for allocating the result sstr_t
- * @param fmt format string
- * @param ap argument list
- * @return a sstr_t containing the formatted string
- * @see ucx_asprintf()
- */
-sstr_t ucx_vasprintf(UcxAllocator *allocator, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
- * A <code>printf()</code> like function which writes the output to an
- * UcxBuffer.
- * 
- * @param buffer the buffer the data is written to
- * @param ... format string and additional arguments
- * @return the total number of bytes written
- * @see ucx_fprintf()
- */
-#define ucx_bprintf(buffer, ...) ucx_fprintf((UcxBuffer*)buffer, \
-        (write_func)ucx_buffer_write, __VA_ARGS__)
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* UCX_UTILS_H */
--- a/test/ctestfile.c	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/test/ctestfile.c	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 char* util_path_to_url(DavSession *sn, char *path) {
     char *space = malloc(256);
-    UcxBuffer *url = ucx_buffer_new(space, 256, UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND);
+    UcxBuffer *url = ucx_buffer_new(space, 256, CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND);
     // add base url
     ucx_buffer_write(sn->base_url, 1, strlen(sn->base_url), url);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/gs/bigtest.html	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,865 @@
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+        color: cornflowerblue;
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+        color: green;
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+        color: darkorange;
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+        color: grey;
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+        color: darkorange;
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+        color: darkorange;
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l1" href="#l1">  1 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l2" href="#l2">  2 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER.</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l3" href="#l3">  3 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l4" href="#l4">  4 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * Copyright 2014 Mike Becker. All rights reserved.</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l5" href="#l5">  5 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l6" href="#l6">  6 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l9" href="#l9">  9 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l12" href="#l12"> 12 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l13" href="#l13"> 13 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l15" href="#l15"> 15 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l16" href="#l16"> 16 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l17" href="#l17"> 17 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l18" href="#l18"> 18 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l25" href="#l25"> 25 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l28" href="#l28"> 28 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l29" href="#l29"> 29 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l30" href="#l30"> 30 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="rules.h">"rules.h"</a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l31" href="#l31"> 31 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="chess.h">"chess.h"</a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l32" href="#l32"> 32 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;string.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l33" href="#l33"> 33 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;stdlib.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l34" href="#l34"> 34 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;sys/time.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l35" href="#l35"> 35 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l36" href="#l36"> 36 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> GameState gamestate_copy_sim(GameState *gamestate) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l37" href="#l37"> 37 </a>    GameState simulation = *gamestate;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l38" href="#l38"> 38 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (simulation.lastmove) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l39" href="#l39"> 39 </a>        MoveList *lastmovecopy = malloc(<span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(MoveList));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l40" href="#l40"> 40 </a>        *lastmovecopy = *(simulation.lastmove);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l41" href="#l41"> 41 </a>        simulation.movelist = simulation.lastmove = lastmovecopy;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l42" href="#l42"> 42 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l43" href="#l43"> 43 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l44" href="#l44"> 44 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> simulation;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l45" href="#l45"> 45 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l46" href="#l46"> 46 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l47" href="#l47"> 47 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> gamestate_init(GameState *gamestate) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l48" href="#l48"> 48 </a>    memset(gamestate, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(GameState));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l49" href="#l49"> 49 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l50" href="#l50"> 50 </a>    Board initboard = {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l51" href="#l51"> 51 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">WROOK</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WQUEEN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WKING</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WROOK</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l52" href="#l52"> 52 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,  <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l53" href="#l53"> 53 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l54" href="#l54"> 54 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l55" href="#l55"> 55 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l56" href="#l56"> 56 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l57" href="#l57"> 57 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,  <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>},
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l58" href="#l58"> 58 </a>        {<span class="c2html-macroconst">BROOK</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BQUEEN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BKING</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BROOK</span>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l59" href="#l59"> 59 </a>    };
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l60" href="#l60"> 60 </a>    memcpy(gamestate-&gt;board, initboard, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Board));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l61" href="#l61"> 61 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l62" href="#l62"> 62 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l63" href="#l63"> 63 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> gamestate_cleanup(GameState *gamestate) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l64" href="#l64"> 64 </a>    MoveList *elem;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l65" href="#l65"> 65 </a>    elem = gamestate-&gt;movelist;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l66" href="#l66"> 66 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (elem) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l67" href="#l67"> 67 </a>        MoveList *cur = elem;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l68" href="#l68"> 68 </a>        elem = elem-&gt;next;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l69" href="#l69"> 69 </a>        free(cur);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l70" href="#l70"> 70 </a>    };
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l71" href="#l71"> 71 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l72" href="#l72"> 72 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l73" href="#l73"> 73 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/* MUST be called IMMEDIATLY after applying a move to work correctly */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l74" href="#l74"> 74 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> format_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l75" href="#l75"> 75 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *string = move-&gt;string;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l76" href="#l76"> 76 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l77" href="#l77"> 77 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* at least 8 characters should be available, wipe them out */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l78" href="#l78"> 78 </a>    memset(string, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l79" href="#l79"> 79 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l80" href="#l80"> 80 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* special formats for castling */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l81" href="#l81"> 81 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((move-&gt;piece&<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span> &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l82" href="#l82"> 82 </a>            abs(move-&gt;tofile-move-&gt;fromfile) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l83" href="#l83"> 83 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;tofile==fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'c'</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l84" href="#l84"> 84 </a>            memcpy(string, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O-O"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">5</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l85" href="#l85"> 85 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l86" href="#l86"> 86 </a>            memcpy(string, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l87" href="#l87"> 87 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l88" href="#l88"> 88 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l89" href="#l89"> 89 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l90" href="#l90"> 90 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* start by notating the piece character */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l91" href="#l91"> 91 </a>    string[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] = getpiecechr(move-&gt;piece);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l92" href="#l92"> 92 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> idx = string[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l93" href="#l93"> 93 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l94" href="#l94"> 94 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* find out how many source information we do need */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l95" href="#l95"> 95 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piece = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l96" href="#l96"> 96 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l97" href="#l97"> 97 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;capture) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l98" href="#l98"> 98 </a>            string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;fromfile);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l99" href="#l99"> 99 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l100" href="#l100">100 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece != <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l101" href="#l101">101 </a>        Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l102" href="#l102">102 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l103" href="#l103">103 </a>        get_real_threats(gamestate, move-&gt;torow, move-&gt;tofile,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l104" href="#l104">104 </a>            move-&gt;piece&<span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>, threats, &threatcount);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l105" href="#l105">105 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatcount &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l106" href="#l106">106 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> ambrows = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, ambfiles = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l107" href="#l107">107 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; threatcount ; i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l108" href="#l108">108 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats[i].fromrow == move-&gt;fromrow) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l109" href="#l109">109 </a>                    ambrows++;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l110" href="#l110">110 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l111" href="#l111">111 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats[i].fromfile == move-&gt;fromfile) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l112" href="#l112">112 </a>                    ambfiles++;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l113" href="#l113">113 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l114" href="#l114">114 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l115" href="#l115">115 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* ambiguous row, name file */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l116" href="#l116">116 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (ambrows &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l117" href="#l117">117 </a>                string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;fromfile);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l118" href="#l118">118 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l119" href="#l119">119 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* ambiguous file, name row */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l120" href="#l120">120 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (ambfiles &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l121" href="#l121">121 </a>                string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;fromrow);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l122" href="#l122">122 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l123" href="#l123">123 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l124" href="#l124">124 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l125" href="#l125">125 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l126" href="#l126">126 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* capturing? */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l127" href="#l127">127 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;capture) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l128" href="#l128">128 </a>        string[idx++] = <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l129" href="#l129">129 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l130" href="#l130">130 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l131" href="#l131">131 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* destination */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l132" href="#l132">132 </a>    string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;tofile);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l133" href="#l133">133 </a>    string[idx++] = rowchr(move-&gt;torow);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l134" href="#l134">134 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l135" href="#l135">135 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* promotion? */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l136" href="#l136">136 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;promotion) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l137" href="#l137">137 </a>        string[idx++] = <span class="c2html-string">'='</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l138" href="#l138">138 </a>        string[idx++] = getpiecechr(move-&gt;promotion);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l139" href="#l139">139 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l140" href="#l140">140 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l141" href="#l141">141 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* check? */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l142" href="#l142">142 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;check) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l143" href="#l143">143 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* works only, if this function is called when applying the move */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l144" href="#l144">144 </a>        string[idx++] = gamestate-&gt;checkmate?<span class="c2html-string">'#'</span>:<span class="c2html-string">'+'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l145" href="#l145">145 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l146" href="#l146">146 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l147" href="#l147">147 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l148" href="#l148">148 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> addmove(GameState* gamestate, Move *move) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l149" href="#l149">149 </a>    MoveList *elem = malloc(<span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(MoveList));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l150" href="#l150">150 </a>    elem-&gt;next = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l151" href="#l151">151 </a>    elem-&gt;move = *move;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l152" href="#l152">152 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l153" href="#l153">153 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> timeval curtimestamp;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l154" href="#l154">154 </a>    gettimeofday(&curtimestamp, <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l155" href="#l155">155 </a>    elem-&gt;move.timestamp.tv_sec = curtimestamp.tv_sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l156" href="#l156">156 </a>    elem-&gt;move.timestamp.tv_usec = curtimestamp.tv_usec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l157" href="#l157">157 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l158" href="#l158">158 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;lastmove) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l159" href="#l159">159 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> movetimeval *lasttstamp = &(gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;move.timestamp);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l160" href="#l160">160 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint64_t</span> sec = curtimestamp.tv_sec - lasttstamp-&gt;tv_sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l161" href="#l161">161 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">suseconds_t</span> micros;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l162" href="#l162">162 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (curtimestamp.tv_usec &lt; lasttstamp-&gt;tv_usec) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l163" href="#l163">163 </a>            micros = 1e6L-(lasttstamp-&gt;tv_usec - curtimestamp.tv_usec);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l164" href="#l164">164 </a>            sec--;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l165" href="#l165">165 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l166" href="#l166">166 </a>            micros = curtimestamp.tv_usec - lasttstamp-&gt;tv_usec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l167" href="#l167">167 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l168" href="#l168">168 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l169" href="#l169">169 </a>        elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_sec = sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l170" href="#l170">170 </a>        elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_usec = micros;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l171" href="#l171">171 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l172" href="#l172">172 </a>        gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;next = elem;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l173" href="#l173">173 </a>        gamestate-&gt;lastmove = elem;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l174" href="#l174">174 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l175" href="#l175">175 </a>        elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_usec = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l176" href="#l176">176 </a>        elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_sec = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l177" href="#l177">177 </a>        gamestate-&gt;movelist = gamestate-&gt;lastmove = elem;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l178" href="#l178">178 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l179" href="#l179">179 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l180" href="#l180">180 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l181" href="#l181">181 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> getpiecechr(<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piece) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l182" href="#l182">182 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">switch</span> (piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l183" href="#l183">183 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'R'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l184" href="#l184">184 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KNIGHT</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'N'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l185" href="#l185">185 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'B'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l186" href="#l186">186 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'Q'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l187" href="#l187">187 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'K'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l188" href="#l188">188 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">default</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l189" href="#l189">189 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l190" href="#l190">190 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l191" href="#l191">191 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l192" href="#l192">192 </a><span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> getpiece(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> c) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l193" href="#l193">193 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">switch</span> (c) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l194" href="#l194">194 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'R'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l195" href="#l195">195 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'N'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KNIGHT</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l196" href="#l196">196 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'B'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l197" href="#l197">197 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'Q'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l198" href="#l198">198 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'K'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l199" href="#l199">199 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">default</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l200" href="#l200">200 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l201" href="#l201">201 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l202" href="#l202">202 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l203" href="#l203">203 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> apply_move_impl(GameState *gamestate, Move *move, _Bool simulate) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l204" href="#l204">204 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piece = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l205" href="#l205">205 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l206" href="#l206">206 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l207" href="#l207">207 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* en passant capture */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l208" href="#l208">208 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;capture && piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span> &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l209" href="#l209">209 </a>        mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l210" href="#l210">210 </a>        gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;fromrow][move-&gt;tofile] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l211" href="#l211">211 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l212" href="#l212">212 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l213" href="#l213">213 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* remove old en passant threats */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l214" href="#l214">214 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l215" href="#l215">215 </a>        gamestate-&gt;board[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>][file] &= ~<span class="c2html-macroconst">ENPASSANT_THREAT</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l216" href="#l216">216 </a>        gamestate-&gt;board[<span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>][file] &= ~<span class="c2html-macroconst">ENPASSANT_THREAT</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l217" href="#l217">217 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l218" href="#l218">218 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l219" href="#l219">219 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* add new en passant threat */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l220" href="#l220">220 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span> && (
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l221" href="#l221">221 </a>        (move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> && move-&gt;torow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>) ||
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l222" href="#l222">222 </a>        (move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">6</span> && move-&gt;torow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>))) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l223" href="#l223">223 </a>        move-&gt;piece |= <span class="c2html-macroconst">ENPASSANT_THREAT</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l224" href="#l224">224 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l225" href="#l225">225 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l226" href="#l226">226 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* move (and maybe capture or promote) */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l227" href="#l227">227 </a>    msrc(gamestate-&gt;board, move) = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l228" href="#l228">228 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;promotion) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l229" href="#l229">229 </a>        mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) = move-&gt;promotion;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l230" href="#l230">230 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l231" href="#l231">231 </a>        mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) = move-&gt;piece;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l232" href="#l232">232 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l233" href="#l233">233 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l234" href="#l234">234 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* castling */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l235" href="#l235">235 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span> && move-&gt;fromfile == fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'e'</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l236" href="#l236">236 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l237" href="#l237">237 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;tofile == fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'g'</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l238" href="#l238">238 </a>            gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'h'</span>)] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l239" href="#l239">239 </a>            gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'f'</span>)] = color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l240" href="#l240">240 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;tofile == fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'c'</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l241" href="#l241">241 </a>            gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'a'</span>)] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l242" href="#l242">242 </a>            gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'d'</span>)] = color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l243" href="#l243">243 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l244" href="#l244">244 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l245" href="#l245">245 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l246" href="#l246">246 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!simulate) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l247" href="#l247">247 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!move-&gt;string[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l248" href="#l248">248 </a>            format_move(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l249" href="#l249">249 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l250" href="#l250">250 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l251" href="#l251">251 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* add move, even in simulation (checkmate test needs it) */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l252" href="#l252">252 </a>    addmove(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l253" href="#l253">253 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l254" href="#l254">254 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l255" href="#l255">255 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> apply_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l256" href="#l256">256 </a>    apply_move_impl(gamestate, move, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l257" href="#l257">257 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l258" href="#l258">258 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l259" href="#l259">259 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> validate_move_rules(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l260" href="#l260">260 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* validate indices (don't trust opponent) */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l261" href="#l261">261 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!chkidx(move)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l262" href="#l262">262 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l263" href="#l263">263 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l264" href="#l264">264 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l265" href="#l265">265 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* must move */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l266" href="#l266">266 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;fromfile == move-&gt;tofile && move-&gt;fromrow == move-&gt;torow) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l267" href="#l267">267 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l268" href="#l268">268 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l269" href="#l269">269 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l270" href="#l270">270 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* does piece exist */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l271" href="#l271">271 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((msrc(gamestate-&gt;board, move)&(<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>|<span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>))
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l272" href="#l272">272 </a>           != (move-&gt;piece&(<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>|<span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>))) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l273" href="#l273">273 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l274" href="#l274">274 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l275" href="#l275">275 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l276" href="#l276">276 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* can't capture own pieces */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l277" href="#l277">277 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>)
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l278" href="#l278">278 </a>            == (move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l279" href="#l279">279 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">RULES_VIOLATED</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l280" href="#l280">280 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l281" href="#l281">281 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l282" href="#l282">282 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* must capture, if and only if destination is occupied */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l283" href="#l283">283 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> && move-&gt;capture) ||
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l284" href="#l284">284 </a>            (mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) != <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> && !move-&gt;capture)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l285" href="#l285">285 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l286" href="#l286">286 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l287" href="#l287">287 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l288" href="#l288">288 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* validate individual rules */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l289" href="#l289">289 </a>    _Bool chkrules;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l290" href="#l290">290 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">switch</span> (move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l291" href="#l291">291 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l292" href="#l292">292 </a>        chkrules = pawn_chkrules(gamestate, move) &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l293" href="#l293">293 </a>            !pawn_isblocked(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l294" href="#l294">294 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l295" href="#l295">295 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l296" href="#l296">296 </a>        chkrules = rook_chkrules(move) &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l297" href="#l297">297 </a>            !rook_isblocked(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l298" href="#l298">298 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l299" href="#l299">299 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KNIGHT</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l300" href="#l300">300 </a>        chkrules = knight_chkrules(move); <span class="c2html-comment">/* knight is never blocked */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l301" href="#l301">301 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l302" href="#l302">302 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l303" href="#l303">303 </a>        chkrules = bishop_chkrules(move) &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l304" href="#l304">304 </a>            !bishop_isblocked(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l305" href="#l305">305 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l306" href="#l306">306 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l307" href="#l307">307 </a>        chkrules = queen_chkrules(move) &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l308" href="#l308">308 </a>            !queen_isblocked(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l309" href="#l309">309 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l310" href="#l310">310 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l311" href="#l311">311 </a>        chkrules = king_chkrules(gamestate, move) &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l312" href="#l312">312 </a>            !king_isblocked(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l313" href="#l313">313 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l314" href="#l314">314 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">default</span>:
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l315" href="#l315">315 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l316" href="#l316">316 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l317" href="#l317">317 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l318" href="#l318">318 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> chkrules ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">RULES_VIOLATED</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l319" href="#l319">319 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l320" href="#l320">320 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l321" href="#l321">321 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> validate_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l322" href="#l322">322 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l323" href="#l323">323 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> result = validate_move_rules(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l324" href="#l324">324 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l325" href="#l325">325 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* cancel processing to save resources */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l326" href="#l326">326 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (result != <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l327" href="#l327">327 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> result;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l328" href="#l328">328 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l329" href="#l329">329 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l330" href="#l330">330 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* find kings for check validation */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l331" href="#l331">331 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piececolor = (move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l332" href="#l332">332 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l333" href="#l333">333 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> mykingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, mykingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, opkingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, opkingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l334" href="#l334">334 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; row &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; row++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l335" href="#l335">335 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l336" href="#l336">336 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] ==
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l337" href="#l337">337 </a>                    (piececolor == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span>?<span class="c2html-macroconst">WKING</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">BKING</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l338" href="#l338">338 </a>                mykingfile = file;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l339" href="#l339">339 </a>                mykingrow = row;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l340" href="#l340">340 </a>            } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] ==
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l341" href="#l341">341 </a>                    (piececolor == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span>?<span class="c2html-macroconst">BKING</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">WKING</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l342" href="#l342">342 </a>                opkingfile = file;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l343" href="#l343">343 </a>                opkingrow = row;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l344" href="#l344">344 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l345" href="#l345">345 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l346" href="#l346">346 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l347" href="#l347">347 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l348" href="#l348">348 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* simulate move for check validation */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l349" href="#l349">349 </a>    GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l350" href="#l350">350 </a>    Move simmove = *move;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l351" href="#l351">351 </a>    apply_move_impl(&simulation, &simmove, <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l352" href="#l352">352 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l353" href="#l353">353 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* don't move into or stay in check position */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l354" href="#l354">354 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (is_covered(&simulation, mykingrow, mykingfile,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l355" href="#l355">355 </a>        opponent_color(piececolor))) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l356" href="#l356">356 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l357" href="#l357">357 </a>        gamestate_cleanup(&simulation);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l358" href="#l358">358 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l359" href="#l359">359 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING_MOVES_INTO_CHECK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l360" href="#l360">360 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l361" href="#l361">361 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* last move is always not null in this case */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l362" href="#l362">362 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;move.check ?
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l363" href="#l363">363 </a>                <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING_IN_CHECK</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_PINNED</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l364" href="#l364">364 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l365" href="#l365">365 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l366" href="#l366">366 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l367" href="#l367">367 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* correct check and checkmate flags (move is still valid) */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l368" href="#l368">368 </a>    Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l369" href="#l369">369 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l370" href="#l370">370 </a>    move-&gt;check = get_threats(&simulation, opkingrow, opkingfile,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l371" href="#l371">371 </a>        piececolor, threats, &threatcount);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l372" href="#l372">372 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l373" href="#l373">373 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;check) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l374" href="#l374">374 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* determine possible escape fields */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l375" href="#l375">375 </a>        _Bool canescape = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l376" href="#l376">376 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> dr = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> ; dr &lt;= <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> && !canescape ; dr++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l377" href="#l377">377 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> df = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> ; df &lt;= <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> && !canescape ; df++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l378" href="#l378">378 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!(dr == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> && df == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>)  &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l379" href="#l379">379 </a>                        isidx(opkingrow + dr) && isidx(opkingfile + df)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l380" href="#l380">380 </a>                    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l381" href="#l381">381 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">/* escape field neither blocked nor covered */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l382" href="#l382">382 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((simulation.board[opkingrow + dr][opkingfile + df]
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l383" href="#l383">383 </a>                            & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>) != opponent_color(piececolor)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l384" href="#l384">384 </a>                        canescape |= !is_covered(&simulation,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l385" href="#l385">385 </a>                            opkingrow + dr, opkingfile + df, piececolor);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l386" href="#l386">386 </a>                    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l387" href="#l387">387 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l388" href="#l388">388 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l389" href="#l389">389 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l390" href="#l390">390 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* can't escape, can he capture? */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l391" href="#l391">391 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!canescape && threatcount == <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l392" href="#l392">392 </a>            canescape = is_attacked(&simulation, threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>].fromrow,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l393" href="#l393">393 </a>                threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>].fromfile, opponent_color(piececolor));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l394" href="#l394">394 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l395" href="#l395">395 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l396" href="#l396">396 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* can't capture, can he block? */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l397" href="#l397">397 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!canescape && threatcount == <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l398" href="#l398">398 </a>            Move *threat = &(threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l399" href="#l399">399 </a>            <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatpiece = threat-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l400" href="#l400">400 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l401" href="#l401">401 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* knight, pawns and the king cannot be blocked */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l402" href="#l402">402 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatpiece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span> || threatpiece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l403" href="#l403">403 </a>                || threatpiece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l404" href="#l404">404 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threat-&gt;fromrow == threat-&gt;torow) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l405" href="#l405">405 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">/* rook aspect (on row) */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l406" href="#l406">406 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> d = threat-&gt;tofile &gt; threat-&gt;fromfile ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l407" href="#l407">407 </a>                    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = threat-&gt;fromfile;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l408" href="#l408">408 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (!canescape && file != threat-&gt;tofile - d) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l409" href="#l409">409 </a>                        file += d;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l410" href="#l410">410 </a>                        canescape |= is_protected(&simulation,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l411" href="#l411">411 </a>                            threat-&gt;torow, file, opponent_color(piececolor));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l412" href="#l412">412 </a>                    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l413" href="#l413">413 </a>                } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threat-&gt;fromfile == threat-&gt;tofile) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l414" href="#l414">414 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">/* rook aspect (on file) */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l415" href="#l415">415 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> d = threat-&gt;torow &gt; threat-&gt;fromrow ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l416" href="#l416">416 </a>                    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = threat-&gt;fromrow;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l417" href="#l417">417 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (!canescape && row != threat-&gt;torow - d) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l418" href="#l418">418 </a>                        row += d;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l419" href="#l419">419 </a>                        canescape |= is_protected(&simulation,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l420" href="#l420">420 </a>                            row, threat-&gt;tofile, opponent_color(piececolor));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l421" href="#l421">421 </a>                    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l422" href="#l422">422 </a>                } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l423" href="#l423">423 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">/* bishop aspect */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l424" href="#l424">424 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> dr = threat-&gt;torow &gt; threat-&gt;fromrow ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l425" href="#l425">425 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> df = threat-&gt;tofile &gt; threat-&gt;fromfile ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l426" href="#l426">426 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l427" href="#l427">427 </a>                    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = threat-&gt;fromrow;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l428" href="#l428">428 </a>                    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = threat-&gt;fromfile;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l429" href="#l429">429 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (!canescape && file != threat-&gt;tofile - df
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l430" href="#l430">430 </a>                        && row != threat-&gt;torow - dr) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l431" href="#l431">431 </a>                        row += dr;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l432" href="#l432">432 </a>                        file += df;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l433" href="#l433">433 </a>                        canescape |= is_protected(&simulation, row, file,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l434" href="#l434">434 </a>                            opponent_color(piececolor));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l435" href="#l435">435 </a>                    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l436" href="#l436">436 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l437" href="#l437">437 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l438" href="#l438">438 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l439" href="#l439">439 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l440" href="#l440">440 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!canescape) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l441" href="#l441">441 </a>            gamestate-&gt;checkmate = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l442" href="#l442">442 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l443" href="#l443">443 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l444" href="#l444">444 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l445" href="#l445">445 </a>    gamestate_cleanup(&simulation);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l446" href="#l446">446 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l447" href="#l447">447 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l448" href="#l448">448 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l449" href="#l449">449 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l450" href="#l450">450 </a>_Bool get_threats(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l451" href="#l451">451 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color, Move *threats, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> *threatcount) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l452" href="#l452">452 </a>    Move candidates[<span class="c2html-macroconst">32</span>];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l453" href="#l453">453 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> candidatecount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l454" href="#l454">454 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> r = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; r &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; r++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l455" href="#l455">455 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> f = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; f &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; f++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l456" href="#l456">456 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((gamestate-&gt;board[r][f] & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>) == color) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l457" href="#l457">457 </a>                <span class="c2html-comment">// non-capturing move</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l458" href="#l458">458 </a>                memset(&(candidates[candidatecount]), <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l459" href="#l459">459 </a>                candidates[candidatecount].piece = gamestate-&gt;board[r][f];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l460" href="#l460">460 </a>                candidates[candidatecount].fromrow = r;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l461" href="#l461">461 </a>                candidates[candidatecount].fromfile = f;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l462" href="#l462">462 </a>                candidates[candidatecount].torow = row;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l463" href="#l463">463 </a>                candidates[candidatecount].tofile = file;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l464" href="#l464">464 </a>                candidatecount++;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l465" href="#l465">465 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l466" href="#l466">466 </a>                <span class="c2html-comment">// capturing move</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l467" href="#l467">467 </a>                memcpy(&(candidates[candidatecount]),
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l468" href="#l468">468 </a>                    &(candidates[candidatecount-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]), <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l469" href="#l469">469 </a>                candidates[candidatecount].capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l470" href="#l470">470 </a>                candidatecount++;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l471" href="#l471">471 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l472" href="#l472">472 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l473" href="#l473">473 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l474" href="#l474">474 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l475" href="#l475">475 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatcount) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l476" href="#l476">476 </a>        *threatcount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l477" href="#l477">477 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l478" href="#l478">478 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l479" href="#l479">479 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l480" href="#l480">480 </a>    _Bool result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l481" href="#l481">481 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l482" href="#l482">482 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; candidatecount ; i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l483" href="#l483">483 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (validate_move_rules(gamestate, &(candidates[i]))
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l484" href="#l484">484 </a>                == <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l485" href="#l485">485 </a>            result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l486" href="#l486">486 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats && threatcount) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l487" href="#l487">487 </a>                threats[(*threatcount)++] = candidates[i];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l488" href="#l488">488 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l489" href="#l489">489 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l490" href="#l490">490 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l491" href="#l491">491 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l492" href="#l492">492 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> result;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l493" href="#l493">493 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l494" href="#l494">494 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l495" href="#l495">495 </a>_Bool is_pinned(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l496" href="#l496">496 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l497" href="#l497">497 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l498" href="#l498">498 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> kingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, kingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l499" href="#l499">499 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; row &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; row++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l500" href="#l500">500 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l501" href="#l501">501 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] == (color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l502" href="#l502">502 </a>                kingfile = file;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l503" href="#l503">503 </a>                kingrow = row;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l504" href="#l504">504 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l505" href="#l505">505 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l506" href="#l506">506 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l507" href="#l507">507 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l508" href="#l508">508 </a>    GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l509" href="#l509">509 </a>    Move simmove = *move;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l510" href="#l510">510 </a>    apply_move(&simulation, &simmove);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l511" href="#l511">511 </a>    _Bool covered = is_covered(&simulation,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l512" href="#l512">512 </a>        kingrow, kingfile, opponent_color(color));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l513" href="#l513">513 </a>    gamestate_cleanup(&simulation);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l514" href="#l514">514 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l515" href="#l515">515 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> covered;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l516" href="#l516">516 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l517" href="#l517">517 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l518" href="#l518">518 </a>_Bool get_real_threats(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l519" href="#l519">519 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color, Move *threats, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> *threatcount) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l520" href="#l520">520 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l521" href="#l521">521 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatcount) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l522" href="#l522">522 </a>        *threatcount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l523" href="#l523">523 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l524" href="#l524">524 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l525" href="#l525">525 </a>    Move candidates[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l526" href="#l526">526 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> candidatecount;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l527" href="#l527">527 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (get_threats(gamestate, row, file, color, candidates, &candidatecount)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l528" href="#l528">528 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l529" href="#l529">529 </a>        _Bool result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l530" href="#l530">530 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> kingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, kingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l531" href="#l531">531 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; row &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; row++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l532" href="#l532">532 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l533" href="#l533">533 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] == (color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l534" href="#l534">534 </a>                    kingfile = file;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l535" href="#l535">535 </a>                    kingrow = row;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l536" href="#l536">536 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l537" href="#l537">537 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l538" href="#l538">538 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l539" href="#l539">539 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l540" href="#l540">540 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; candidatecount ; i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l541" href="#l541">541 </a>            GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l542" href="#l542">542 </a>            Move simmove = candidates[i];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l543" href="#l543">543 </a>            apply_move(&simulation, &simmove);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l544" href="#l544">544 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!is_covered(&simulation, kingrow, kingfile,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l545" href="#l545">545 </a>                    opponent_color(color))) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l546" href="#l546">546 </a>                result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l547" href="#l547">547 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats && threatcount) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l548" href="#l548">548 </a>                    threats[(*threatcount)++] = candidates[i];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l549" href="#l549">549 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l550" href="#l550">550 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l551" href="#l551">551 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l552" href="#l552">552 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l553" href="#l553">553 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> result;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l554" href="#l554">554 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l555" href="#l555">555 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l556" href="#l556">556 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l557" href="#l557">557 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l558" href="#l558">558 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l559" href="#l559">559 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> getlocation(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {   
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l560" href="#l560">560 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l561" href="#l561">561 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l562" href="#l562">562 </a>    _Bool incheck = gamestate-&gt;lastmove?gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;move.check:<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l563" href="#l563">563 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l564" href="#l564">564 </a>    Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>], *threat = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l565" href="#l565">565 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l566" href="#l566">566 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l567" href="#l567">567 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (get_threats(gamestate, move-&gt;torow, move-&gt;tofile, color,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l568" href="#l568">568 </a>            threats, &threatcount)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l569" href="#l569">569 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l570" href="#l570">570 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> reason = <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l571" href="#l571">571 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l572" href="#l572">572 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">// find threats for the specified position</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l573" href="#l573">573 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; threatcount ; i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l574" href="#l574">574 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((threats[i].piece & (<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span> | <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>))
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l575" href="#l575">575 </a>                    == move-&gt;piece &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l576" href="#l576">576 </a>                    (move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span> ||
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l577" href="#l577">577 </a>                    move-&gt;fromrow == threats[i].fromrow) &&
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l578" href="#l578">578 </a>                    (move-&gt;fromfile == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span> ||
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l579" href="#l579">579 </a>                    move-&gt;fromfile == threats[i].fromfile)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l580" href="#l580">580 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l581" href="#l581">581 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threat) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l582" href="#l582">582 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">AMBIGUOUS_MOVE</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l583" href="#l583">583 </a>                } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l584" href="#l584">584 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">// found threat is no real threat</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l585" href="#l585">585 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (is_pinned(gamestate, &(threats[i]))) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l586" href="#l586">586 </a>                        reason = incheck?<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING_IN_CHECK</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_PINNED</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l587" href="#l587">587 </a>                    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l588" href="#l588">588 </a>                        threat = &(threats[i]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l589" href="#l589">589 </a>                    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l590" href="#l590">590 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l591" href="#l591">591 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l592" href="#l592">592 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l593" href="#l593">593 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l594" href="#l594">594 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">// can't threaten specified position</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l595" href="#l595">595 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!threat) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l596" href="#l596">596 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> reason;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l597" href="#l597">597 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l598" href="#l598">598 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l599" href="#l599">599 </a>        memcpy(move, threat, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l600" href="#l600">600 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l601" href="#l601">601 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l602" href="#l602">602 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l603" href="#l603">603 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l604" href="#l604">604 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l605" href="#l605">605 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l606" href="#l606">606 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> eval_move(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *mstr, Move *move, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l607" href="#l607">607 </a>    memset(move, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l608" href="#l608">608 </a>    move-&gt;fromfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l609" href="#l609">609 </a>    move-&gt;fromrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l610" href="#l610">610 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l611" href="#l611">611 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = strlen(mstr);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l612" href="#l612">612 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> || len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">6</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l613" href="#l613">613 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l614" href="#l614">614 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l615" href="#l615">615 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l616" href="#l616">616 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* evaluate check/checkmate flags */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l617" href="#l617">617 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'+'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l618" href="#l618">618 </a>        len--; mstr[len] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l619" href="#l619">619 </a>        move-&gt;check = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l620" href="#l620">620 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'#'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l621" href="#l621">621 </a>        len--; mstr[len] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l622" href="#l622">622 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* ignore - validation should set game state */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l623" href="#l623">623 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l624" href="#l624">624 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l625" href="#l625">625 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">/* evaluate promotion */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l626" href="#l626">626 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span> && mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'='</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l627" href="#l627">627 </a>        move-&gt;promotion = getpiece(mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l628" href="#l628">628 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!move-&gt;promotion) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l629" href="#l629">629 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l630" href="#l630">630 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l631" href="#l631">631 </a>            move-&gt;promotion |= color;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l632" href="#l632">632 </a>            len -= <span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l633" href="#l633">633 </a>            mstr[len] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l634" href="#l634">634 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l635" href="#l635">635 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l636" href="#l636">636 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l637" href="#l637">637 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l638" href="#l638">638 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* pawn move (e.g. "e4") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l639" href="#l639">639 </a>        move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l640" href="#l640">640 </a>        move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l641" href="#l641">641 </a>        move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l642" href="#l642">642 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l643" href="#l643">643 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (strcmp(mstr, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O"</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l644" href="#l644">644 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* king side castling */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l645" href="#l645">645 </a>            move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l646" href="#l646">646 </a>            move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'e'</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l647" href="#l647">647 </a>            move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'g'</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l648" href="#l648">648 </a>            move-&gt;fromrow = move-&gt;torow = color == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span> ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l649" href="#l649">649 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l650" href="#l650">650 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* move (e.g. "Nf3") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l651" href="#l651">651 </a>            move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l652" href="#l652">652 </a>            move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l653" href="#l653">653 </a>            move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l654" href="#l654">654 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l655" href="#l655">655 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l656" href="#l656">656 </a>        move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l657" href="#l657">657 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!move-&gt;piece) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l658" href="#l658">658 </a>            move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l659" href="#l659">659 </a>            move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l660" href="#l660">660 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l661" href="#l661">661 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l662" href="#l662">662 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* capture (e.g. "Nxf3", "dxe5") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l663" href="#l663">663 </a>            move-&gt;capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l664" href="#l664">664 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l665" href="#l665">665 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* move (e.g. "Ndf3", "N2c3", "e2e4") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l666" href="#l666">666 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (isfile(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>])) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l667" href="#l667">667 </a>                move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l668" href="#l668">668 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l669" href="#l669">669 </a>                    move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l670" href="#l670">670 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l671" href="#l671">671 </a>            } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l672" href="#l672">672 </a>                move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l673" href="#l673">673 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l674" href="#l674">674 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l675" href="#l675">675 </a>        move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l676" href="#l676">676 </a>        move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l677" href="#l677">677 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">5</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l678" href="#l678">678 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (strcmp(mstr, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O-O"</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l679" href="#l679">679 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">/* queen side castling "O-O-O" */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l680" href="#l680">680 </a>            move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l681" href="#l681">681 </a>            move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'e'</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l682" href="#l682">682 </a>            move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'c'</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l683" href="#l683">683 </a>            move-&gt;fromrow = move-&gt;torow = color == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span> ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l684" href="#l684">684 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l685" href="#l685">685 </a>            move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l686" href="#l686">686 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l687" href="#l687">687 </a>                move-&gt;capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l688" href="#l688">688 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l689" href="#l689">689 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">/* capture (e.g. "Ndxf3") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l690" href="#l690">690 </a>                    move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l691" href="#l691">691 </a>                } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l692" href="#l692">692 </a>                    <span class="c2html-comment">/* long notation capture (e.g. "e5xf6") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l693" href="#l693">693 </a>                    move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l694" href="#l694">694 </a>                    move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l695" href="#l695">695 </a>                    move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l696" href="#l696">696 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l697" href="#l697">697 </a>            } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l698" href="#l698">698 </a>                <span class="c2html-comment">/* long notation move (e.g. "Nc5a4") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l699" href="#l699">699 </a>                move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l700" href="#l700">700 </a>                move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l701" href="#l701">701 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l702" href="#l702">702 </a>            move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l703" href="#l703">703 </a>            move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l704" href="#l704">704 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l705" href="#l705">705 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">6</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l706" href="#l706">706 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">/* long notation capture (e.g. "Nc5xf3") */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l707" href="#l707">707 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l708" href="#l708">708 </a>            move-&gt;capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l709" href="#l709">709 </a>            move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l710" href="#l710">710 </a>            move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l711" href="#l711">711 </a>            move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l712" href="#l712">712 </a>            move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l713" href="#l713">713 </a>            move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">5</span>]);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l714" href="#l714">714 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l715" href="#l715">715 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l716" href="#l716">716 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l717" href="#l717">717 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l718" href="#l718">718 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l719" href="#l719">719 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l720" href="#l720">720 </a>            && move-&gt;torow == (color==<span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span>?<span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>)
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l721" href="#l721">721 </a>            && !move-&gt;promotion) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l722" href="#l722">722 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">NEED_PROMOTION</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l723" href="#l723">723 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l724" href="#l724">724 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l725" href="#l725">725 </a>        move-&gt;piece |= color;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l726" href="#l726">726 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;fromfile == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l727" href="#l727">727 </a>            || move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l728" href="#l728">728 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> getlocation(gamestate, move);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l729" href="#l729">729 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l730" href="#l730">730 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> chkidx(move) ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l731" href="#l731">731 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l732" href="#l732">732 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l733" href="#l733">733 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l734" href="#l734">734 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l735" href="#l735">735 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l736" href="#l736">736 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l737" href="#l737">737 </a>_Bool is_protected(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l738" href="#l738">738 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l739" href="#l739">739 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l740" href="#l740">740 </a>    Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l741" href="#l741">741 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l742" href="#l742">742 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (get_real_threats(gamestate, row, file, color, threats, &threatcount)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l743" href="#l743">743 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; threatcount ; i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l744" href="#l744">744 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats[i].piece != (color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l745" href="#l745">745 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l746" href="#l746">746 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l747" href="#l747">747 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l748" href="#l748">748 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l749" href="#l749">749 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l750" href="#l750">750 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l751" href="#l751">751 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l752" href="#l752">752 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l753" href="#l753">753 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l754" href="#l754">754 </a><span class="c2html-type">uint16_t</span> remaining_movetime(GameInfo *gameinfo, GameState *gamestate,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l755" href="#l755">755 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l756" href="#l756">756 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!gameinfo-&gt;timecontrol) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l757" href="#l757">757 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l758" href="#l758">758 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l759" href="#l759">759 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l760" href="#l760">760 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;movelist) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l761" href="#l761">761 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">uint16_t</span> time = gameinfo-&gt;time;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l762" href="#l762">762 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">suseconds_t</span> micros = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l763" href="#l763">763 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l764" href="#l764">764 </a>        MoveList *movelist = color == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span> ?
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l765" href="#l765">765 </a>            gamestate-&gt;movelist : gamestate-&gt;movelist-&gt;next;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l766" href="#l766">766 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l767" href="#l767">767 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (movelist) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l768" href="#l768">768 </a>            time += gameinfo-&gt;addtime;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l769" href="#l769">769 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l770" href="#l770">770 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> movetimeval *movetime = &(movelist-&gt;move.movetime);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l771" href="#l771">771 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (movetime-&gt;tv_sec &gt;= time) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l772" href="#l772">772 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l773" href="#l773">773 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l774" href="#l774">774 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l775" href="#l775">775 </a>            time -= movetime-&gt;tv_sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l776" href="#l776">776 </a>            micros += movetime-&gt;tv_usec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l777" href="#l777">777 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l778" href="#l778">778 </a>            movelist = movelist-&gt;next ? movelist-&gt;next-&gt;next : <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l779" href="#l779">779 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l780" href="#l780">780 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l781" href="#l781">781 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">time_t</span> sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l782" href="#l782">782 </a>        movelist = gamestate-&gt;lastmove;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l783" href="#l783">783 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((movelist-&gt;move.piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>) != color) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l784" href="#l784">784 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> movetimeval *lastmovetstamp = &(movelist-&gt;move.timestamp);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l785" href="#l785">785 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> timeval currenttstamp;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l786" href="#l786">786 </a>            gettimeofday(&currenttstamp, <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l787" href="#l787">787 </a>            micros += currenttstamp.tv_usec - lastmovetstamp-&gt;tv_usec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l788" href="#l788">788 </a>            sec = currenttstamp.tv_sec - lastmovetstamp-&gt;tv_sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l789" href="#l789">789 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (sec &gt;= time) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l790" href="#l790">790 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l791" href="#l791">791 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l792" href="#l792">792 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l793" href="#l793">793 </a>            time -= sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l794" href="#l794">794 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l795" href="#l795">795 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l796" href="#l796">796 </a>        sec = micros / 1e6L;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l797" href="#l797">797 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l798" href="#l798">798 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (sec &gt;= time) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l799" href="#l799">799 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l800" href="#l800">800 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l801" href="#l801">801 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l802" href="#l802">802 </a>        time -= sec;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l803" href="#l803">803 </a>        
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l804" href="#l804">804 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> time;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l805" href="#l805">805 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l806" href="#l806">806 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> gameinfo-&gt;time;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l807" href="#l807">807 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l808" href="#l808">808 </a>}
+  </body>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l29" href="#l29"> 29 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;time.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l30" href="#l30"> 30 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;stdio.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l31" href="#l31"> 31 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;stdlib.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l32" href="#l32"> 32 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;string.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l33" href="#l33"> 33 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;ucx/string.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l34" href="#l34"> 34 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;ucx/buffer.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l35" href="#l35"> 35 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;ucx/utils.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l36" href="#l36"> 36 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;libxml/tree.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l37" href="#l37"> 37 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;curl/curl.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l38" href="#l38"> 38 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l39" href="#l39"> 39 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/sha.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l40" href="#l40"> 40 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/hmac.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l41" href="#l41"> 41 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/evp.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l42" href="#l42"> 42 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/bio.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l43" href="#l43"> 43 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/buffer.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l44" href="#l44"> 44 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/rand.h&gt;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l45" href="#l45"> 45 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l46" href="#l46"> 46 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="utils.h">"utils.h"</a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l47" href="#l47"> 47 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="crypto.h">"crypto.h"</a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l48" href="#l48"> 48 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="webdav.h">"webdav.h"</a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l49" href="#l49"> 49 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l50" href="#l50"> 50 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#define</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">MACRO1337</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1337L</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l51" href="#l51"> 51 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l52" href="#l52"> 52 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/* -------------------- This is a testing file. -------------------------- */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l53" href="#l53"> 53 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l54" href="#l54"> 54 </a><span class="c2html-comment">time_t util_parse_creationdate(char *str) {</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l55" href="#l55"> 55 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    // example: 2012-11-29T21:35:35Z</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l56" href="#l56"> 56 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    if(!str) {</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l57" href="#l57"> 57 </a><span class="c2html-comment">        return 0;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l58" href="#l58"> 58 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    }</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l59" href="#l59"> 59 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    // TODO</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l60" href="#l60"> 60 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    return 0;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l61" href="#l61"> 61 </a><span class="c2html-comment">}</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l62" href="#l62"> 62 </a><span class="c2html-comment">*/</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l63" href="#l63"> 63 </a><span class="c2html-type">time_t</span> util_parse_lastmodified(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l64" href="#l64"> 64 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">// example: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 21:35:35 GMT</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l65" href="#l65"> 65 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(!str) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l66" href="#l66"> 66 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l67" href="#l67"> 67 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l68" href="#l68"> 68 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> curl_getdate(str, <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l69" href="#l69"> 69 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l70" href="#l70"> 70 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l71" href="#l71"> 71 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l72" href="#l72"> 72 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> util_getboolean(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *v) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l73" href="#l73"> 73 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(v[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'T'</span> || v[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'t'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l74" href="#l74"> 74 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l75" href="#l75"> 75 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l76" href="#l76"> 76 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l77" href="#l77"> 77 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l78" href="#l78"> 78 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l79" href="#l79"> 79 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> util_strtoint(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str, <span class="c2html-type">int64_t</span> *value) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l80" href="#l80"> 80 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *end;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l81" href="#l81"> 81 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">int64_t</span> val = strtoll(str, &end, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l82" href="#l82"> 82 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(strlen(end) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l83" href="#l83"> 83 </a>        *value = val;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l84" href="#l84"> 84 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l85" href="#l85"> 85 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l86" href="#l86"> 86 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l87" href="#l87"> 87 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l88" href="#l88"> 88 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l89" href="#l89"> 89 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l90" href="#l90"> 90 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_url_path(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url) { 
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l91" href="#l91"> 91 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l92" href="#l92"> 92 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = strlen(url);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l93" href="#l93"> 93 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> slashcount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l94" href="#l94"> 94 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> slmax;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l95" href="#l95"> 95 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span> && !strncasecmp(url, <span class="c2html-string">"http://"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l96" href="#l96"> 96 </a>        slmax = <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l97" href="#l97"> 97 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> && !strncasecmp(url, <span class="c2html-string">"https://"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span>)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l98" href="#l98"> 98 </a>        slmax = <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l99" href="#l99"> 99 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l100" href="#l100">100 </a>        slmax = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l101" href="#l101">101 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l102" href="#l102">102 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> c;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l103" href="#l103">103 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;len;i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l104" href="#l104">104 </a>        c = url[i];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l105" href="#l105">105 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(c == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l106" href="#l106">106 </a>            slashcount++;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l107" href="#l107">107 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(slashcount == slmax) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l108" href="#l108">108 </a>                path = url + i;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l109" href="#l109">109 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l110" href="#l110">110 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l111" href="#l111">111 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l112" href="#l112">112 </a>    } 
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l113" href="#l113">113 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> path;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l114" href="#l114">114 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l115" href="#l115">115 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l116" href="#l116">116 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_url_decode(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l117" href="#l117">117 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *unesc = curl_easy_unescape(sn-&gt;handle, url, strlen(url), <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l118" href="#l118">118 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *ret = strdup(unesc);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l119" href="#l119">119 </a>    curl_free(unesc);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l120" href="#l120">120 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> ret;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l121" href="#l121">121 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l122" href="#l122">122 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l123" href="#l123">123 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_resource_name(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l124" href="#l124">124 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> si = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l125" href="#l125">125 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> osi = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l126" href="#l126">126 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l127" href="#l127">127 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> p = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l128" href="#l128">128 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> c;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l129" href="#l129">129 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span>((c = url[i]) != <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l130" href="#l130">130 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(c == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l131" href="#l131">131 </a>            osi = si;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l132" href="#l132">132 </a>            si = i;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l133" href="#l133">133 </a>            p = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l134" href="#l134">134 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l135" href="#l135">135 </a>        i++;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l136" href="#l136">136 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l137" href="#l137">137 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l138" href="#l138">138 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *name = url + si + p;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l139" href="#l139">139 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(name[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l140" href="#l140">140 </a>        name = url + osi + p;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l141" href="#l141">141 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(name[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l142" href="#l142">142 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> url;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l143" href="#l143">143 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l144" href="#l144">144 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l145" href="#l145">145 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l146" href="#l146">146 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> name;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l147" href="#l147">147 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l148" href="#l148">148 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l149" href="#l149">149 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> util_mkdir(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path, <span class="c2html-type">mode_t</span> mode) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l150" href="#l150">150 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#ifdef</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">_WIN32</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l151" href="#l151">151 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> mkdir(path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l152" href="#l152">152 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#else</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l153" href="#l153">153 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> mkdir(path, mode);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l154" href="#l154">154 </a><span class="c2html-directive">#endif</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l155" href="#l155">155 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l156" href="#l156">156 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l157" href="#l157">157 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_concat_path(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url_base, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *p) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l158" href="#l158">158 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> base = sstr(url_base);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l159" href="#l159">159 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> path;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l160" href="#l160">160 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(p) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l161" href="#l161">161 </a>        path = sstr(p);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l162" href="#l162">162 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l163" href="#l163">163 </a>        path = sstrn(<span class="c2html-string">""</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l164" href="#l164">164 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l165" href="#l165">165 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l166" href="#l166">166 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> add_separator = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l167" href="#l167">167 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(base.ptr[base.length-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l168" href="#l168">168 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(path.ptr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l169" href="#l169">169 </a>            base.length--;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l170" href="#l170">170 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l171" href="#l171">171 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l172" href="#l172">172 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(path.length == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> || path.ptr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] != <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l173" href="#l173">173 </a>            add_separator = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l174" href="#l174">174 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l175" href="#l175">175 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l176" href="#l176">176 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l177" href="#l177">177 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> url;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l178" href="#l178">178 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(add_separator) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l179" href="#l179">179 </a>        url = sstrcat(<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>, base, sstr(<span class="c2html-string">"/"</span>), path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l180" href="#l180">180 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l181" href="#l181">181 </a>        url = sstrcat(<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>, base, path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l182" href="#l182">182 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l183" href="#l183">183 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l184" href="#l184">184 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> url.ptr;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l185" href="#l185">185 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l186" href="#l186">186 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l187" href="#l187">187 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> util_set_url(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *href) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l188" href="#l188">188 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> base = sstr(sn-&gt;base_url);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l189" href="#l189">189 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> href_str = sstr(href);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l190" href="#l190">190 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l191" href="#l191">191 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *base_path = util_url_path(sn-&gt;base_url);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l192" href="#l192">192 </a>    base.length -= strlen(base_path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l193" href="#l193">193 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l194" href="#l194">194 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> url = sstrcat(<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>, base, href_str);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l195" href="#l195">195 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l196" href="#l196">196 </a>    curl_easy_setopt(sn-&gt;handle, <span class="c2html-macroconst">CURLOPT_URL</span>, url.ptr);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l197" href="#l197">197 </a>    free(url.ptr);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l198" href="#l198">198 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l199" href="#l199">199 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l200" href="#l200">200 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_path_to_url(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l201" href="#l201">201 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *space = malloc(<span class="c2html-macroconst">256</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l202" href="#l202">202 </a>    UcxBuffer *url = ucx_buffer_new(space, <span class="c2html-macroconst">256</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">CX_BUFFER_AUTO_EXTEND</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l203" href="#l203">203 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l204" href="#l204">204 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">// add base url</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l205" href="#l205">205 </a>    ucx_buffer_write(sn-&gt;base_url, <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, strlen(sn-&gt;base_url), url);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l206" href="#l206">206 </a>    <span class="c2html-comment">// remove trailing slash</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l207" href="#l207">207 </a>    ucx_buffer_seek(url, -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">SEEK_CUR</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l208" href="#l208">208 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l209" href="#l209">209 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> p = sstr(path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l210" href="#l210">210 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">ssize_t</span> ntk = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l211" href="#l211">211 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> *tks = sstrsplit(p, <span class="c2html-macroconst">S</span>(<span class="c2html-string">"/"</span>), &ntk);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l212" href="#l212">212 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l213" href="#l213">213 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;ntk;i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l214" href="#l214">214 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> node = tks[i];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l215" href="#l215">215 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(node.length &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l216" href="#l216">216 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *esc = curl_easy_escape(sn-&gt;handle, node.ptr, node.length);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l217" href="#l217">217 </a>            ucx_buffer_putc(url, <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l218" href="#l218">218 </a>            ucx_buffer_write(esc, <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, strlen(esc), url);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l219" href="#l219">219 </a>            curl_free(esc);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l220" href="#l220">220 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l221" href="#l221">221 </a>        free(node.ptr);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l222" href="#l222">222 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l223" href="#l223">223 </a>    free(tks);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l224" href="#l224">224 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(path[p.length-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l225" href="#l225">225 </a>        ucx_buffer_putc(url, <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l226" href="#l226">226 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l227" href="#l227">227 </a>    ucx_buffer_putc(url, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l228" href="#l228">228 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l229" href="#l229">229 </a>    space = url-&gt;space;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l230" href="#l230">230 </a>    ucx_buffer_free(url);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l231" href="#l231">231 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l232" href="#l232">232 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> space;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l233" href="#l233">233 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l234" href="#l234">234 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l235" href="#l235">235 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_parent_path(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l236" href="#l236">236 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *name = util_resource_name(path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l237" href="#l237">237 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> namelen = strlen(name);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l238" href="#l238">238 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> pathlen = strlen(path);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l239" href="#l239">239 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> parentlen = pathlen - namelen;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l240" href="#l240">240 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *parent = malloc(parentlen + <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l241" href="#l241">241 </a>    memcpy(parent, path, parentlen);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l242" href="#l242">242 </a>    parent[parentlen] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l243" href="#l243">243 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> parent;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l244" href="#l244">244 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l245" href="#l245">245 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l246" href="#l246">246 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l247" href="#l247">247 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_xml_get_text(xmlNode *elm) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l248" href="#l248">248 </a>    xmlNode *node = elm-&gt;children;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l249" href="#l249">249 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span>(node) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l250" href="#l250">250 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(node-&gt;type == <span class="c2html-macroconst">XML_TEXT_NODE</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l251" href="#l251">251 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>*)node-&gt;content;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l252" href="#l252">252 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l253" href="#l253">253 </a>        node = node-&gt;next;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l254" href="#l254">254 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l255" href="#l255">255 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l256" href="#l256">256 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l257" href="#l257">257 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l258" href="#l258">258 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l259" href="#l259">259 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_base64decode(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *in) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l260" href="#l260">260 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> len = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l261" href="#l261">261 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> util_base64decode_len(in, &len);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l262" href="#l262">262 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l263" href="#l263">263 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l264" href="#l264">264 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_base64decode_len(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* in, <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> *outlen) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l265" href="#l265">265 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = strlen(in);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l266" href="#l266">266 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *out = calloc(<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, len);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l267" href="#l267">267 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l268" href="#l268">268 </a>    <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span>* b = BIO_new_mem_buf(in, len);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l269" href="#l269">269 </a>    <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span> *d = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l270" href="#l270">270 </a>    BIO_set_flags(d, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l271" href="#l271">271 </a>    b = BIO_push(d, b);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l272" href="#l272">272 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l273" href="#l273">273 </a>    *outlen = BIO_read(b, out, len);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l274" href="#l274">274 </a>    BIO_free_all(b);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l275" href="#l275">275 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l276" href="#l276">276 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> out;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l277" href="#l277">277 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l278" href="#l278">278 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l279" href="#l279">279 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_base64encode(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *in, <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len) { 
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l280" href="#l280">280 </a>    <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span> *b;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l281" href="#l281">281 </a>    <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span> *e;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l282" href="#l282">282 </a>    <span class="c2html-macroconst">BUF_MEM</span> *mem;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l283" href="#l283">283 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l284" href="#l284">284 </a>    e = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l285" href="#l285">285 </a>    b = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l286" href="#l286">286 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l287" href="#l287">287 </a>    e = BIO_push(e, b);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l288" href="#l288">288 </a>    BIO_write(e, in, len);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l289" href="#l289">289 </a>    BIO_flush(e);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l290" href="#l290">290 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l291" href="#l291">291 </a>    BIO_get_mem_ptr(e, &mem);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l292" href="#l292">292 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *out = malloc(mem-&gt;length);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l293" href="#l293">293 </a>    memcpy(out, mem-&gt;data, mem-&gt;length -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l294" href="#l294">294 </a>    out[mem-&gt;length - <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l295" href="#l295">295 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l296" href="#l296">296 </a>    BIO_free_all(e);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l297" href="#l297">297 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l298" href="#l298">298 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> out;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l299" href="#l299">299 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l300" href="#l300">300 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l301" href="#l301">301 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_encrypt_str(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *key) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l302" href="#l302">302 </a>    DavKey *k = dav_context_get_key(sn-&gt;context, key);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l303" href="#l303">303 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(!k) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l304" href="#l304">304 </a>        <span class="c2html-comment">// TODO: session error</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l305" href="#l305">305 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l306" href="#l306">306 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l307" href="#l307">307 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l308" href="#l308">308 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *enc_str = aes_encrypt(str, k);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l309" href="#l309">309 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *ret_str = dav_session_strdup(sn, enc_str);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l310" href="#l310">310 </a>    free(enc_str);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l311" href="#l311">311 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> ret_str;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l312" href="#l312">312 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l313" href="#l313">313 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l314" href="#l314">314 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/* commented out for testing reasons */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l315" href="#l315">315 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l316" href="#l316">316 </a><span class="c2html-comment">char* util_decrypt_str(DavSession *sn, char *str, char *key) {</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l317" href="#l317">317 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    DavKey *k = dav_context_get_key(sn-&gt;context, key);</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l318" href="#l318">318 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    if(!k) {</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l319" href="#l319">319 </a><span class="c2html-comment">        // TODO: session error</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l320" href="#l320">320 </a><span class="c2html-comment">        return NULL;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l321" href="#l321">321 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    }</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l322" href="#l322">322 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    </span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l323" href="#l323">323 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    char *dec_str = aes_decrypt(str, k);</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l324" href="#l324">324 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    char *ret_str = dav_session_strdup(sn, dec_str);</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l325" href="#l325">325 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    free(dec_str);</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l326" href="#l326">326 </a><span class="c2html-comment">    return ret_str;</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l327" href="#l327">327 </a><span class="c2html-comment">}</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l328" href="#l328">328 </a><span class="c2html-comment">*/</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l329" href="#l329">329 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_random_str() {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l330" href="#l330">330 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">unsigned</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str = malloc(<span class="c2html-macroconst">25</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l331" href="#l331">331 </a>    str[<span class="c2html-macroconst">24</span>] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l332" href="#l332">332 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l333" href="#l333">333 </a>    <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> t = <span class="c2html-macroconst">S</span>(
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l334" href="#l334">334 </a>            <span class="c2html-string">"01234567890"</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l335" href="#l335">335 </a>            <span class="c2html-string">"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l336" href="#l336">336 </a>            <span class="c2html-string">"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l337" href="#l337">337 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">const</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">unsigned</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *table = (<span class="c2html-keyword">const</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">unsigned</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>*)t.ptr;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l338" href="#l338">338 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l339" href="#l339">339 </a>    RAND_pseudo_bytes(str, <span class="c2html-macroconst">24</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l340" href="#l340">340 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;<span class="c2html-macroconst">24</span>;i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l341" href="#l341">341 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> c = str[i] % t.length;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l342" href="#l342">342 </a>        str[i] = table[c];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l343" href="#l343">343 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l344" href="#l344">344 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l345" href="#l345">345 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>*)str;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l346" href="#l346">346 </a>}
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l347" href="#l347">347 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l348" href="#l348">348 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l349" href="#l349">349 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * gets a substring from 0 to the appearance of the token</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l350" href="#l350">350 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * tokens are separated by space</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l351" href="#l351">351 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * sets sub to the substring and returns the remaining string</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l352" href="#l352">352 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l353" href="#l353">353 </a><span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> util_getsubstr_until_token(<span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> str, <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> token, <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> *sub) {  
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l354" href="#l354">354 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l355" href="#l355">355 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> token_start = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l356" href="#l356">356 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> token_end = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l357" href="#l357">357 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;=str.length;i++) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l358" href="#l358">358 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> c;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l359" href="#l359">359 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(i == str.length) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l360" href="#l360">360 </a>            c = <span class="c2html-string">' '</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l361" href="#l361">361 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l362" href="#l362">362 </a>            c = str.ptr[i];
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l363" href="#l363">363 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l364" href="#l364">364 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(c &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">33</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l365" href="#l365">365 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(token_start != -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l366" href="#l366">366 </a>                token_end = i;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l367" href="#l367">367 </a>                <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = token_end - token_start;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l368" href="#l368">368 </a>                <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> tk = sstrsubsl(str, token_start, len);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l369" href="#l369">369 </a>                <span class="c2html-comment">//printf("token: {%.*s}\n", token.length, token.ptr);</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l370" href="#l370">370 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(!sstrcmp(tk, token)) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l371" href="#l371">371 </a>                    *sub = sstrtrim(sstrsubsl(str, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, token_start));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l372" href="#l372">372 </a>                    <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l373" href="#l373">373 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l374" href="#l374">374 </a>                token_start = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l375" href="#l375">375 </a>                token_end = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l376" href="#l376">376 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l377" href="#l377">377 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l378" href="#l378">378 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(token_start == -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l379" href="#l379">379 </a>                token_start = i;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l380" href="#l380">380 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l381" href="#l381">381 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l382" href="#l382">382 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l383" href="#l383">383 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l384" href="#l384">384 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(i &lt; str.length) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l385" href="#l385">385 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> sstrtrim(sstrsubs(str, i));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l386" href="#l386">386 </a>    } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l387" href="#l387">387 </a>        str.ptr = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l388" href="#l388">388 </a>        str.length = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l389" href="#l389">389 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> str;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l390" href="#l390">390 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l391" href="#l391">391 </a>}
+  </body>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/gs/javatest.html	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l1" href="#l1">  1 </a><span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l2" href="#l2">  2 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER.</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l3" href="#l3">  3 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l4" href="#l4">  4 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * Copyright 2014 Mike Becker. All rights reserved.</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l5" href="#l5">  5 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l6" href="#l6">  6 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l9" href="#l9">  9 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l10" href="#l10"> 10 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.</span>
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+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l12" href="#l12"> 12 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l13" href="#l13"> 13 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l14" href="#l14"> 14 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l15" href="#l15"> 15 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l16" href="#l16"> 16 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l17" href="#l17"> 17 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l18" href="#l18"> 18 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l19" href="#l19"> 19 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l20" href="#l20"> 20 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l21" href="#l21"> 21 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l22" href="#l22"> 22 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l23" href="#l23"> 23 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l24" href="#l24"> 24 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l25" href="#l25"> 25 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l26" href="#l26"> 26 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l27" href="#l27"> 27 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l28" href="#l28"> 28 </a><span class="c2html-comment"> */</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l29" href="#l29"> 29 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l30" href="#l30"> 30 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">package</span> de.uapcore.sigred.doc.base;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l31" href="#l31"> 31 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l32" href="#l32"> 32 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigred.doc.<span class="c2html-type">Resources</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l33" href="#l33"> 33 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigrapi.impl.<span class="c2html-type">Digraph</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l34" href="#l34"> 34 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigrapi.impl.<span class="c2html-type">Graph</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l35" href="#l35"> 35 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigrapi.<span class="c2html-type">IGraph</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l36" href="#l36"> 36 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.io.<span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l37" href="#l37"> 37 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.io.<span class="c2html-type">InputStream</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l38" href="#l38"> 38 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.io.<span class="c2html-type">OutputStream</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l39" href="#l39"> 39 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.util.concurrent.atomic.<span class="c2html-type">AtomicBoolean</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l40" href="#l40"> 40 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.util.concurrent.atomic.<span class="c2html-type">AtomicReference</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l41" href="#l41"> 41 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.apache.xerces.impl.<span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l42" href="#l42"> 42 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">Document</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l43" href="#l43"> 43 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">DocumentException</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l44" href="#l44"> 44 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">DocumentHelper</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l45" href="#l45"> 45 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">Element</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l46" href="#l46"> 46 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">Namespace</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l47" href="#l47"> 47 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">QName</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l48" href="#l48"> 48 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.io.<span class="c2html-type">OutputFormat</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l49" href="#l49"> 49 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.io.<span class="c2html-type">SAXReader</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l50" href="#l50"> 50 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.io.<span class="c2html-type">XMLWriter</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l51" href="#l51"> 51 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.xml.sax.<span class="c2html-type">ErrorHandler</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l52" href="#l52"> 52 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.xml.sax.<span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l53" href="#l53"> 53 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.xml.sax.<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l54" href="#l54"> 54 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l55" href="#l55"> 55 </a><span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">abstract</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">class</span> <span class="c2html-type">AbstractGraphDocument</span>&lt;<span class="c2html-type">T</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">extends</span> <span class="c2html-type">IGraph</span>&gt;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l56" href="#l56"> 56 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">extends</span> <span class="c2html-type">FileBackedDocument</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l57" href="#l57"> 57 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l58" href="#l58"> 58 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">Namespace</span> <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span> = <span class="c2html-type">Namespace</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"sigred"</span>,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l59" href="#l59"> 59 </a>        <span class="c2html-string">"http://develop.uap-core.de/sigred/"</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l60" href="#l60"> 60 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l61" href="#l61"> 61 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l62" href="#l62"> 62 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPHDOC</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"graph-document"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l63" href="#l63"> 63 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l64" href="#l64"> 64 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPH</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"graph"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l65" href="#l65"> 65 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l66" href="#l66"> 66 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_DIGRAPH</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"digraph"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l67" href="#l67"> 67 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l68" href="#l68"> 68 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_METADATA</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"metadata"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l69" href="#l69"> 69 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l70" href="#l70"> 70 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">T</span> graph;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l71" href="#l71"> 71 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l72" href="#l72"> 72 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">GraphDocumentMetadata</span> metadata;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l73" href="#l73"> 73 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l74" href="#l74"> 74 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-type">AbstractGraphDocument</span>(<span class="c2html-type">Class</span>&lt;<span class="c2html-type">T</span>&gt; graphType) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l75" href="#l75"> 75 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">T</span> g;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l76" href="#l76"> 76 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">try</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l77" href="#l77"> 77 </a>            g = graphType.newInstance();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l78" href="#l78"> 78 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">catch</span> (<span class="c2html-type">ReflectiveOperationException</span> e) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l79" href="#l79"> 79 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">assert</span> false;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l80" href="#l80"> 80 </a>            g = null; <span class="c2html-comment">// for the compiler</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l81" href="#l81"> 81 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l82" href="#l82"> 82 </a>        graph = g;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l83" href="#l83"> 83 </a>        metadata = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">GraphDocumentMetadata</span>();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l84" href="#l84"> 84 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l85" href="#l85"> 85 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l86" href="#l86"> 86 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-type">T</span> getGraph() {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l87" href="#l87"> 87 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> graph;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l88" href="#l88"> 88 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l89" href="#l89"> 89 </a>    
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l90" href="#l90"> 90 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-type">GraphDocumentMetadata</span> getMetadata() {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l91" href="#l91"> 91 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> metadata;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l92" href="#l92"> 92 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l93" href="#l93"> 93 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l94" href="#l94"> 94 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">abstract</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> writeGraph(<span class="c2html-type">Element</span> rootNode) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l95" href="#l95"> 95 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">abstract</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> readGraph(<span class="c2html-type">Element</span> rootNode) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l96" href="#l96"> 96 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l97" href="#l97"> 97 </a>    <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l98" href="#l98"> 98 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> writeTo(<span class="c2html-type">OutputStream</span> out) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l99" href="#l99"> 99 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">Document</span> doc = <span class="c2html-type">DocumentHelper</span>.createDocument();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l100" href="#l100">100 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l101" href="#l101">101 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">Element</span> rootNode = doc.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPHDOC</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l102" href="#l102">102 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l103" href="#l103">103 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">Element</span> metadataNode = rootNode.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_METADATA</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l104" href="#l104">104 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l105" href="#l105">105 </a>        metadata.write(metadataNode);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l106" href="#l106">106 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l107" href="#l107">107 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Graph</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l108" href="#l108">108 </a>            writeGraph(rootNode.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPH</span>));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l109" href="#l109">109 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Digraph</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l110" href="#l110">110 </a>            writeGraph(rootNode.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_DIGRAPH</span>));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l111" href="#l111">111 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l112" href="#l112">112 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>(<span class="c2html-string">"unsupported graph type"</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l113" href="#l113">113 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l114" href="#l114">114 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l115" href="#l115">115 </a>        <span class="c2html-type">XMLWriter</span> writer = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">XMLWriter</span>(out, <span class="c2html-type">OutputFormat</span>.createPrettyPrint());
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l116" href="#l116">116 </a>        writer.write(doc);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l117" href="#l117">117 </a>        writer.flush();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l118" href="#l118">118 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l119" href="#l119">119 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l120" href="#l120">120 </a>    <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l121" href="#l121">121 </a>    <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> readFrom(<span class="c2html-type">InputStream</span> in) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l122" href="#l122">122 </a>        <span class="c2html-keyword">try</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l123" href="#l123">123 </a>            <span class="c2html-type">SAXReader</span> reader = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXReader</span>(true);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l124" href="#l124">124 </a>            reader.setStripWhitespaceText(true);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l125" href="#l125">125 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l126" href="#l126">126 </a>            reader.setFeature(<span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX</span>+
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l127" href="#l127">127 </a>                <span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE</span>, true);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l128" href="#l128">128 </a>            reader.setProperty(<span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX</span> +
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l129" href="#l129">129 </a>                <span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">SCHEMA_LOCATION</span>, <span class="c2html-type">String</span>.format(<span class="c2html-string">"%s %s"</span>,
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l130" href="#l130">130 </a>                    <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>.getURI(), <span class="c2html-type">Resources</span>.<span class="c2html-keyword">class</span>.getResource(
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l131" href="#l131">131 </a>                        <span class="c2html-string">"graph-document.xsd"</span>).toExternalForm()));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l132" href="#l132">132 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l133" href="#l133">133 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicBoolean</span> passed = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicBoolean</span>(true);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l134" href="#l134">134 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicReference</span>&lt;<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span>&gt; xmlerror = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicReference</span>&lt;&gt;();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l135" href="#l135">135 </a>            <span class="c2html-comment">// TODO: we should do more detailed error handling here</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l136" href="#l136">136 </a>            reader.setErrorHandler(<span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">ErrorHandler</span>() {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l137" href="#l137">137 </a>                <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l138" href="#l138">138 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> warning(<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span> exception) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l139" href="#l139">139 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l140" href="#l140">140 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l141" href="#l141">141 </a>                <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l142" href="#l142">142 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> error(<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span> exception) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l143" href="#l143">143 </a>                    xmlerror.set(exception);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l144" href="#l144">144 </a>                    passed.set(false);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l145" href="#l145">145 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l146" href="#l146">146 </a>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l147" href="#l147">147 </a>                <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l148" href="#l148">148 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> fatalError(<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span> exception) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l149" href="#l149">149 </a>                    xmlerror.set(exception);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l150" href="#l150">150 </a>                    passed.set(false);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l151" href="#l151">151 </a>                }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l152" href="#l152">152 </a>                
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l153" href="#l153">153 </a>            });
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l154" href="#l154">154 </a>            <span class="c2html-type">Document</span> doc = reader.read(in);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l155" href="#l155">155 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!passed.get()) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l156" href="#l156">156 </a>                <span class="c2html-comment">// TODO: provide details (maybe via separate error object?)</span>
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l157" href="#l157">157 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> xmlerror.get();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l158" href="#l158">158 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l159" href="#l159">159 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l160" href="#l160">160 </a>            doc.normalize();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l161" href="#l161">161 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l162" href="#l162">162 </a>            <span class="c2html-type">Element</span> root = doc.getRootElement();
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l163" href="#l163">163 </a>            metadata.read(root.element(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_METADATA</span>));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l164" href="#l164">164 </a>            
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l165" href="#l165">165 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Graph</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l166" href="#l166">166 </a>                readGraph(root.element(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPH</span>));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l167" href="#l167">167 </a>            } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Digraph</span>) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l168" href="#l168">168 </a>                readGraph(root.element(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_DIGRAPH</span>));
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l169" href="#l169">169 </a>            } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l170" href="#l170">170 </a>                <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>(<span class="c2html-string">"unsupported graph type"</span>);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l171" href="#l171">171 </a>            }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l172" href="#l172">172 </a>        } <span class="c2html-keyword">catch</span> (<span class="c2html-type">DocumentException</span> | <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> ex) {
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l173" href="#l173">173 </a>            <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>(ex);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l174" href="#l174">174 </a>        }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l175" href="#l175">175 </a>    }
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l176" href="#l176">176 </a>}
+  </body>
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/gs/plain.html	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <title>c2html</title>
+    <style type="text/css">
+      div.c2html-code {
+        white-space: pre;
+        font-family: monospace;
+      }
+      a.c2html-lineno {
+        /* as long as user-select isn't widely spread, we throw the bomb */
+        -webkit-user-select: none;
+        -moz-user-select: none;
+        -ms-user-select: none;
+        user-select: none;
+        display: inline-block;
+        font-style: italic;
+        text-decoration: none;
+        color: grey;
+      }
+      span.c2html-keyword {
+        color: blue;
+      }
+      span.c2html-macroconst {
+        color: cornflowerblue;
+      }
+      span.c2html-type {
+        color: cornflowerblue;
+      }
+      span.c2html-directive {
+        color: green;
+      }
+      span.c2html-string {
+        color: darkorange;
+      }
+      span.c2html-comment {
+        color: grey;
+      }
+      span.c2html-stdinclude {
+        color: darkorange;
+      }
+      span.c2html-userinclude {
+        color: darkorange;
+      }
+      a.c2html-userinclude {
+        color: darkorange;
+        text-decoration: underline;
+      }
+    </style>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+<div class="c2html-code">
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l1" href="#l1">1 </a>&lt;/body&gt;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l2" href="#l2">2 </a>&lt;/html&gt;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l3" href="#l3">3 </a>&lt;!c
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l4" href="#l4">4 </a>pblock_free(q);
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l5" href="#l5">5 </a>!&gt;
+<a class="c2html-lineno" name="l6" href="#l6">6 </a>
+  </body>
--- a/test/header.html	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/test/header.html	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
     <style type="text/css">
+      div.c2html-code {
+        white-space: pre;
+        font-family: monospace;
+      }
       a.c2html-lineno {
         /* as long as user-select isn't widely spread, we throw the bomb */
         -webkit-user-select: none;
--- a/test/jheader.html	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/test/jheader.html	Mon Apr 24 20:54:38 2023 +0200
@@ -3,6 +3,10 @@
     <style type="text/css">
+      div.c2html-code {
+        white-space: pre;
+        font-family: monospace;
+      }
       a.c2html-lineno {
         /* as long as user-select isn't widely spread, we throw the bomb */
         -webkit-user-select: none;
--- a/test/v2-regression/bigtest.html	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,855 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  <head>
-    <title>c2html</title>
-    <style type="text/css">
-      span.c2html-lineno a {
-        font-style: italic;
-        text-decoration: none;
-        color: grey;
-      }
-      span.c2html-keyword {
-        color: blue;
-      }
-      span.c2html-macroconst {
-        color: cornflowerblue;
-      }
-      span.c2html-type {
-        color: cornflowerblue;
-      }
-      span.c2html-directive {
-        color: green;
-      }
-      span.c2html-string {
-        color: darkorange;
-      }
-      span.c2html-comment {
-        color: grey;
-      }
-      span.c2html-stdinclude {
-        color: darkorange;
-      }
-      span.c2html-userinclude {
-        color: darkorange;
-      }
-      a.c2html-userinclude {
-        color: darkorange;
-        text-decoration: underline;
-      }
-    </style>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l1" href="#l1">  1 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l2" href="#l2">  2 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l3" href="#l3">  3 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l4" href="#l4">  4 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * Copyright 2014 Mike Becker. All rights reserved.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l5" href="#l5">  5 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l6" href="#l6">  6 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l7" href="#l7">  7 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l8" href="#l8">  8 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l9" href="#l9">  9 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l10" href="#l10"> 10 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l11" href="#l11"> 11 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l12" href="#l12"> 12 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l13" href="#l13"> 13 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l14" href="#l14"> 14 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l15" href="#l15"> 15 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l16" href="#l16"> 16 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l17" href="#l17"> 17 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l18" href="#l18"> 18 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l19" href="#l19"> 19 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l20" href="#l20"> 20 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l21" href="#l21"> 21 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l22" href="#l22"> 22 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l23" href="#l23"> 23 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l24" href="#l24"> 24 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l25" href="#l25"> 25 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l26" href="#l26"> 26 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l27" href="#l27"> 27 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l28" href="#l28"> 28 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l29" href="#l29"> 29 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l30" href="#l30"> 30 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="rules.h">"rules.h"</a>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l31" href="#l31"> 31 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="chess.h">"chess.h"</a>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l32" href="#l32"> 32 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;string.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l33" href="#l33"> 33 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;stdlib.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l34" href="#l34"> 34 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;sys/time.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l35" href="#l35"> 35 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l36" href="#l36"> 36 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> GameState gamestate_copy_sim(GameState *gamestate) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l37" href="#l37"> 37 </a></span>     GameState simulation = *gamestate;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l38" href="#l38"> 38 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (simulation.lastmove) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l39" href="#l39"> 39 </a></span>         MoveList *lastmovecopy = malloc(<span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(MoveList));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l40" href="#l40"> 40 </a></span>         *lastmovecopy = *(simulation.lastmove);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l41" href="#l41"> 41 </a></span>         simulation.movelist = simulation.lastmove = lastmovecopy;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l42" href="#l42"> 42 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l43" href="#l43"> 43 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l44" href="#l44"> 44 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> simulation;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l45" href="#l45"> 45 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l46" href="#l46"> 46 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l47" href="#l47"> 47 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> gamestate_init(GameState *gamestate) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l48" href="#l48"> 48 </a></span>     memset(gamestate, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(GameState));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l49" href="#l49"> 49 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l50" href="#l50"> 50 </a></span>     Board initboard = {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l51" href="#l51"> 51 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">WROOK</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WQUEEN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WKING</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WROOK</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l52" href="#l52"> 52 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,  <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">WPAWN</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l53" href="#l53"> 53 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l54" href="#l54"> 54 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l55" href="#l55"> 55 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l56" href="#l56"> 56 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,      <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,     <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>,       <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l57" href="#l57"> 57 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,  <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>,   <span class="c2html-macroconst">BPAWN</span>},
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l58" href="#l58"> 58 </a></span>         {<span class="c2html-macroconst">BROOK</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BQUEEN</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BKING</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BBISHOP</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BKNIGHT</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BROOK</span>}
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l59" href="#l59"> 59 </a></span>     };
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l60" href="#l60"> 60 </a></span>     memcpy(gamestate-&gt;board, initboard, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Board));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l61" href="#l61"> 61 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l62" href="#l62"> 62 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l63" href="#l63"> 63 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> gamestate_cleanup(GameState *gamestate) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l64" href="#l64"> 64 </a></span>     MoveList *elem;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l65" href="#l65"> 65 </a></span>     elem = gamestate-&gt;movelist;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l66" href="#l66"> 66 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (elem) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l67" href="#l67"> 67 </a></span>         MoveList *cur = elem;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l68" href="#l68"> 68 </a></span>         elem = elem-&gt;next;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l69" href="#l69"> 69 </a></span>         free(cur);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l70" href="#l70"> 70 </a></span>     };
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l71" href="#l71"> 71 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l72" href="#l72"> 72 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l73" href="#l73"> 73 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/* MUST be called IMMEDIATLY after applying a move to work correctly */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l74" href="#l74"> 74 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> format_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l75" href="#l75"> 75 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *string = move-&gt;string;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l76" href="#l76"> 76 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l77" href="#l77"> 77 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* at least 8 characters should be available, wipe them out */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l78" href="#l78"> 78 </a></span>     memset(string, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l79" href="#l79"> 79 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l80" href="#l80"> 80 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* special formats for castling */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l81" href="#l81"> 81 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((move-&gt;piece&<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span> &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l82" href="#l82"> 82 </a></span>             abs(move-&gt;tofile-move-&gt;fromfile) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l83" href="#l83"> 83 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;tofile==fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'c'</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l84" href="#l84"> 84 </a></span>             memcpy(string, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O-O"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">5</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l85" href="#l85"> 85 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l86" href="#l86"> 86 </a></span>             memcpy(string, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l87" href="#l87"> 87 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l88" href="#l88"> 88 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l89" href="#l89"> 89 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l90" href="#l90"> 90 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* start by notating the piece character */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l91" href="#l91"> 91 </a></span>     string[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] = getpiecechr(move-&gt;piece);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l92" href="#l92"> 92 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> idx = string[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l93" href="#l93"> 93 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l94" href="#l94"> 94 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* find out how many source information we do need */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l95" href="#l95"> 95 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piece = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l96" href="#l96"> 96 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l97" href="#l97"> 97 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;capture) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l98" href="#l98"> 98 </a></span>             string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;fromfile);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l99" href="#l99"> 99 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l100" href="#l100">100 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece != <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l101" href="#l101">101 </a></span>         Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l102" href="#l102">102 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l103" href="#l103">103 </a></span>         get_real_threats(gamestate, move-&gt;torow, move-&gt;tofile,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l104" href="#l104">104 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece&<span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>, threats, &threatcount);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l105" href="#l105">105 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatcount &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l106" href="#l106">106 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> ambrows = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, ambfiles = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l107" href="#l107">107 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; threatcount ; i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l108" href="#l108">108 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats[i].fromrow == move-&gt;fromrow) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l109" href="#l109">109 </a></span>                     ambrows++;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l110" href="#l110">110 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l111" href="#l111">111 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats[i].fromfile == move-&gt;fromfile) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l112" href="#l112">112 </a></span>                     ambfiles++;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l113" href="#l113">113 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l114" href="#l114">114 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l115" href="#l115">115 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* ambiguous row, name file */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l116" href="#l116">116 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (ambrows &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l117" href="#l117">117 </a></span>                 string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;fromfile);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l118" href="#l118">118 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l119" href="#l119">119 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* ambiguous file, name row */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l120" href="#l120">120 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (ambfiles &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l121" href="#l121">121 </a></span>                 string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;fromrow);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l122" href="#l122">122 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l123" href="#l123">123 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l124" href="#l124">124 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l125" href="#l125">125 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l126" href="#l126">126 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* capturing? */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l127" href="#l127">127 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;capture) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l128" href="#l128">128 </a></span>         string[idx++] = <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l129" href="#l129">129 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l130" href="#l130">130 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l131" href="#l131">131 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* destination */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l132" href="#l132">132 </a></span>     string[idx++] = filechr(move-&gt;tofile);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l133" href="#l133">133 </a></span>     string[idx++] = rowchr(move-&gt;torow);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l134" href="#l134">134 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l135" href="#l135">135 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* promotion? */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l136" href="#l136">136 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;promotion) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l137" href="#l137">137 </a></span>         string[idx++] = <span class="c2html-string">'='</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l138" href="#l138">138 </a></span>         string[idx++] = getpiecechr(move-&gt;promotion);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l139" href="#l139">139 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l140" href="#l140">140 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l141" href="#l141">141 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* check? */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l142" href="#l142">142 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;check) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l143" href="#l143">143 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* works only, if this function is called when applying the move */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l144" href="#l144">144 </a></span>         string[idx++] = gamestate-&gt;checkmate?<span class="c2html-string">'#'</span>:<span class="c2html-string">'+'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l145" href="#l145">145 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l146" href="#l146">146 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l147" href="#l147">147 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l148" href="#l148">148 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> addmove(GameState* gamestate, Move *move) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l149" href="#l149">149 </a></span>     MoveList *elem = malloc(<span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(MoveList));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l150" href="#l150">150 </a></span>     elem-&gt;next = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l151" href="#l151">151 </a></span>     elem-&gt;move = *move;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l152" href="#l152">152 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l153" href="#l153">153 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> timeval curtimestamp;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l154" href="#l154">154 </a></span>     gettimeofday(&curtimestamp, <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l155" href="#l155">155 </a></span>     elem-&gt;move.timestamp.tv_sec = curtimestamp.tv_sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l156" href="#l156">156 </a></span>     elem-&gt;move.timestamp.tv_usec = curtimestamp.tv_usec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l157" href="#l157">157 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l158" href="#l158">158 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;lastmove) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l159" href="#l159">159 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> movetimeval *lasttstamp = &(gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;move.timestamp);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l160" href="#l160">160 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint64_t</span> sec = curtimestamp.tv_sec - lasttstamp-&gt;tv_sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l161" href="#l161">161 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">suseconds_t</span> micros;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l162" href="#l162">162 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (curtimestamp.tv_usec &lt; lasttstamp-&gt;tv_usec) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l163" href="#l163">163 </a></span>             micros = 1e6L-(lasttstamp-&gt;tv_usec - curtimestamp.tv_usec);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l164" href="#l164">164 </a></span>             sec--;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l165" href="#l165">165 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l166" href="#l166">166 </a></span>             micros = curtimestamp.tv_usec - lasttstamp-&gt;tv_usec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l167" href="#l167">167 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l168" href="#l168">168 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l169" href="#l169">169 </a></span>         elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_sec = sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l170" href="#l170">170 </a></span>         elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_usec = micros;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l171" href="#l171">171 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l172" href="#l172">172 </a></span>         gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;next = elem;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l173" href="#l173">173 </a></span>         gamestate-&gt;lastmove = elem;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l174" href="#l174">174 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l175" href="#l175">175 </a></span>         elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_usec = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l176" href="#l176">176 </a></span>         elem-&gt;move.movetime.tv_sec = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l177" href="#l177">177 </a></span>         gamestate-&gt;movelist = gamestate-&gt;lastmove = elem;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l178" href="#l178">178 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l179" href="#l179">179 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l180" href="#l180">180 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l181" href="#l181">181 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> getpiecechr(<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piece) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l182" href="#l182">182 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">switch</span> (piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l183" href="#l183">183 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'R'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l184" href="#l184">184 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KNIGHT</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'N'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l185" href="#l185">185 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'B'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l186" href="#l186">186 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'Q'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l187" href="#l187">187 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'K'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l188" href="#l188">188 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">default</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l189" href="#l189">189 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l190" href="#l190">190 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l191" href="#l191">191 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l192" href="#l192">192 </a></span> <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> getpiece(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> c) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l193" href="#l193">193 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">switch</span> (c) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l194" href="#l194">194 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'R'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l195" href="#l195">195 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'N'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KNIGHT</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l196" href="#l196">196 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'B'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l197" href="#l197">197 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'Q'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l198" href="#l198">198 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-string">'K'</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l199" href="#l199">199 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">default</span>: <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l200" href="#l200">200 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l201" href="#l201">201 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l202" href="#l202">202 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l203" href="#l203">203 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> apply_move_impl(GameState *gamestate, Move *move, _Bool simulate) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l204" href="#l204">204 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piece = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l205" href="#l205">205 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l206" href="#l206">206 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l207" href="#l207">207 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* en passant capture */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l208" href="#l208">208 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;capture && piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span> &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l209" href="#l209">209 </a></span>         mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l210" href="#l210">210 </a></span>         gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;fromrow][move-&gt;tofile] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l211" href="#l211">211 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l212" href="#l212">212 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l213" href="#l213">213 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* remove old en passant threats */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l214" href="#l214">214 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l215" href="#l215">215 </a></span>         gamestate-&gt;board[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>][file] &= ~<span class="c2html-macroconst">ENPASSANT_THREAT</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l216" href="#l216">216 </a></span>         gamestate-&gt;board[<span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>][file] &= ~<span class="c2html-macroconst">ENPASSANT_THREAT</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l217" href="#l217">217 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l218" href="#l218">218 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l219" href="#l219">219 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* add new en passant threat */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l220" href="#l220">220 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span> && (
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l221" href="#l221">221 </a></span>         (move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> && move-&gt;torow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>) ||
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l222" href="#l222">222 </a></span>         (move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">6</span> && move-&gt;torow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>))) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l223" href="#l223">223 </a></span>         move-&gt;piece |= <span class="c2html-macroconst">ENPASSANT_THREAT</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l224" href="#l224">224 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l225" href="#l225">225 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l226" href="#l226">226 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* move (and maybe capture or promote) */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l227" href="#l227">227 </a></span>     msrc(gamestate-&gt;board, move) = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l228" href="#l228">228 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;promotion) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l229" href="#l229">229 </a></span>         mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) = move-&gt;promotion;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l230" href="#l230">230 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l231" href="#l231">231 </a></span>         mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) = move-&gt;piece;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l232" href="#l232">232 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l233" href="#l233">233 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l234" href="#l234">234 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* castling */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l235" href="#l235">235 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span> && move-&gt;fromfile == fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'e'</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l236" href="#l236">236 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l237" href="#l237">237 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;tofile == fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'g'</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l238" href="#l238">238 </a></span>             gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'h'</span>)] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l239" href="#l239">239 </a></span>             gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'f'</span>)] = color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l240" href="#l240">240 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;tofile == fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'c'</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l241" href="#l241">241 </a></span>             gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'a'</span>)] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l242" href="#l242">242 </a></span>             gamestate-&gt;board[move-&gt;torow][fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'d'</span>)] = color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l243" href="#l243">243 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l244" href="#l244">244 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l245" href="#l245">245 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l246" href="#l246">246 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!simulate) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l247" href="#l247">247 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!move-&gt;string[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l248" href="#l248">248 </a></span>             format_move(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l249" href="#l249">249 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l250" href="#l250">250 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l251" href="#l251">251 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* add move, even in simulation (checkmate test needs it) */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l252" href="#l252">252 </a></span>     addmove(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l253" href="#l253">253 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l254" href="#l254">254 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l255" href="#l255">255 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> apply_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l256" href="#l256">256 </a></span>     apply_move_impl(gamestate, move, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l257" href="#l257">257 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l258" href="#l258">258 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l259" href="#l259">259 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> validate_move_rules(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l260" href="#l260">260 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* validate indices (don't trust opponent) */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l261" href="#l261">261 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!chkidx(move)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l262" href="#l262">262 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l263" href="#l263">263 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l264" href="#l264">264 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l265" href="#l265">265 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* must move */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l266" href="#l266">266 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;fromfile == move-&gt;tofile && move-&gt;fromrow == move-&gt;torow) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l267" href="#l267">267 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l268" href="#l268">268 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l269" href="#l269">269 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l270" href="#l270">270 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* does piece exist */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l271" href="#l271">271 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((msrc(gamestate-&gt;board, move)&(<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>|<span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>))
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l272" href="#l272">272 </a></span>            != (move-&gt;piece&(<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>|<span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>))) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l273" href="#l273">273 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l274" href="#l274">274 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l275" href="#l275">275 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l276" href="#l276">276 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* can't capture own pieces */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l277" href="#l277">277 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>)
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l278" href="#l278">278 </a></span>             == (move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l279" href="#l279">279 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">RULES_VIOLATED</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l280" href="#l280">280 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l281" href="#l281">281 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l282" href="#l282">282 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* must capture, if and only if destination is occupied */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l283" href="#l283">283 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> && move-&gt;capture) ||
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l284" href="#l284">284 </a></span>             (mdst(gamestate-&gt;board, move) != <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> && !move-&gt;capture)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l285" href="#l285">285 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l286" href="#l286">286 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l287" href="#l287">287 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l288" href="#l288">288 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* validate individual rules */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l289" href="#l289">289 </a></span>     _Bool chkrules;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l290" href="#l290">290 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">switch</span> (move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l291" href="#l291">291 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l292" href="#l292">292 </a></span>         chkrules = pawn_chkrules(gamestate, move) &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l293" href="#l293">293 </a></span>             !pawn_isblocked(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l294" href="#l294">294 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l295" href="#l295">295 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l296" href="#l296">296 </a></span>         chkrules = rook_chkrules(move) &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l297" href="#l297">297 </a></span>             !rook_isblocked(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l298" href="#l298">298 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l299" href="#l299">299 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KNIGHT</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l300" href="#l300">300 </a></span>         chkrules = knight_chkrules(move); <span class="c2html-comment">/* knight is never blocked */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l301" href="#l301">301 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l302" href="#l302">302 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l303" href="#l303">303 </a></span>         chkrules = bishop_chkrules(move) &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l304" href="#l304">304 </a></span>             !bishop_isblocked(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l305" href="#l305">305 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l306" href="#l306">306 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l307" href="#l307">307 </a></span>         chkrules = queen_chkrules(move) &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l308" href="#l308">308 </a></span>             !queen_isblocked(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l309" href="#l309">309 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l310" href="#l310">310 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">case</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l311" href="#l311">311 </a></span>         chkrules = king_chkrules(gamestate, move) &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l312" href="#l312">312 </a></span>             !king_isblocked(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l313" href="#l313">313 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l314" href="#l314">314 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">default</span>:
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l315" href="#l315">315 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l316" href="#l316">316 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l317" href="#l317">317 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l318" href="#l318">318 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> chkrules ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">RULES_VIOLATED</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l319" href="#l319">319 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l320" href="#l320">320 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l321" href="#l321">321 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> validate_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l322" href="#l322">322 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l323" href="#l323">323 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> result = validate_move_rules(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l324" href="#l324">324 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l325" href="#l325">325 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* cancel processing to save resources */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l326" href="#l326">326 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (result != <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l327" href="#l327">327 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> result;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l328" href="#l328">328 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l329" href="#l329">329 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l330" href="#l330">330 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* find kings for check validation */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l331" href="#l331">331 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> piececolor = (move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l332" href="#l332">332 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l333" href="#l333">333 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> mykingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, mykingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, opkingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, opkingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l334" href="#l334">334 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; row &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; row++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l335" href="#l335">335 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l336" href="#l336">336 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] ==
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l337" href="#l337">337 </a></span>                     (piececolor == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span>?<span class="c2html-macroconst">WKING</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">BKING</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l338" href="#l338">338 </a></span>                 mykingfile = file;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l339" href="#l339">339 </a></span>                 mykingrow = row;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l340" href="#l340">340 </a></span>             } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] ==
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l341" href="#l341">341 </a></span>                     (piececolor == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span>?<span class="c2html-macroconst">BKING</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">WKING</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l342" href="#l342">342 </a></span>                 opkingfile = file;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l343" href="#l343">343 </a></span>                 opkingrow = row;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l344" href="#l344">344 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l345" href="#l345">345 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l346" href="#l346">346 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l347" href="#l347">347 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l348" href="#l348">348 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* simulate move for check validation */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l349" href="#l349">349 </a></span>     GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l350" href="#l350">350 </a></span>     Move simmove = *move;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l351" href="#l351">351 </a></span>     apply_move_impl(&simulation, &simmove, <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l352" href="#l352">352 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l353" href="#l353">353 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* don't move into or stay in check position */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l354" href="#l354">354 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (is_covered(&simulation, mykingrow, mykingfile,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l355" href="#l355">355 </a></span>         opponent_color(piececolor))) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l356" href="#l356">356 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l357" href="#l357">357 </a></span>         gamestate_cleanup(&simulation);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l358" href="#l358">358 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l359" href="#l359">359 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING_MOVES_INTO_CHECK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l360" href="#l360">360 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l361" href="#l361">361 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* last move is always not null in this case */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l362" href="#l362">362 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;move.check ?
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l363" href="#l363">363 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING_IN_CHECK</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_PINNED</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l364" href="#l364">364 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l365" href="#l365">365 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l366" href="#l366">366 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l367" href="#l367">367 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* correct check and checkmate flags (move is still valid) */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l368" href="#l368">368 </a></span>     Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l369" href="#l369">369 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l370" href="#l370">370 </a></span>     move-&gt;check = get_threats(&simulation, opkingrow, opkingfile,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l371" href="#l371">371 </a></span>         piececolor, threats, &threatcount);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l372" href="#l372">372 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l373" href="#l373">373 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;check) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l374" href="#l374">374 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* determine possible escape fields */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l375" href="#l375">375 </a></span>         _Bool canescape = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l376" href="#l376">376 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> dr = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> ; dr &lt;= <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> && !canescape ; dr++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l377" href="#l377">377 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> df = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> ; df &lt;= <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> && !canescape ; df++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l378" href="#l378">378 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!(dr == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> && df == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>)  &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l379" href="#l379">379 </a></span>                         isidx(opkingrow + dr) && isidx(opkingfile + df)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l380" href="#l380">380 </a></span>                     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l381" href="#l381">381 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">/* escape field neither blocked nor covered */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l382" href="#l382">382 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((simulation.board[opkingrow + dr][opkingfile + df]
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l383" href="#l383">383 </a></span>                             & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>) != opponent_color(piececolor)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l384" href="#l384">384 </a></span>                         canescape |= !is_covered(&simulation,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l385" href="#l385">385 </a></span>                             opkingrow + dr, opkingfile + df, piececolor);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l386" href="#l386">386 </a></span>                     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l387" href="#l387">387 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l388" href="#l388">388 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l389" href="#l389">389 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l390" href="#l390">390 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* can't escape, can he capture? */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l391" href="#l391">391 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!canescape && threatcount == <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l392" href="#l392">392 </a></span>             canescape = is_attacked(&simulation, threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>].fromrow,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l393" href="#l393">393 </a></span>                 threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>].fromfile, opponent_color(piececolor));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l394" href="#l394">394 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l395" href="#l395">395 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l396" href="#l396">396 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* can't capture, can he block? */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l397" href="#l397">397 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!canescape && threatcount == <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l398" href="#l398">398 </a></span>             Move *threat = &(threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l399" href="#l399">399 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatpiece = threat-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l400" href="#l400">400 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l401" href="#l401">401 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* knight, pawns and the king cannot be blocked */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l402" href="#l402">402 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatpiece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">BISHOP</span> || threatpiece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">ROOK</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l403" href="#l403">403 </a></span>                 || threatpiece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">QUEEN</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l404" href="#l404">404 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threat-&gt;fromrow == threat-&gt;torow) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l405" href="#l405">405 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">/* rook aspect (on row) */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l406" href="#l406">406 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> d = threat-&gt;tofile &gt; threat-&gt;fromfile ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l407" href="#l407">407 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = threat-&gt;fromfile;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l408" href="#l408">408 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (!canescape && file != threat-&gt;tofile - d) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l409" href="#l409">409 </a></span>                         file += d;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l410" href="#l410">410 </a></span>                         canescape |= is_protected(&simulation,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l411" href="#l411">411 </a></span>                             threat-&gt;torow, file, opponent_color(piececolor));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l412" href="#l412">412 </a></span>                     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l413" href="#l413">413 </a></span>                 } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threat-&gt;fromfile == threat-&gt;tofile) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l414" href="#l414">414 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">/* rook aspect (on file) */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l415" href="#l415">415 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> d = threat-&gt;torow &gt; threat-&gt;fromrow ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l416" href="#l416">416 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = threat-&gt;fromrow;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l417" href="#l417">417 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (!canescape && row != threat-&gt;torow - d) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l418" href="#l418">418 </a></span>                         row += d;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l419" href="#l419">419 </a></span>                         canescape |= is_protected(&simulation,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l420" href="#l420">420 </a></span>                             row, threat-&gt;tofile, opponent_color(piececolor));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l421" href="#l421">421 </a></span>                     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l422" href="#l422">422 </a></span>                 } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l423" href="#l423">423 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">/* bishop aspect */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l424" href="#l424">424 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> dr = threat-&gt;torow &gt; threat-&gt;fromrow ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l425" href="#l425">425 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> df = threat-&gt;tofile &gt; threat-&gt;fromfile ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> : -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l426" href="#l426">426 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l427" href="#l427">427 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = threat-&gt;fromrow;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l428" href="#l428">428 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = threat-&gt;fromfile;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l429" href="#l429">429 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (!canescape && file != threat-&gt;tofile - df
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l430" href="#l430">430 </a></span>                         && row != threat-&gt;torow - dr) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l431" href="#l431">431 </a></span>                         row += dr;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l432" href="#l432">432 </a></span>                         file += df;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l433" href="#l433">433 </a></span>                         canescape |= is_protected(&simulation, row, file,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l434" href="#l434">434 </a></span>                             opponent_color(piececolor));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l435" href="#l435">435 </a></span>                     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l436" href="#l436">436 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l437" href="#l437">437 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l438" href="#l438">438 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l439" href="#l439">439 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l440" href="#l440">440 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!canescape) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l441" href="#l441">441 </a></span>             gamestate-&gt;checkmate = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l442" href="#l442">442 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l443" href="#l443">443 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l444" href="#l444">444 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l445" href="#l445">445 </a></span>     gamestate_cleanup(&simulation);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l446" href="#l446">446 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l447" href="#l447">447 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l448" href="#l448">448 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l449" href="#l449">449 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l450" href="#l450">450 </a></span> _Bool get_threats(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l451" href="#l451">451 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color, Move *threats, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> *threatcount) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l452" href="#l452">452 </a></span>     Move candidates[<span class="c2html-macroconst">32</span>];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l453" href="#l453">453 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> candidatecount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l454" href="#l454">454 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> r = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; r &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; r++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l455" href="#l455">455 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> f = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; f &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; f++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l456" href="#l456">456 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((gamestate-&gt;board[r][f] & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>) == color) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l457" href="#l457">457 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-comment">// non-capturing move</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l458" href="#l458">458 </a></span>                 memset(&(candidates[candidatecount]), <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l459" href="#l459">459 </a></span>                 candidates[candidatecount].piece = gamestate-&gt;board[r][f];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l460" href="#l460">460 </a></span>                 candidates[candidatecount].fromrow = r;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l461" href="#l461">461 </a></span>                 candidates[candidatecount].fromfile = f;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l462" href="#l462">462 </a></span>                 candidates[candidatecount].torow = row;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l463" href="#l463">463 </a></span>                 candidates[candidatecount].tofile = file;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l464" href="#l464">464 </a></span>                 candidatecount++;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l465" href="#l465">465 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l466" href="#l466">466 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-comment">// capturing move</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l467" href="#l467">467 </a></span>                 memcpy(&(candidates[candidatecount]),
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l468" href="#l468">468 </a></span>                     &(candidates[candidatecount-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]), <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l469" href="#l469">469 </a></span>                 candidates[candidatecount].capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l470" href="#l470">470 </a></span>                 candidatecount++;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l471" href="#l471">471 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l472" href="#l472">472 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l473" href="#l473">473 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l474" href="#l474">474 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l475" href="#l475">475 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatcount) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l476" href="#l476">476 </a></span>         *threatcount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l477" href="#l477">477 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l478" href="#l478">478 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l479" href="#l479">479 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l480" href="#l480">480 </a></span>     _Bool result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l481" href="#l481">481 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l482" href="#l482">482 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; candidatecount ; i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l483" href="#l483">483 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (validate_move_rules(gamestate, &(candidates[i]))
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l484" href="#l484">484 </a></span>                 == <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l485" href="#l485">485 </a></span>             result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l486" href="#l486">486 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats && threatcount) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l487" href="#l487">487 </a></span>                 threats[(*threatcount)++] = candidates[i];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l488" href="#l488">488 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l489" href="#l489">489 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l490" href="#l490">490 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l491" href="#l491">491 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l492" href="#l492">492 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> result;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l493" href="#l493">493 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l494" href="#l494">494 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l495" href="#l495">495 </a></span> _Bool is_pinned(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l496" href="#l496">496 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l497" href="#l497">497 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l498" href="#l498">498 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> kingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, kingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l499" href="#l499">499 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; row &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; row++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l500" href="#l500">500 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l501" href="#l501">501 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] == (color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l502" href="#l502">502 </a></span>                 kingfile = file;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l503" href="#l503">503 </a></span>                 kingrow = row;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l504" href="#l504">504 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l505" href="#l505">505 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l506" href="#l506">506 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l507" href="#l507">507 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l508" href="#l508">508 </a></span>     GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l509" href="#l509">509 </a></span>     Move simmove = *move;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l510" href="#l510">510 </a></span>     apply_move(&simulation, &simmove);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l511" href="#l511">511 </a></span>     _Bool covered = is_covered(&simulation,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l512" href="#l512">512 </a></span>         kingrow, kingfile, opponent_color(color));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l513" href="#l513">513 </a></span>     gamestate_cleanup(&simulation);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l514" href="#l514">514 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l515" href="#l515">515 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> covered;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l516" href="#l516">516 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l517" href="#l517">517 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l518" href="#l518">518 </a></span> _Bool get_real_threats(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l519" href="#l519">519 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color, Move *threats, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> *threatcount) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l520" href="#l520">520 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l521" href="#l521">521 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threatcount) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l522" href="#l522">522 </a></span>         *threatcount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l523" href="#l523">523 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l524" href="#l524">524 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l525" href="#l525">525 </a></span>     Move candidates[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l526" href="#l526">526 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> candidatecount;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l527" href="#l527">527 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (get_threats(gamestate, row, file, color, candidates, &candidatecount)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l528" href="#l528">528 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l529" href="#l529">529 </a></span>         _Bool result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l530" href="#l530">530 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> kingfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, kingrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l531" href="#l531">531 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; row &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; row++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l532" href="#l532">532 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; file &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> ; file++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l533" href="#l533">533 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;board[row][file] == (color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l534" href="#l534">534 </a></span>                     kingfile = file;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l535" href="#l535">535 </a></span>                     kingrow = row;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l536" href="#l536">536 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l537" href="#l537">537 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l538" href="#l538">538 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l539" href="#l539">539 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l540" href="#l540">540 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; candidatecount ; i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l541" href="#l541">541 </a></span>             GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l542" href="#l542">542 </a></span>             Move simmove = candidates[i];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l543" href="#l543">543 </a></span>             apply_move(&simulation, &simmove);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l544" href="#l544">544 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!is_covered(&simulation, kingrow, kingfile,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l545" href="#l545">545 </a></span>                     opponent_color(color))) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l546" href="#l546">546 </a></span>                 result = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l547" href="#l547">547 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats && threatcount) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l548" href="#l548">548 </a></span>                     threats[(*threatcount)++] = candidates[i];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l549" href="#l549">549 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l550" href="#l550">550 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l551" href="#l551">551 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l552" href="#l552">552 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l553" href="#l553">553 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> result;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l554" href="#l554">554 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l555" href="#l555">555 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l556" href="#l556">556 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l557" href="#l557">557 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l558" href="#l558">558 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l559" href="#l559">559 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> getlocation(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) {   
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l560" href="#l560">560 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l561" href="#l561">561 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color = move-&gt;piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l562" href="#l562">562 </a></span>     _Bool incheck = gamestate-&gt;lastmove?gamestate-&gt;lastmove-&gt;move.check:<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l563" href="#l563">563 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l564" href="#l564">564 </a></span>     Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>], *threat = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l565" href="#l565">565 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l566" href="#l566">566 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l567" href="#l567">567 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (get_threats(gamestate, move-&gt;torow, move-&gt;tofile, color,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l568" href="#l568">568 </a></span>             threats, &threatcount)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l569" href="#l569">569 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l570" href="#l570">570 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> reason = <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l571" href="#l571">571 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l572" href="#l572">572 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">// find threats for the specified position</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l573" href="#l573">573 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; threatcount ; i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l574" href="#l574">574 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((threats[i].piece & (<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_MASK</span> | <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>))
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l575" href="#l575">575 </a></span>                     == move-&gt;piece &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l576" href="#l576">576 </a></span>                     (move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span> ||
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l577" href="#l577">577 </a></span>                     move-&gt;fromrow == threats[i].fromrow) &&
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l578" href="#l578">578 </a></span>                     (move-&gt;fromfile == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span> ||
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l579" href="#l579">579 </a></span>                     move-&gt;fromfile == threats[i].fromfile)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l580" href="#l580">580 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l581" href="#l581">581 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threat) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l582" href="#l582">582 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">AMBIGUOUS_MOVE</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l583" href="#l583">583 </a></span>                 } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l584" href="#l584">584 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">// found threat is no real threat</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l585" href="#l585">585 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (is_pinned(gamestate, &(threats[i]))) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l586" href="#l586">586 </a></span>                         reason = incheck?<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING_IN_CHECK</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">PIECE_PINNED</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l587" href="#l587">587 </a></span>                     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l588" href="#l588">588 </a></span>                         threat = &(threats[i]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l589" href="#l589">589 </a></span>                     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l590" href="#l590">590 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l591" href="#l591">591 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l592" href="#l592">592 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l593" href="#l593">593 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l594" href="#l594">594 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">// can't threaten specified position</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l595" href="#l595">595 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!threat) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l596" href="#l596">596 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> reason;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l597" href="#l597">597 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l598" href="#l598">598 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l599" href="#l599">599 </a></span>         memcpy(move, threat, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l600" href="#l600">600 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l601" href="#l601">601 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l602" href="#l602">602 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l603" href="#l603">603 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l604" href="#l604">604 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l605" href="#l605">605 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l606" href="#l606">606 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> eval_move(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *mstr, Move *move, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l607" href="#l607">607 </a></span>     memset(move, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, <span class="c2html-keyword">sizeof</span>(Move));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l608" href="#l608">608 </a></span>     move-&gt;fromfile = <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l609" href="#l609">609 </a></span>     move-&gt;fromrow = <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l610" href="#l610">610 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l611" href="#l611">611 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = strlen(mstr);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l612" href="#l612">612 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span> || len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">6</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l613" href="#l613">613 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l614" href="#l614">614 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l615" href="#l615">615 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l616" href="#l616">616 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* evaluate check/checkmate flags */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l617" href="#l617">617 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'+'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l618" href="#l618">618 </a></span>         len--; mstr[len] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l619" href="#l619">619 </a></span>         move-&gt;check = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l620" href="#l620">620 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'#'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l621" href="#l621">621 </a></span>         len--; mstr[len] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l622" href="#l622">622 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* ignore - validation should set game state */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l623" href="#l623">623 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l624" href="#l624">624 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l625" href="#l625">625 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">/* evaluate promotion */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l626" href="#l626">626 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span> && mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'='</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l627" href="#l627">627 </a></span>         move-&gt;promotion = getpiece(mstr[len-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l628" href="#l628">628 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!move-&gt;promotion) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l629" href="#l629">629 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l630" href="#l630">630 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l631" href="#l631">631 </a></span>             move-&gt;promotion |= color;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l632" href="#l632">632 </a></span>             len -= <span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l633" href="#l633">633 </a></span>             mstr[len] = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l634" href="#l634">634 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l635" href="#l635">635 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l636" href="#l636">636 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l637" href="#l637">637 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l638" href="#l638">638 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* pawn move (e.g. "e4") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l639" href="#l639">639 </a></span>         move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l640" href="#l640">640 </a></span>         move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l641" href="#l641">641 </a></span>         move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l642" href="#l642">642 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l643" href="#l643">643 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (strcmp(mstr, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O"</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l644" href="#l644">644 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* king side castling */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l645" href="#l645">645 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l646" href="#l646">646 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'e'</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l647" href="#l647">647 </a></span>             move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'g'</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l648" href="#l648">648 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromrow = move-&gt;torow = color == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span> ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l649" href="#l649">649 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l650" href="#l650">650 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* move (e.g. "Nf3") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l651" href="#l651">651 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l652" href="#l652">652 </a></span>             move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l653" href="#l653">653 </a></span>             move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l654" href="#l654">654 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l655" href="#l655">655 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l656" href="#l656">656 </a></span>         move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l657" href="#l657">657 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!move-&gt;piece) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l658" href="#l658">658 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l659" href="#l659">659 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l660" href="#l660">660 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l661" href="#l661">661 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l662" href="#l662">662 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* capture (e.g. "Nxf3", "dxe5") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l663" href="#l663">663 </a></span>             move-&gt;capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l664" href="#l664">664 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l665" href="#l665">665 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* move (e.g. "Ndf3", "N2c3", "e2e4") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l666" href="#l666">666 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (isfile(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>])) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l667" href="#l667">667 </a></span>                 move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l668" href="#l668">668 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l669" href="#l669">669 </a></span>                     move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l670" href="#l670">670 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l671" href="#l671">671 </a></span>             } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l672" href="#l672">672 </a></span>                 move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l673" href="#l673">673 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l674" href="#l674">674 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l675" href="#l675">675 </a></span>         move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l676" href="#l676">676 </a></span>         move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l677" href="#l677">677 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">5</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l678" href="#l678">678 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (strcmp(mstr, <span class="c2html-string">"O-O-O"</span>) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l679" href="#l679">679 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">/* queen side castling "O-O-O" */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l680" href="#l680">680 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l681" href="#l681">681 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'e'</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l682" href="#l682">682 </a></span>             move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(<span class="c2html-string">'c'</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l683" href="#l683">683 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromrow = move-&gt;torow = color == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span> ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l684" href="#l684">684 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l685" href="#l685">685 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l686" href="#l686">686 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l687" href="#l687">687 </a></span>                 move-&gt;capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l688" href="#l688">688 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l689" href="#l689">689 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">/* capture (e.g. "Ndxf3") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l690" href="#l690">690 </a></span>                     move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l691" href="#l691">691 </a></span>                 } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l692" href="#l692">692 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-comment">/* long notation capture (e.g. "e5xf6") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l693" href="#l693">693 </a></span>                     move-&gt;piece = <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l694" href="#l694">694 </a></span>                     move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l695" href="#l695">695 </a></span>                     move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l696" href="#l696">696 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l697" href="#l697">697 </a></span>             } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l698" href="#l698">698 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-comment">/* long notation move (e.g. "Nc5a4") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l699" href="#l699">699 </a></span>                 move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l700" href="#l700">700 </a></span>                 move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l701" href="#l701">701 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l702" href="#l702">702 </a></span>             move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l703" href="#l703">703 </a></span>             move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l704" href="#l704">704 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l705" href="#l705">705 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (len == <span class="c2html-macroconst">6</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l706" href="#l706">706 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">/* long notation capture (e.g. "Nc5xf3") */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l707" href="#l707">707 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'x'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l708" href="#l708">708 </a></span>             move-&gt;capture = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l709" href="#l709">709 </a></span>             move-&gt;piece = getpiece(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l710" href="#l710">710 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromfile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l711" href="#l711">711 </a></span>             move-&gt;fromrow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l712" href="#l712">712 </a></span>             move-&gt;tofile = fileidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">4</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l713" href="#l713">713 </a></span>             move-&gt;torow = rowidx(mstr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">5</span>]);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l714" href="#l714">714 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l715" href="#l715">715 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l716" href="#l716">716 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l717" href="#l717">717 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l718" href="#l718">718 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l719" href="#l719">719 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;piece == <span class="c2html-macroconst">PAWN</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l720" href="#l720">720 </a></span>             && move-&gt;torow == (color==<span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span>?<span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>:<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>)
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l721" href="#l721">721 </a></span>             && !move-&gt;promotion) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l722" href="#l722">722 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">NEED_PROMOTION</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l723" href="#l723">723 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l724" href="#l724">724 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l725" href="#l725">725 </a></span>         move-&gt;piece |= color;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l726" href="#l726">726 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (move-&gt;fromfile == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l727" href="#l727">727 </a></span>             || move-&gt;fromrow == <span class="c2html-macroconst">POS_UNSPECIFIED</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l728" href="#l728">728 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> getlocation(gamestate, move);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l729" href="#l729">729 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l730" href="#l730">730 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> chkidx(move) ? <span class="c2html-macroconst">VALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span> : <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_POSITION</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l731" href="#l731">731 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l732" href="#l732">732 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l733" href="#l733">733 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l734" href="#l734">734 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l735" href="#l735">735 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l736" href="#l736">736 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l737" href="#l737">737 </a></span> _Bool is_protected(GameState *gamestate, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> row, <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> file,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l738" href="#l738">738 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l739" href="#l739">739 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l740" href="#l740">740 </a></span>     Move threats[<span class="c2html-macroconst">16</span>];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l741" href="#l741">741 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> threatcount;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l742" href="#l742">742 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (get_real_threats(gamestate, row, file, color, threats, &threatcount)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l743" href="#l743">743 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> ; i &lt; threatcount ; i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l744" href="#l744">744 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (threats[i].piece != (color|<span class="c2html-macroconst">KING</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l745" href="#l745">745 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l746" href="#l746">746 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l747" href="#l747">747 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l748" href="#l748">748 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l749" href="#l749">749 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l750" href="#l750">750 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l751" href="#l751">751 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l752" href="#l752">752 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l753" href="#l753">753 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l754" href="#l754">754 </a></span> <span class="c2html-type">uint16_t</span> remaining_movetime(GameInfo *gameinfo, GameState *gamestate,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l755" href="#l755">755 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint8_t</span> color) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l756" href="#l756">756 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!gameinfo-&gt;timecontrol) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l757" href="#l757">757 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l758" href="#l758">758 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l759" href="#l759">759 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l760" href="#l760">760 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (gamestate-&gt;movelist) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l761" href="#l761">761 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">uint16_t</span> time = gameinfo-&gt;time;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l762" href="#l762">762 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">suseconds_t</span> micros = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l763" href="#l763">763 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l764" href="#l764">764 </a></span>         MoveList *movelist = color == <span class="c2html-macroconst">WHITE</span> ?
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l765" href="#l765">765 </a></span>             gamestate-&gt;movelist : gamestate-&gt;movelist-&gt;next;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l766" href="#l766">766 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l767" href="#l767">767 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span> (movelist) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l768" href="#l768">768 </a></span>             time += gameinfo-&gt;addtime;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l769" href="#l769">769 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l770" href="#l770">770 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> movetimeval *movetime = &(movelist-&gt;move.movetime);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l771" href="#l771">771 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (movetime-&gt;tv_sec &gt;= time) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l772" href="#l772">772 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l773" href="#l773">773 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l774" href="#l774">774 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l775" href="#l775">775 </a></span>             time -= movetime-&gt;tv_sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l776" href="#l776">776 </a></span>             micros += movetime-&gt;tv_usec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l777" href="#l777">777 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l778" href="#l778">778 </a></span>             movelist = movelist-&gt;next ? movelist-&gt;next-&gt;next : <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l779" href="#l779">779 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l780" href="#l780">780 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l781" href="#l781">781 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">time_t</span> sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l782" href="#l782">782 </a></span>         movelist = gamestate-&gt;lastmove;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l783" href="#l783">783 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> ((movelist-&gt;move.piece & <span class="c2html-macroconst">COLOR_MASK</span>) != color) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l784" href="#l784">784 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> movetimeval *lastmovetstamp = &(movelist-&gt;move.timestamp);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l785" href="#l785">785 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">struct</span> timeval currenttstamp;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l786" href="#l786">786 </a></span>             gettimeofday(&currenttstamp, <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l787" href="#l787">787 </a></span>             micros += currenttstamp.tv_usec - lastmovetstamp-&gt;tv_usec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l788" href="#l788">788 </a></span>             sec = currenttstamp.tv_sec - lastmovetstamp-&gt;tv_sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l789" href="#l789">789 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (sec &gt;= time) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l790" href="#l790">790 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l791" href="#l791">791 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l792" href="#l792">792 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l793" href="#l793">793 </a></span>             time -= sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l794" href="#l794">794 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l795" href="#l795">795 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l796" href="#l796">796 </a></span>         sec = micros / 1e6L;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l797" href="#l797">797 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l798" href="#l798">798 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (sec &gt;= time) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l799" href="#l799">799 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l800" href="#l800">800 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l801" href="#l801">801 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l802" href="#l802">802 </a></span>         time -= sec;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l803" href="#l803">803 </a></span>         
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l804" href="#l804">804 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> time;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l805" href="#l805">805 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l806" href="#l806">806 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> gameinfo-&gt;time;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l807" href="#l807">807 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l808" href="#l808">808 </a></span> }
-  </body>
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l1" href="#l1">  1 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l28" href="#l28"> 28 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l29" href="#l29"> 29 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;time.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l30" href="#l30"> 30 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;stdio.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l31" href="#l31"> 31 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;stdlib.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l32" href="#l32"> 32 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;string.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l33" href="#l33"> 33 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;ucx/string.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l34" href="#l34"> 34 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;ucx/buffer.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l35" href="#l35"> 35 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;ucx/utils.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l36" href="#l36"> 36 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;libxml/tree.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l37" href="#l37"> 37 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;curl/curl.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l38" href="#l38"> 38 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l39" href="#l39"> 39 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/sha.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l40" href="#l40"> 40 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/hmac.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l41" href="#l41"> 41 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/evp.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l42" href="#l42"> 42 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/bio.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l43" href="#l43"> 43 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/buffer.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l44" href="#l44"> 44 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <span class="c2html-stdinclude">&lt;openssl/rand.h&gt;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l45" href="#l45"> 45 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l46" href="#l46"> 46 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="utils.h">"utils.h"</a>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l47" href="#l47"> 47 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="crypto.h">"crypto.h"</a>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l48" href="#l48"> 48 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#include</span> <a class="c2html-userinclude" href="webdav.h">"webdav.h"</a>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l49" href="#l49"> 49 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l50" href="#l50"> 50 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#define</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">MACRO1337</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1337L</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l51" href="#l51"> 51 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l52" href="#l52"> 52 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/* -------------------- This is a testing file. -------------------------- */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l53" href="#l53"> 53 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l54" href="#l54"> 54 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">time_t util_parse_creationdate(char *str) {</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l55" href="#l55"> 55 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    // example: 2012-11-29T21:35:35Z</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l56" href="#l56"> 56 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    if(!str) {</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l57" href="#l57"> 57 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">        return 0;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l58" href="#l58"> 58 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    }</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l59" href="#l59"> 59 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    // TODO</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l60" href="#l60"> 60 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    return 0;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l61" href="#l61"> 61 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">}</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l62" href="#l62"> 62 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">*/</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l63" href="#l63"> 63 </a></span> <span class="c2html-type">time_t</span> util_parse_lastmodified(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l64" href="#l64"> 64 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">// example: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 21:35:35 GMT</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l65" href="#l65"> 65 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(!str) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l66" href="#l66"> 66 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l67" href="#l67"> 67 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l68" href="#l68"> 68 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> curl_getdate(str, <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l69" href="#l69"> 69 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l70" href="#l70"> 70 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l71" href="#l71"> 71 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l72" href="#l72"> 72 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> util_getboolean(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *v) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l73" href="#l73"> 73 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(v[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'T'</span> || v[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'t'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l74" href="#l74"> 74 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l75" href="#l75"> 75 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l76" href="#l76"> 76 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l77" href="#l77"> 77 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l78" href="#l78"> 78 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l79" href="#l79"> 79 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> util_strtoint(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str, <span class="c2html-type">int64_t</span> *value) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l80" href="#l80"> 80 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *end;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l81" href="#l81"> 81 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">int64_t</span> val = strtoll(str, &end, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l82" href="#l82"> 82 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(strlen(end) == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l83" href="#l83"> 83 </a></span>         *value = val;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l84" href="#l84"> 84 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l85" href="#l85"> 85 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l86" href="#l86"> 86 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l87" href="#l87"> 87 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l88" href="#l88"> 88 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l89" href="#l89"> 89 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l90" href="#l90"> 90 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_url_path(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url) { 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l91" href="#l91"> 91 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l92" href="#l92"> 92 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = strlen(url);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l93" href="#l93"> 93 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> slashcount = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l94" href="#l94"> 94 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> slmax;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l95" href="#l95"> 95 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span> && !strncasecmp(url, <span class="c2html-string">"http://"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">7</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l96" href="#l96"> 96 </a></span>         slmax = <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l97" href="#l97"> 97 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(len &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span> && !strncasecmp(url, <span class="c2html-string">"https://"</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">8</span>)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l98" href="#l98"> 98 </a></span>         slmax = <span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l99" href="#l99"> 99 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l100" href="#l100">100 </a></span>         slmax = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l101" href="#l101">101 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l102" href="#l102">102 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> c;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l103" href="#l103">103 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;len;i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l104" href="#l104">104 </a></span>         c = url[i];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l105" href="#l105">105 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(c == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l106" href="#l106">106 </a></span>             slashcount++;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l107" href="#l107">107 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(slashcount == slmax) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l108" href="#l108">108 </a></span>                 path = url + i;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l109" href="#l109">109 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l110" href="#l110">110 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l111" href="#l111">111 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l112" href="#l112">112 </a></span>     } 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l113" href="#l113">113 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> path;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l114" href="#l114">114 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l115" href="#l115">115 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l116" href="#l116">116 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_url_decode(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l117" href="#l117">117 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *unesc = curl_easy_unescape(sn-&gt;handle, url, strlen(url), <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l118" href="#l118">118 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *ret = strdup(unesc);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l119" href="#l119">119 </a></span>     curl_free(unesc);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l120" href="#l120">120 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> ret;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l121" href="#l121">121 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l122" href="#l122">122 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l123" href="#l123">123 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_resource_name(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l124" href="#l124">124 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> si = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l125" href="#l125">125 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> osi = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l126" href="#l126">126 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l127" href="#l127">127 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> p = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l128" href="#l128">128 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> c;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l129" href="#l129">129 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span>((c = url[i]) != <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l130" href="#l130">130 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(c == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l131" href="#l131">131 </a></span>             osi = si;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l132" href="#l132">132 </a></span>             si = i;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l133" href="#l133">133 </a></span>             p = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l134" href="#l134">134 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l135" href="#l135">135 </a></span>         i++;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l136" href="#l136">136 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l137" href="#l137">137 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l138" href="#l138">138 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *name = url + si + p;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l139" href="#l139">139 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(name[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l140" href="#l140">140 </a></span>         name = url + osi + p;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l141" href="#l141">141 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(name[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l142" href="#l142">142 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> url;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l143" href="#l143">143 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l144" href="#l144">144 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l145" href="#l145">145 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l146" href="#l146">146 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> name;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l147" href="#l147">147 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l148" href="#l148">148 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l149" href="#l149">149 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> util_mkdir(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path, <span class="c2html-type">mode_t</span> mode) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l150" href="#l150">150 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#ifdef</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">_WIN32</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l151" href="#l151">151 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> mkdir(path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l152" href="#l152">152 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#else</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l153" href="#l153">153 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> mkdir(path, mode);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l154" href="#l154">154 </a></span> <span class="c2html-directive">#endif</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l155" href="#l155">155 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l156" href="#l156">156 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l157" href="#l157">157 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_concat_path(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *url_base, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *p) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l158" href="#l158">158 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> base = sstr(url_base);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l159" href="#l159">159 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> path;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l160" href="#l160">160 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(p) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l161" href="#l161">161 </a></span>         path = sstr(p);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l162" href="#l162">162 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l163" href="#l163">163 </a></span>         path = sstrn(<span class="c2html-string">""</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l164" href="#l164">164 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l165" href="#l165">165 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l166" href="#l166">166 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> add_separator = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l167" href="#l167">167 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(base.ptr[base.length-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l168" href="#l168">168 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(path.ptr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l169" href="#l169">169 </a></span>             base.length--;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l170" href="#l170">170 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l171" href="#l171">171 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l172" href="#l172">172 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(path.length == <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span> || path.ptr[<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>] != <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l173" href="#l173">173 </a></span>             add_separator = <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l174" href="#l174">174 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l175" href="#l175">175 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l176" href="#l176">176 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l177" href="#l177">177 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> url;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l178" href="#l178">178 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(add_separator) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l179" href="#l179">179 </a></span>         url = sstrcat(<span class="c2html-macroconst">3</span>, base, sstr(<span class="c2html-string">"/"</span>), path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l180" href="#l180">180 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l181" href="#l181">181 </a></span>         url = sstrcat(<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>, base, path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l182" href="#l182">182 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l183" href="#l183">183 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l184" href="#l184">184 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> url.ptr;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l185" href="#l185">185 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l186" href="#l186">186 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l187" href="#l187">187 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> util_set_url(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *href) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l188" href="#l188">188 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> base = sstr(sn-&gt;base_url);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l189" href="#l189">189 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> href_str = sstr(href);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l190" href="#l190">190 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l191" href="#l191">191 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *base_path = util_url_path(sn-&gt;base_url);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l192" href="#l192">192 </a></span>     base.length -= strlen(base_path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l193" href="#l193">193 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l194" href="#l194">194 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> url = sstrcat(<span class="c2html-macroconst">2</span>, base, href_str);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l195" href="#l195">195 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l196" href="#l196">196 </a></span>     curl_easy_setopt(sn-&gt;handle, <span class="c2html-macroconst">CURLOPT_URL</span>, url.ptr);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l197" href="#l197">197 </a></span>     free(url.ptr);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l198" href="#l198">198 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l199" href="#l199">199 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l200" href="#l200">200 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_path_to_url(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l201" href="#l201">201 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *space = malloc(<span class="c2html-macroconst">256</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l202" href="#l202">202 </a></span>     UcxBuffer *url = ucx_buffer_new(space, <span class="c2html-macroconst">256</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">UCX_BUFFER_AUTOEXTEND</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l203" href="#l203">203 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l204" href="#l204">204 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">// add base url</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l205" href="#l205">205 </a></span>     ucx_buffer_write(sn-&gt;base_url, <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, strlen(sn-&gt;base_url), url);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l206" href="#l206">206 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-comment">// remove trailing slash</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l207" href="#l207">207 </a></span>     ucx_buffer_seek(url, -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, <span class="c2html-macroconst">SEEK_CUR</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l208" href="#l208">208 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l209" href="#l209">209 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> p = sstr(path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l210" href="#l210">210 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">ssize_t</span> ntk = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l211" href="#l211">211 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> *tks = sstrsplit(p, <span class="c2html-macroconst">S</span>(<span class="c2html-string">"/"</span>), &ntk);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l212" href="#l212">212 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l213" href="#l213">213 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;ntk;i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l214" href="#l214">214 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> node = tks[i];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l215" href="#l215">215 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(node.length &gt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l216" href="#l216">216 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *esc = curl_easy_escape(sn-&gt;handle, node.ptr, node.length);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l217" href="#l217">217 </a></span>             ucx_buffer_putc(url, <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l218" href="#l218">218 </a></span>             ucx_buffer_write(esc, <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, strlen(esc), url);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l219" href="#l219">219 </a></span>             curl_free(esc);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l220" href="#l220">220 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l221" href="#l221">221 </a></span>         free(node.ptr);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l222" href="#l222">222 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l223" href="#l223">223 </a></span>     free(tks);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l224" href="#l224">224 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(path[p.length-<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] == <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l225" href="#l225">225 </a></span>         ucx_buffer_putc(url, <span class="c2html-string">'/'</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l226" href="#l226">226 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l227" href="#l227">227 </a></span>     ucx_buffer_putc(url, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l228" href="#l228">228 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l229" href="#l229">229 </a></span>     space = url-&gt;space;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l230" href="#l230">230 </a></span>     ucx_buffer_free(url);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l231" href="#l231">231 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l232" href="#l232">232 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> space;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l233" href="#l233">233 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l234" href="#l234">234 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l235" href="#l235">235 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_parent_path(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *path) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l236" href="#l236">236 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *name = util_resource_name(path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l237" href="#l237">237 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> namelen = strlen(name);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l238" href="#l238">238 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> pathlen = strlen(path);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l239" href="#l239">239 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> parentlen = pathlen - namelen;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l240" href="#l240">240 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *parent = malloc(parentlen + <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l241" href="#l241">241 </a></span>     memcpy(parent, path, parentlen);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l242" href="#l242">242 </a></span>     parent[parentlen] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l243" href="#l243">243 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> parent;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l244" href="#l244">244 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l245" href="#l245">245 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l246" href="#l246">246 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l247" href="#l247">247 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_xml_get_text(xmlNode *elm) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l248" href="#l248">248 </a></span>     xmlNode *node = elm-&gt;children;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l249" href="#l249">249 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">while</span>(node) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l250" href="#l250">250 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(node-&gt;type == <span class="c2html-macroconst">XML_TEXT_NODE</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l251" href="#l251">251 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>*)node-&gt;content;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l252" href="#l252">252 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l253" href="#l253">253 </a></span>         node = node-&gt;next;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l254" href="#l254">254 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l255" href="#l255">255 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l256" href="#l256">256 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l257" href="#l257">257 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l258" href="#l258">258 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l259" href="#l259">259 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_base64decode(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *in) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l260" href="#l260">260 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> len = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l261" href="#l261">261 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> util_base64decode_len(in, &len);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l262" href="#l262">262 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l263" href="#l263">263 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l264" href="#l264">264 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_base64decode_len(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* in, <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> *outlen) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l265" href="#l265">265 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = strlen(in);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l266" href="#l266">266 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *out = calloc(<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>, len);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l267" href="#l267">267 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l268" href="#l268">268 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span>* b = BIO_new_mem_buf(in, len);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l269" href="#l269">269 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span> *d = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l270" href="#l270">270 </a></span>     BIO_set_flags(d, <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l271" href="#l271">271 </a></span>     b = BIO_push(d, b);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l272" href="#l272">272 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l273" href="#l273">273 </a></span>     *outlen = BIO_read(b, out, len);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l274" href="#l274">274 </a></span>     BIO_free_all(b);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l275" href="#l275">275 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l276" href="#l276">276 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> out;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l277" href="#l277">277 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l278" href="#l278">278 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l279" href="#l279">279 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_base64encode(<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *in, <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len) { 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l280" href="#l280">280 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span> *b;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l281" href="#l281">281 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-macroconst">BIO</span> *e;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l282" href="#l282">282 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-macroconst">BUF_MEM</span> *mem;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l283" href="#l283">283 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l284" href="#l284">284 </a></span>     e = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64());
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l285" href="#l285">285 </a></span>     b = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l286" href="#l286">286 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l287" href="#l287">287 </a></span>     e = BIO_push(e, b);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l288" href="#l288">288 </a></span>     BIO_write(e, in, len);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l289" href="#l289">289 </a></span>     BIO_flush(e);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l290" href="#l290">290 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l291" href="#l291">291 </a></span>     BIO_get_mem_ptr(e, &mem);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l292" href="#l292">292 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *out = malloc(mem-&gt;length);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l293" href="#l293">293 </a></span>     memcpy(out, mem-&gt;data, mem-&gt;length -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l294" href="#l294">294 </a></span>     out[mem-&gt;length - <span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l295" href="#l295">295 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l296" href="#l296">296 </a></span>     BIO_free_all(e);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l297" href="#l297">297 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l298" href="#l298">298 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> out;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l299" href="#l299">299 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l300" href="#l300">300 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l301" href="#l301">301 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_encrypt_str(DavSession *sn, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str, <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *key) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l302" href="#l302">302 </a></span>     DavKey *k = dav_context_get_key(sn-&gt;context, key);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l303" href="#l303">303 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(!k) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l304" href="#l304">304 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-comment">// TODO: session error</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l305" href="#l305">305 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l306" href="#l306">306 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l307" href="#l307">307 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l308" href="#l308">308 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *enc_str = aes_encrypt(str, k);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l309" href="#l309">309 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *ret_str = dav_session_strdup(sn, enc_str);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l310" href="#l310">310 </a></span>     free(enc_str);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l311" href="#l311">311 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> ret_str;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l312" href="#l312">312 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l313" href="#l313">313 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l314" href="#l314">314 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/* commented out for testing reasons */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l315" href="#l315">315 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l316" href="#l316">316 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">char* util_decrypt_str(DavSession *sn, char *str, char *key) {</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l317" href="#l317">317 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    DavKey *k = dav_context_get_key(sn-&gt;context, key);</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l318" href="#l318">318 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    if(!k) {</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l319" href="#l319">319 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">        // TODO: session error</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l320" href="#l320">320 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">        return NULL;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l321" href="#l321">321 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    }</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l322" href="#l322">322 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    </span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l323" href="#l323">323 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    char *dec_str = aes_decrypt(str, k);</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l324" href="#l324">324 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    char *ret_str = dav_session_strdup(sn, dec_str);</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l325" href="#l325">325 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    free(dec_str);</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l326" href="#l326">326 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">    return ret_str;</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l327" href="#l327">327 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">}</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l328" href="#l328">328 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">*/</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l329" href="#l329">329 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>* util_random_str() {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l330" href="#l330">330 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">unsigned</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *str = malloc(<span class="c2html-macroconst">25</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l331" href="#l331">331 </a></span>     str[<span class="c2html-macroconst">24</span>] = <span class="c2html-string">'\0'</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l332" href="#l332">332 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l333" href="#l333">333 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> t = <span class="c2html-macroconst">S</span>(
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l334" href="#l334">334 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-string">"01234567890"</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l335" href="#l335">335 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-string">"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l336" href="#l336">336 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-string">"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l337" href="#l337">337 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">const</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">unsigned</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span> *table = (<span class="c2html-keyword">const</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">unsigned</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>*)t.ptr;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l338" href="#l338">338 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l339" href="#l339">339 </a></span>     RAND_pseudo_bytes(str, <span class="c2html-macroconst">24</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l340" href="#l340">340 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(<span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;<span class="c2html-macroconst">24</span>;i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l341" href="#l341">341 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> c = str[i] % t.length;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l342" href="#l342">342 </a></span>         str[i] = table[c];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l343" href="#l343">343 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l344" href="#l344">344 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l345" href="#l345">345 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> (<span class="c2html-keyword">char</span>*)str;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l346" href="#l346">346 </a></span> }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l347" href="#l347">347 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l348" href="#l348">348 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l349" href="#l349">349 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * gets a substring from 0 to the appearance of the token</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l350" href="#l350">350 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * tokens are separated by space</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l351" href="#l351">351 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * sets sub to the substring and returns the remaining string</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l352" href="#l352">352 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l353" href="#l353">353 </a></span> <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> util_getsubstr_until_token(<span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> str, <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> token, <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> *sub) {  
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l354" href="#l354">354 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> i;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l355" href="#l355">355 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> token_start = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l356" href="#l356">356 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> token_end = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l357" href="#l357">357 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">for</span>(i=<span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;i&lt;=str.length;i++) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l358" href="#l358">358 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">int</span> c;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l359" href="#l359">359 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(i == str.length) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l360" href="#l360">360 </a></span>             c = <span class="c2html-string">' '</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l361" href="#l361">361 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l362" href="#l362">362 </a></span>             c = str.ptr[i];
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l363" href="#l363">363 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l364" href="#l364">364 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(c &lt; <span class="c2html-macroconst">33</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l365" href="#l365">365 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(token_start != -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l366" href="#l366">366 </a></span>                 token_end = i;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l367" href="#l367">367 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-type">size_t</span> len = token_end - token_start;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l368" href="#l368">368 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-type">sstr_t</span> tk = sstrsubsl(str, token_start, len);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l369" href="#l369">369 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-comment">//printf("token: {%.*s}\n", token.length, token.ptr);</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l370" href="#l370">370 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(!sstrcmp(tk, token)) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l371" href="#l371">371 </a></span>                     *sub = sstrtrim(sstrsubsl(str, <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>, token_start));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l372" href="#l372">372 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-keyword">break</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l373" href="#l373">373 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l374" href="#l374">374 </a></span>                 token_start = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l375" href="#l375">375 </a></span>                 token_end = -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l376" href="#l376">376 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l377" href="#l377">377 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l378" href="#l378">378 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(token_start == -<span class="c2html-macroconst">1</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l379" href="#l379">379 </a></span>                 token_start = i;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l380" href="#l380">380 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l381" href="#l381">381 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l382" href="#l382">382 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l383" href="#l383">383 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l384" href="#l384">384 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span>(i &lt; str.length) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l385" href="#l385">385 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> sstrtrim(sstrsubs(str, i));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l386" href="#l386">386 </a></span>     } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l387" href="#l387">387 </a></span>         str.ptr = <span class="c2html-macroconst">NULL</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l388" href="#l388">388 </a></span>         str.length = <span class="c2html-macroconst">0</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l389" href="#l389">389 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> str;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l390" href="#l390">390 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l391" href="#l391">391 </a></span> }
-  </body>
--- a/test/v2-regression/javatest.html	Thu Nov 10 18:44:48 2016 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  <head>
-    <title>c2html</title>
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-      span.c2html-lineno a {
-        font-style: italic;
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l1" href="#l1">  1 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment">/*</span>
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l4" href="#l4">  4 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * Copyright 2014 Mike Becker. All rights reserved.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l5" href="#l5">  5 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l6" href="#l6">  6 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l7" href="#l7">  7 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:</span>
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l9" href="#l9">  9 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *   1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l10" href="#l10"> 10 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l11" href="#l11"> 11 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l12" href="#l12"> 12 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *   2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l13" href="#l13"> 13 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l14" href="#l14"> 14 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *      documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l15" href="#l15"> 15 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l16" href="#l16"> 16 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l17" href="#l17"> 17 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE</span>
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l23" href="#l23"> 23 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l24" href="#l24"> 24 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l25" href="#l25"> 25 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l26" href="#l26"> 26 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l27" href="#l27"> 27 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> *</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l28" href="#l28"> 28 </a></span> <span class="c2html-comment"> */</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l29" href="#l29"> 29 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l30" href="#l30"> 30 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">package</span> de.uapcore.sigred.doc.base;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l31" href="#l31"> 31 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l32" href="#l32"> 32 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigred.doc.<span class="c2html-type">Resources</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l33" href="#l33"> 33 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigrapi.impl.<span class="c2html-type">Digraph</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l34" href="#l34"> 34 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigrapi.impl.<span class="c2html-type">Graph</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l35" href="#l35"> 35 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> de.uapcore.sigrapi.<span class="c2html-type">IGraph</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l36" href="#l36"> 36 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.io.<span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l37" href="#l37"> 37 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.io.<span class="c2html-type">InputStream</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l38" href="#l38"> 38 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.io.<span class="c2html-type">OutputStream</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l39" href="#l39"> 39 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.util.concurrent.atomic.<span class="c2html-type">AtomicBoolean</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l40" href="#l40"> 40 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> java.util.concurrent.atomic.<span class="c2html-type">AtomicReference</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l41" href="#l41"> 41 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.apache.xerces.impl.<span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l42" href="#l42"> 42 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">Document</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l43" href="#l43"> 43 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">DocumentException</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l44" href="#l44"> 44 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">DocumentHelper</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l45" href="#l45"> 45 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">Element</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l46" href="#l46"> 46 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">Namespace</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l47" href="#l47"> 47 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.<span class="c2html-type">QName</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l48" href="#l48"> 48 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.io.<span class="c2html-type">OutputFormat</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l49" href="#l49"> 49 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.io.<span class="c2html-type">SAXReader</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l50" href="#l50"> 50 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.dom4j.io.<span class="c2html-type">XMLWriter</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l51" href="#l51"> 51 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.xml.sax.<span class="c2html-type">ErrorHandler</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l52" href="#l52"> 52 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.xml.sax.<span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l53" href="#l53"> 53 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">import</span> org.xml.sax.<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l54" href="#l54"> 54 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l55" href="#l55"> 55 </a></span> <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">abstract</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">class</span> <span class="c2html-type">AbstractGraphDocument</span>&lt;<span class="c2html-type">T</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">extends</span> <span class="c2html-type">IGraph</span>&gt;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l56" href="#l56"> 56 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">extends</span> <span class="c2html-type">FileBackedDocument</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l57" href="#l57"> 57 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l58" href="#l58"> 58 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">Namespace</span> <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span> = <span class="c2html-type">Namespace</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"sigred"</span>,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l59" href="#l59"> 59 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-string">"http://develop.uap-core.de/sigred/"</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l60" href="#l60"> 60 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l61" href="#l61"> 61 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l62" href="#l62"> 62 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPHDOC</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"graph-document"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l63" href="#l63"> 63 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l64" href="#l64"> 64 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPH</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"graph"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l65" href="#l65"> 65 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l66" href="#l66"> 66 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_DIGRAPH</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"digraph"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l67" href="#l67"> 67 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">static</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l68" href="#l68"> 68 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">QName</span> <span class="c2html-type">TAG_METADATA</span> = <span class="c2html-type">QName</span>.get(<span class="c2html-string">"metadata"</span>, <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l69" href="#l69"> 69 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l70" href="#l70"> 70 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">T</span> graph;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l71" href="#l71"> 71 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l72" href="#l72"> 72 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">private</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">GraphDocumentMetadata</span> metadata;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l73" href="#l73"> 73 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l74" href="#l74"> 74 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-type">AbstractGraphDocument</span>(<span class="c2html-type">Class</span>&lt;<span class="c2html-type">T</span>&gt; graphType) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l75" href="#l75"> 75 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">T</span> g;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l76" href="#l76"> 76 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">try</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l77" href="#l77"> 77 </a></span>             g = graphType.newInstance();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l78" href="#l78"> 78 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">catch</span> (<span class="c2html-type">ReflectiveOperationException</span> e) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l79" href="#l79"> 79 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">assert</span> false;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l80" href="#l80"> 80 </a></span>             g = null; <span class="c2html-comment">// for the compiler</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l81" href="#l81"> 81 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l82" href="#l82"> 82 </a></span>         graph = g;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l83" href="#l83"> 83 </a></span>         metadata = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">GraphDocumentMetadata</span>();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l84" href="#l84"> 84 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l85" href="#l85"> 85 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l86" href="#l86"> 86 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-type">T</span> getGraph() {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l87" href="#l87"> 87 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> graph;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l88" href="#l88"> 88 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l89" href="#l89"> 89 </a></span>     
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l90" href="#l90"> 90 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-type">GraphDocumentMetadata</span> getMetadata() {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l91" href="#l91"> 91 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">return</span> metadata;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l92" href="#l92"> 92 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l93" href="#l93"> 93 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l94" href="#l94"> 94 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">abstract</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> writeGraph(<span class="c2html-type">Element</span> rootNode) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l95" href="#l95"> 95 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">protected</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">abstract</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> readGraph(<span class="c2html-type">Element</span> rootNode) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>;
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l96" href="#l96"> 96 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l97" href="#l97"> 97 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l98" href="#l98"> 98 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> writeTo(<span class="c2html-type">OutputStream</span> out) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l99" href="#l99"> 99 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">Document</span> doc = <span class="c2html-type">DocumentHelper</span>.createDocument();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l100" href="#l100">100 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l101" href="#l101">101 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">Element</span> rootNode = doc.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPHDOC</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l102" href="#l102">102 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l103" href="#l103">103 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">Element</span> metadataNode = rootNode.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_METADATA</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l104" href="#l104">104 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l105" href="#l105">105 </a></span>         metadata.write(metadataNode);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l106" href="#l106">106 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l107" href="#l107">107 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Graph</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l108" href="#l108">108 </a></span>             writeGraph(rootNode.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPH</span>));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l109" href="#l109">109 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Digraph</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l110" href="#l110">110 </a></span>             writeGraph(rootNode.addElement(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_DIGRAPH</span>));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l111" href="#l111">111 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l112" href="#l112">112 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>(<span class="c2html-string">"unsupported graph type"</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l113" href="#l113">113 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l114" href="#l114">114 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l115" href="#l115">115 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-type">XMLWriter</span> writer = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">XMLWriter</span>(out, <span class="c2html-type">OutputFormat</span>.createPrettyPrint());
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l116" href="#l116">116 </a></span>         writer.write(doc);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l117" href="#l117">117 </a></span>         writer.flush();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l118" href="#l118">118 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l119" href="#l119">119 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l120" href="#l120">120 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l121" href="#l121">121 </a></span>     <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> readFrom(<span class="c2html-type">InputStream</span> in) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l122" href="#l122">122 </a></span>         <span class="c2html-keyword">try</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l123" href="#l123">123 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-type">SAXReader</span> reader = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXReader</span>(true);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l124" href="#l124">124 </a></span>             reader.setStripWhitespaceText(true);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l125" href="#l125">125 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l126" href="#l126">126 </a></span>             reader.setFeature(<span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">XERCES_FEATURE_PREFIX</span>+
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l127" href="#l127">127 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE</span>, true);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l128" href="#l128">128 </a></span>             reader.setProperty(<span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">XERCES_PROPERTY_PREFIX</span> +
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l129" href="#l129">129 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-type">Constants</span>.<span class="c2html-type">SCHEMA_LOCATION</span>, <span class="c2html-type">String</span>.format(<span class="c2html-string">"%s %s"</span>,
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l130" href="#l130">130 </a></span>                     <span class="c2html-type">NAMESPACE</span>.getURI(), <span class="c2html-type">Resources</span>.<span class="c2html-keyword">class</span>.getResource(
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l131" href="#l131">131 </a></span>                         <span class="c2html-string">"graph-document.xsd"</span>).toExternalForm()));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l132" href="#l132">132 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l133" href="#l133">133 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicBoolean</span> passed = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicBoolean</span>(true);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l134" href="#l134">134 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">final</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicReference</span>&lt;<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span>&gt; xmlerror = <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">AtomicReference</span>&lt;&gt;();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l135" href="#l135">135 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-comment">// TODO: we should do more detailed error handling here</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l136" href="#l136">136 </a></span>             reader.setErrorHandler(<span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">ErrorHandler</span>() {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l137" href="#l137">137 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l138" href="#l138">138 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> warning(<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span> exception) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l139" href="#l139">139 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l140" href="#l140">140 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l141" href="#l141">141 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l142" href="#l142">142 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> error(<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span> exception) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l143" href="#l143">143 </a></span>                     xmlerror.set(exception);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l144" href="#l144">144 </a></span>                     passed.set(false);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l145" href="#l145">145 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l146" href="#l146">146 </a></span> 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l147" href="#l147">147 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-directive">@Override</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l148" href="#l148">148 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">public</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">void</span> fatalError(<span class="c2html-type">SAXParseException</span> exception) <span class="c2html-keyword">throws</span> <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l149" href="#l149">149 </a></span>                     xmlerror.set(exception);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l150" href="#l150">150 </a></span>                     passed.set(false);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l151" href="#l151">151 </a></span>                 }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l152" href="#l152">152 </a></span>                 
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l153" href="#l153">153 </a></span>             });
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l154" href="#l154">154 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-type">Document</span> doc = reader.read(in);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l155" href="#l155">155 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (!passed.get()) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l156" href="#l156">156 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-comment">// TODO: provide details (maybe via separate error object?)</span>
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l157" href="#l157">157 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> xmlerror.get();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l158" href="#l158">158 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l159" href="#l159">159 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l160" href="#l160">160 </a></span>             doc.normalize();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l161" href="#l161">161 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l162" href="#l162">162 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-type">Element</span> root = doc.getRootElement();
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l163" href="#l163">163 </a></span>             metadata.read(root.element(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_METADATA</span>));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l164" href="#l164">164 </a></span>             
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l165" href="#l165">165 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Graph</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l166" href="#l166">166 </a></span>                 readGraph(root.element(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_GRAPH</span>));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l167" href="#l167">167 </a></span>             } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">if</span> (graph <span class="c2html-keyword">instanceof</span> <span class="c2html-type">Digraph</span>) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l168" href="#l168">168 </a></span>                 readGraph(root.element(<span class="c2html-type">TAG_DIGRAPH</span>));
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l169" href="#l169">169 </a></span>             } <span class="c2html-keyword">else</span> {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l170" href="#l170">170 </a></span>                 <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>(<span class="c2html-string">"unsupported graph type"</span>);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l171" href="#l171">171 </a></span>             }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l172" href="#l172">172 </a></span>         } <span class="c2html-keyword">catch</span> (<span class="c2html-type">DocumentException</span> | <span class="c2html-type">SAXException</span> ex) {
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l173" href="#l173">173 </a></span>             <span class="c2html-keyword">throw</span> <span class="c2html-keyword">new</span> <span class="c2html-type">IOException</span>(ex);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l174" href="#l174">174 </a></span>         }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l175" href="#l175">175 </a></span>     }
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l176" href="#l176">176 </a></span> }
-  </body>
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l1" href="#l1">1 </a></span> &lt;/body&gt;
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-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l3" href="#l3">3 </a></span> &lt;!c
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l4" href="#l4">4 </a></span> pblock_free(q);
-<span class="c2html-lineno"><a name="l5" href="#l5">5 </a></span> !&gt;
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