Thu, 13 May 2021 18:01:56 +0200
removes useless guard
-- This script creates the module management tables -- create table lpit_user ( userid serial primary key, username varchar(50) not null unique, mail varchar(50), lastname varchar(50), givenname varchar(50) ); create table lpit_project ( projectid serial primary key, name varchar(50) not null unique, node varchar(20) not null unique, ordinal integer not null default 0, description varchar(200), repoUrl varchar(50), owner integer references lpit_user(userid) ); create type version_status as enum ( 'Future', 'Unreleased', 'Released', 'LTS', 'Deprecated' ); create table lpit_version ( versionid serial primary key, project integer not null references lpit_project(projectid), name varchar(20) not null, node varchar(20) not null, ordinal integer not null default 0, status version_status not null default 'Future' ); create unique index lpit_version_node_unique on lpit_version(project, node); create table lpit_component ( id serial primary key, project integer not null references lpit_project(projectid), name varchar(20) not null, node varchar(20) not null, color char(6) not null default '000000', ordinal integer not null default 0, description text, lead integer references lpit_user(userid) ); create unique index lpit_component_node_unique on lpit_component(project, node); create type issue_status as enum ( 'InSpecification', 'ToDo', 'Scheduled', 'InProgress', 'InReview', 'Done', 'Rejected', 'Withdrawn', 'Duplicate' ); create type issue_category as enum ( 'Feature', 'Improvement', 'Bug', 'Task', 'Test' ); create table lpit_issue_phases ( status issue_status primary key, phase integer not null ); create table lpit_issue ( issueid serial primary key, project integer not null references lpit_project(projectid), component integer references lpit_component(id), status issue_status not null default 'InSpecification', category issue_category not null default 'Feature', subject varchar(200) not null, description text, assignee integer references lpit_user(userid), created timestamp with time zone not null default now(), updated timestamp with time zone not null default now(), eta date ); create table lpit_issue_affected_version ( issueid integer references lpit_issue(issueid), versionid integer references lpit_version(versionid), primary key (issueid, versionid) ); create table lpit_issue_resolved_version ( issueid integer references lpit_issue(issueid), versionid integer references lpit_version(versionid), primary key (issueid, versionid) ); create table lpit_issue_comment ( commentid serial primary key, issueid integer not null references lpit_issue(issueid), userid integer references lpit_user(userid), created timestamp with time zone not null default now(), updated timestamp with time zone not null default now(), updatecount integer not null default 0, comment text not null );