
Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:20:27 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:20:27 +0100
changeset 347
parent 16

prepare implementation of "variants"

introduces the class, implements basic DAO stuff, and
adds the new path parameter

relates to #491

-- Create a database owner role, which is also a privileged user
create user lightpit_dbo with password 'lpit_dbo_changeme';

-- Create the actual (unprivileged) database user
create user lightpit_user with password 'lpit_user_changeme';

-- Create the LightPIT schema
create schema lightpit authorization lightpit_dbo;
grant usage on schema lightpit to lightpit_user;

-- Grant basic privileges to user (the granting user must be the dbo)
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant select, insert, update, delete on tables to lightpit_user;
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant usage, select on sequences to lightpit_user;
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant execute on functions to lightpit_user;
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant usage on types to lightpit_user;

-- restrict the search path to the lightpit schema
alter role lightpit_dbo set search_path to lightpit;
alter role lightpit_user set search_path to lightpit;
