Fri, 14 Mar 2025 08:09:00 +0100
fix broken layout - issue #620
-- apply this script to patch a version < 1.5.0 database to version 1.5.0 alter table lpit_issue_history_event add userid integer null references lpit_user (userid) on delete set null; create table lpit_variant ( id serial primary key, project integer not null references lpit_project (projectid), name text not null, node text not null, color char(6) not null default '000000', ordinal integer not null default 0, description text, active boolean not null default true ); create unique index lpit_variant_node_unique on lpit_variant (project, node); create table lpit_issue_variant_status ( issueid integer not null references lpit_issue (issueid), variant integer not null references lpit_variant (id), status issue_status not null default 'InSpecification', outdated boolean not null default false, primary key (issueid, variant) ); alter table lpit_commit_ref add commit_time timestamp with time zone null;